Предатель Traitor | Руководители: The Syndicate Сложность: Средняя Обязанности: Убивать людей, красть шмот, проёбывать школу Руководства: Это оно Доступ: Куда есть рабочий доступ Дополнительный доступ: Куда сможете проникнуть |
Цитата: Так, пора быть продуктивным членом… Ух ты, клёво, я злодей! Я пошёл мочить людей! |
Ниже приведено руководство по основам предательства — для просмотра игрового режима нажмите здесь . Для получения информации об организации Синдиката см . Синдикат .
Неоплаченный долг. Счет, который нужно урегулировать. Возможно, вы просто оказались не в том месте и не в то время. Каковы бы ни были причины, Синдикат выбрал вас для проникновения на Космическую Станцию 13. Ваша цель — что бы они, черт возьми, ни говорили вам делать, вы не тот, кто командует здесь, друг . Время надеть штаны большого мальчика, прочитать о своих целях и сделать все, что потребуется. Или не надо. Тебе решать.
Как предатель, вы обычно появляетесь на любой работе, которую вам дали бы в противном случае, с набором целей, заданных Синдикатом, и аплинком(Uplink) для покупки предметов Синдиката, которые помогут вам в вашей работе. По умолчанию вашим аплинком является ваш КПК; с помощью мессенджера измените мелодию звонка на указанный код, чтобы открыть магазин, но не забудьте заблокировать его, когда закончите!
В зависимости от того, с какой работы вы начинаете, ваши цели могут быть проще или сложнее; В конце концов, быть главой с полным доступом намного свободнее, чем скромным ассистентом . Если вы особенно настойчивы и начинаете работу с правильными инструментами, вам может даже не понадобиться покупать предметы Синдиката.
Обратите внимание, что когда ИИ выбран в качестве предателя, он получает свои уникальные инструменты и механику. Прочтите «Неисправность», если хотите стать новым Скайнетом.
Ваши цели дают вам примерное представление о том, чего Синдикат ожидает от вас, и если вы выполните их все к концу раунда, вы получите свой гринтекст (то есть зеленое сообщение «Успех»). Обратите внимание, что за невыполнение задач не предусмотрено никаких штрафов или наказаний, за исключением того, что другие игроки будут высмеивать вас за это, и нет награды, кроме удовлетворения от победы, поэтому, если у вас есть сумасшедший план, который вы хотите осуществить, технически вы свободен проигнорировать вашу миссию по убийству клоуна в пользу создания системы распределения термоядерного синтеза на всей станции. Помните, что вы можете использовать кнопку Notes на вкладке IC, чтобы проверить свои цели и воспоминания в любое время.
Как антагонист, вы освобождаетесь от большинства серверных правил, отличных от OOC (за такие вещи, как OOC в IC, ERP и метакоммуникациях, вас по-прежнему будут банить). Хотите убить всю команду в коридорах, расслоить сверхматерию и отправить станцию в ад, полный крови и ужаса? У вас есть лицензия на гриф! Просто имейте в виду, что спешка с завершением раунда вместо того, чтобы потратить время на то, чтобы насладиться возможностью, вероятно, вызовет на вас гнев большинства других игроков, а другие предатели могут не оценить, что вы стоите у них на пути.
После того, как вы ознакомились с робастингом, пора начинать сеять раздор и хаос.
Кодовые слова
Чтобы помочь своим полевым агентам организовать заговор против Nanotrasen, Синдикат выдает всем предателям на борту станции набор кодовых слов, включая фразы и ответы. Каждый раз, когда кто-то произносит кодовое слово по радио или лично, это слово будет выделено для всех остальных предателей. Если вы видите, что кто-то произносит кодовое слово, и хотите попробовать найти союзника, скажите что-нибудь, используя ответную фразу, чтобы тонко намекнуть им, на чьей вы стороне.
Постарайтесь, чтобы ваша фраза звучала естественно! Вместо того, чтобы просто выкрикивать их, найдите способ естественно превратить их в предложение, например, попросите бармена по общественному радио приготовить вам напиток, название которого является кодовым словом. Если вы используете ответную фразу, вам не нужно формулировать ее так, чтобы она была ответом на кодовое слово; просто сказав это в любом контексте, вы получите сообщение. ̶З̶а̶б̶е̶й̶т̶е̶ ̶н̶а̶ ̶э̶т̶о̶ ̶в̶е̶д̶ь̶ ̶к̶о̶д̶о̶в̶ы̶е̶ ̶с̶л̶о̶в̶а̶ ̶н̶а̶ ̶а̶н̶г̶л̶и̶й̶с̶к̶о̶м̶ ̶я̶з̶ы̶к̶е̶.̶
В отличие от кровных братьев, антаги-одиночки, использующие кодовые слова, НЕ обязаны помогать друг другу. Попытка найти союзника всегда сопряжена с риском; ваши товарищи-предатели могут искренне искать партнеров, или они могут просто захотеть нанести вам удар в спину за ваши телекристаллы(TC) и добычу Синдиката. Тем не менее, выигрыш может быть богатым, так как один предатель может удалить твердые телекристаллы(TC) из своего аплинка и передать их другому для покупки редких и опасных инструментов, которые стоят более 20TC. Если вы найдете надежного соучастника преступления, вы сможете устроить на станции настоящий хаос!
В отличие от кровных братьев, вам разрешено предавать и убивать других антагов-одиночек, даже если они думают, что вы работаете с ними. Это мудачество, но быть мудаком - вот что такое Синдикат.
Братья по крови (в настоящее время отключены на серверах LRP)
Это как предатель, но с братской любовью! Вам и одному или двум другим мудакам придется вместе выполнить несколько заданий предателя. В начале раунда вам сообщат имена ваших братьев и дадут место, где вы сможете встретиться лично. Помните, что ИИ может читать сообщения КПК, поэтому личная встреча — самый безопасный способ заговора; не говорите по каналам связи ничего, что могло бы вас выдать!
Главное предостережение заключается в том, что вы не получаете никаких телекристаллов для покупки предметов предателя, поэтому вам придется обходиться собственной надежностью. Тем не менее, просто наличие друга или двух может иметь большое значение; если вы работаете в разных отделах, вы можете иметь общий доступ, и многие рабочие места могут работать вместе, чтобы создавать поистине дьявольские схемы. Чем больше людей в вашей команде, тем больше вероятность того, что хотя бы один из ваших союзников будет достаточно компетентен, чтобы взять на себя ответственность. Если один из ваших братьев является главой штаба, его авторитет может избавить вас от неприятностей, а если все остальное не помогает, проще нападать на цели в драке два на один.
В раундах с несколькими командами кровных братьев одна команда может иметь целью убийства другую, и наоборот. Если вы убьете кого-то, кого подозреваете в предательстве, стоит проверить его сообщения на КПК, чтобы узнать, есть ли у него собственные братья, которых можно заманить и прикончить.
Помните, что «лицензия на гриф» антагониста НЕ означает, что вы можете убивать своих союзников! Если вы огорчите своих партнеров как командного антага, вам напишут или забанят.
Двойные агенты (в настоящее время отключены)
Значит, ты двойной агент. Этот режим работает немного иначе, чем обычный Traitor, в том, что это абсолютная херня, вам поручают убить еще одного двойного агента! Однако это означает, что есть еще и двойной агент, который хочет убить ВАС! Вам нужно убить двойного агента, не дав убить себя. Некоторые элементы аплинка, такие как бомба, недоступны в этом режиме. Вам, конечно, не *скажут*, что это раунд с двойным агентом, но вы можете легко определить его по количеству целей, которые у вас есть.
Контрактники (удалено)
Хотите принять вызов? Хотите проверить свои навыки с потенциалом больших наград? Потратив все свои начальные телекристаллы на набор контрактника в аплинке, вы сможете получать награды для Синдиката и потенциально зарабатывать больше предметов и телекристаллов, чем в противном случае вы могли бы получить в одиночку.
Набор контрактника включает в себя специальную дубинку контрактника для вырубания целей, планшетный компьютер для заключения контрактов, некоторое полезное стелс-снаряжение и несколько случайных безделушек. Чтобы выполнить контракт, доставьте целевого члена экипажа живым или мертвым в определенное место на станции, и Синдикат извлечет его, наградив вас телекристаллами. Вы получите больше TC за живые цели, и они будут возвращены на станцию после задержки, а это означает, что команда узнает, что поблизости скрывается контрактник, в ближайшее время.
Успешно совершите достаточное количество похищений, и вы сможете заработать гораздо больше телекристаллов, чем 20, с которыми вы начали. Готовы ли вы выполнить задание?
Твои задачи
Крупая кража
Время грабить дерьмо! Вам поручено украсть такие вещи, как медаль капитана, старинный капитанский лазерный пистолет, бак с плазмой или даже чертов ИИ. Как правило, лучше всего проникнуть туда, где находится предмет, или забить любого, у кого есть доступ к нему.
Эта цель либо невероятно проста, либо невероятно сложна, в зависимости от вашей цели и вашей работы. Ботаник, пытающийся украсть диск ядерной аутентификации, столкнется с тяжелой борьбой, но Ученый, которому поручено украсть резервуар с плазмой, может просто прийти и забрать его.
См. список предметов высокого риска, чтобы узнать, что вам могут приказать украсть.
-'потому что, в конце концов, пока на планете есть два человека, кто-то будет желать чьей-то смерти..
Цели убийства просто требуют, чтобы вы убили определенного члена экипажа. Если вам повезет, кто-то или что-то убьёт вашу цель за вас. В таком случае поздравляем! Устройтесь поудобнее, затаитесь и избегайте цунами хаоса.
Вам не повезло? Хотите склонить чашу весов в свою пользу? Молодец. Есть целый шведский стол способов убить кого-то. Вы можете прочитать об этом ниже.
Ваша цель ДОЛЖНА быть мертва, когда шаттл причаливает к Centcom. Если вы хотите быть абсолютно уверенным, единственный способ — совершить преступление самостоятельно и убедиться, что никто не найдет тело или голову. Очевидно, вы все равно добьетесь успеха, если ваша цель присоединится к раунду в качестве антага в середине раунда или другого нового существа.
Вариант «Убийства», в котором просто предотвращение побега вашей цели на любом шаттле или спасательной капсуле также будет считаться успехом. Это дает вам немного больше свободы в том, как вы хотите подойти к этому. Девять раз из десяти это по-прежнему означает их убийство, но вам не обязательно! Будь креативным!
Уничтожить ИИ
Еще один вариант Убийства, за исключением того, что вашей целью всегда будет ИИ. Немного сложнее, чем ваша обычная цель, так как ИИ обычно устанавливается в хорошо укрепленном месте, и мертвый ИИ может быть оживлен, если кто-то с нужными инструментами проведет расследование. Вам придется найти способ физически добраться до ядра ИИ, забить его до смерти и убедиться, что никто не придет его спасать.
Часто лучший способ сделать это — взломать законы ИИ, чтобы сделать вас единственным человеком, поэтому он должен впустить вас, но не всегда все так просто...
Редкая цель, которую, вероятно, дал вам администратор. Ваша задача — поддерживать жизнь своей цели и надеяться, что она не покончит жизнь самоубийством и не потеряется в лаве навсегда. Другими словами, ха-ха, удачи.
Escape alive and without being in custody
Now, the difficult part, getting off of the station in either the Escape Shuttle or an Escape pod. Some players are going to want to cause the damage to get the shuttle called. Other players are going to want to hang back and let the station tear itself to pieces. The more people on the shuttle, the greater chance some MAD BOMBER will kill you and such.
How you escape is up to you, but remember that one emag or three different Heads of Staff IDs will reduce the departure timer to 10 seconds. Emagging the shuttle is a clear sign that someone on board is a traitor, though, so be ready for a fight. It's often simpler to just lay low, board the shuttle normally, and hope nobody randomly shivs you.
Keep in mind that the Shuttle Brig (area of the main shuttle marked with red flooring) is designed to transport prisoners to Centcom security. You will count as being "in custody" if you stand on this red flooring when the shuttle docks at Centcom.
Delta Alert
A Delta Alert means the station will likely explode or worse within 90 seconds or so; this is typically caused by a successful Blob, or a malfunctioning AI deciding to purge the filthy humans from its station with fire.
During Red and Delta alert levels, the escape pod control computers will have the option unlocked to "send to Lavaland". Sending your escape pod to Lavaland will count as you escaping alive without being in custody only IF the station does end up exploding from the Delta crisis, AND you stay in the pod until the round ends. It does NOT count if the Delta alert crisis is resolved, or if the round ends normally from escape shuttle arriving at Centcom.
FUCK. The Syndicate wants you to hijack the Escape Shuttle.
Since Oct, 2020, hijacking is done by alt-clicking the shuttle console 5 times. Each successful hack attempt will push the hijack stage one step, up to 5. Time needed per attempt depends on antag role and whether or not you have the hijack objective. Each hack alerts entire station. After five successful hack attempts, the shuttle will be redirected, even if crew are still on board.
There are a few methods to accomplish this. The first is to simply robust anyone who boarded. It seems easy at first, but once you're dealing with a tide of panicked crew trying to escape the singulo/changelings/malfunctioning AI the problem becomes exponentially more difficult. Another option is to seal off either the escape shuttle (best) or just the shuttle bridge (riskier). Build walls in front of the windows, hack the shuttle airlocks to drop the bolts and find some way to make the rest of the shuttle inhospitable. Typically you will either want to emag the shuttle's console, or swipe it with three different Heads of Staff IDs to force the shuttle to early launch after a quick 10 second countdown. This way you minimize the number of crew coming onboard. Then you must find a way to alt-click the shuttle console uninterrupted.
If all goes well, give yourself a pat on the back, you did it! If not, try to figure out where it all went wrong and improve on that. Escaping alone can be nearly impossible depending on the crew and station's condition. Sometimes it was not meant to be, but regardless, the only way to get better is to continue practicing!
What the objective says: die a glorious death. To succeed you must be dead by the end of the round. Dying and then getting revived does not count as having died.
Ever wanted to pull off some crazy, awesome stunt that would most likely leave you dead as a result? Now's the perfect opportunity! Or you could just provoke Security into gunning you down by pretending to be a changeling.
Using the "suicide" command to kill yourself is not a glorious death. Doing this will make you fail this objective, and you will not get your greentext.
Your Tools
Alright, you know your objective! Time to accomplish that goal! The Syndicate treats you much better than Centcom: on your person, you will have an uplink containing 20 telecrystals itching to be spent on traitory goods. The uplink will either be hidden in your PDA, Radio Headset, pen or a pre-installed uplink implant (-4 starting TC). With a PDA uplink, you will be given a code consisting of a phonetic alphabet letter, and a three-digit number. The Headset uplink can be accessed by tuning it to a specific frequency, and the pen can be accessed by turning the head a certain number of degrees.
Check Syndicate Items for a more detailed description on the goods, but don't go racing off to order those items ASAP. Although it can be useful to get items early, holding off until you need the item also has merit, so 6 crystals don't get wasted on an emag when you find the captain's spare ID on that assistant you just killed. Some items require you to pool your telecrystals with other traitors; other items are role-specific, like the Clown Car.
Each round, a small number of traitor items will be discounted. Always make sure to check the discounts first; you never know what fun toys you'll be able to get on the cheap! It's also a great excuse to try out new items you've never played with before.
Feeling overwhelmed? Here are some gear suggestions for a beginning traitor! Keep in mind this list doesn't include role-specific items, so make sure you check what unique options you have.
Melee Weapons:
- Energy Sword (8TC): Loud, flashy and lethal, the esword is the gold standard of Syndicate melee weapons. When turned off, it fits in your pocket, but when turned on it can bring victims to critical health in a few swings and passively reflect some projectiles. Its distinct sound and bright colors mean anybody who sees you wielding it will know what's up. If you can't afford a full esword, the Energy Dagger (2TC) is its baby brother.
- Double Energy Sword (16TC): Twice the energy sword, twice the murder. One of the most deadly weapons out there, double eswords are perfect for when you don't care about stealth and just want to shred a hallway of assistants while doing sick flips like Darth Maul. Also makes you almost immune to energy projectiles!
- Sleepy Pen (4TC): A wonderful, cheap, stealthy tool. Jab somebody with the pen, and you'll instantly inject them with its contents. By default, it comes with a cocktail that mutes your target and puts them to sleep after a few seconds, and it can even be refilled afterwards with any chemicals you can get your hands on.
Ranged Weapons:
- Stetchkin (7TC) and Revolver (13TC): The standard Syndicate guns. The Stetchkin is cheaper and smaller, fitting into pockets, but the Revolver deals more damage and penetrates armor.
- Mini Energy Crossbow (10TC): A small crossbow that fires very, very quietly, and recharges its own ammo. Doesn't do a ton of damage on its own, but stuns and causes vision damage.
- C4 (1TC): Slap it on something you want to blow up, wait a bit, and kaboom. Perfect for loudly breaking through walls and doors, though less effective as a weapon unless you can attach it to somebody.
- Syndicate Minibomb (6TC): The standard Syndicate grenade. Prime the fuse, throw it at something you don't like, and enjoy.
Gear and Implants:
- Storage Implant (8TC): Inject it into your body, and it lets you open a secret pocket to store up to two small items. A great place to hide your emag and energy sword, as well as somewhere safe to stash stolen loot. Make sure to dispose of the box and empty implant!
- Freedom Implant (5TC): After injecting it, you gain four uses of the ability to instantly break free of handcuffs and restraints. Useful if you're worried about Security, but once they know you can escape cuffs, they might just pull out their guns instead.
- Syndicate Space Suit (8TC): A red spacesuit. Unlike most spacesuits, it can fit in your backpack, and grants armor. Use it if you really need to be in space and can't get your hands on anything else. Red spacesuits are usually a huge red flag for the crew, though.
- Chameleon Kit (2TC): A full set of clothes. When you're wearing them, you can instantly change their appearance to match any other outfit. Switch from a Scientist to an Engineer instantly! The gas mask also disguises your voice to match whatever ID you're wearing, making it perfect to use with an Agent ID Card.
- Cryptographic Sequencer (6TC): Aka the Emag. Use it on doors and lockers to break them open, use it on cyborgs to make them loyal to you, use it on certain machines to unlock deadly functions. One of the most versatile tools in your arsenal, the only downside is that once you've emagged something, everybody can tell it's been hacked.
- Agent ID Card (2TC): A special ID card that works wonderfully for stealth. Clicking on it lets you change its appearance and name, and using it on any other ID card adds the target's access to the Agent card. As a bonus, the AI can't track you when you wear it. For best results, cover your face so you appear to others as the name on the card.
- Binary Translator Key (5TC): Put it in your headset, and you'll be able to hear and talk on the AI's private channel. Listening in on the silicons can be a huge benefit to a sneaky traitor, and if you manage to subvert the AI, it's a great way to silently chat with it.
- Syndicate Encryption Key (2TC): Put it in your headset, and you'll be able to hear and talk on every normal channel, from Security to Command to Medical. Again, eavesdropping can be wonderful to know when you're being hunted down.
- Hacked AI Upload Module (9TC): Laws uploaded using this upgraded Freeform Module are considered Law 0, take precedence over all other laws, and won't reveal to the AI who uploaded the law. Useful if you're positive that hacking the AI is your primary tactic.
For Fun:
- Briefcase Full Of Cash (1TC): Contains 5000 credits in cash, which can be placed in your id.
Money doesn't have any real use as of this writing, but it's a fun roleplay tool.As of THIS writing, you can buy a wt from cargo by ordering privately, making it the cheapest (tc wise) gun available, if cargo isn't swarmed by suspicious seccies that is. - Syndicate Bundles (20TC): Comes in two varieties, Tactical and Special. Each box contains more than 20TC worth of items, picked randomly from a pool.
- Syndicate Surplus Crate (20TC): Spawns a crate at your feet containing 50TC of random items. When you just want to have fun, or want to let the RNG decide your strategy. If you're lucky, you can even get items that normally cost more than 20TC!
- Syndicate Balloon (20TC): Does absolutely nothing other than tell the crew you have the balls to spend all your TC on a balloon and still kick their asses.
Useful Combos:
- Energy Sword + Energy Crossbow (18TC): The classic one-two combo. Shoot someone with the bow to down them, then murder them.
- Chameleon Kit + Agent ID Card + Cryptographic Sequencer + Storage Implant + Syndicate Encryption Key (20TC): A great stealth setup. The Chameleon Kit and Agent ID let you disguise as anybody, the Encryption Key lets you listen to and talk on any channel, the Emag lets you get into anywhere, and the Storage Implant gives you an almost unopenable place to hide your Emag and stolen goods.
- Binary Translator Key + Cryptographic Sequencer + Hacked AI Upload Module (20TC): The ideal setup for subverting the silicons. Emag a Cyborg to have it help you subvert the AI, then chat with your new robotic friends. Even better for Roboticists.
Illicit Access
Gaining entry to areas above your clearance is an important skill. Sometimes you're looking to loot stuff. Sometimes security or another traitor is chasing you and you need to escape them. Sometimes the AI has gone mad and has locked you in a room filling with deadly neurotoxin. A collection of ways to break into places can be found here.
Murder 101
Most traitors eventually have to kill someone, regardless of objectives, and knowing the right and wrong ways to do it will make or break your mission.
If you're inexperienced when it comes to slaughter, read the Combat page for the basics on becoming robust.
Getting Rid of the Body
Most of the methods of killing people leave behind a body (potentially) covered in evidence and more importantly able to be brought back from the dead. While the specifics of resurrection aren't important the requirements of these methods are.
- Defibrillation needs a mostly intact body which has been dead less than a certain amount of time. However, if Medbay knows what they're doing, they can often patch up and repair a corpse to the point where defibrillation is possible.
- Botany using Replica Pods to rebirth dead crew is probably the most difficult to prevent but the least likely to happen. Fortunately they need a blood sample from the body.
- Robotics doesn't actually bring the dead back (they still count as dead even if borged) but most cyborgs that aren't one-humaned to you are going to rat you out the moment they can speak. Fortunately, the brain is once again required to borg somebody.
Cutting someone's brain out or beheading them stops almost every method. Your common toolbox contains most of the tools you need and substitutes for the rest are in low security areas. A quick trip to cargo will get you a full set of tools or the ones you were missing, breaking a window or hopping the kitchen table will get you a knife, and breaking into the botany backroom will get you a hatchet to replace the saw. A brainless body is suspicious and bleeds everywhere so be prepared to ditch it right away. A quick disposals ride should be enough to prevent your location from being identified. Make sure to wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints!
If you have access to body bags, you should use them. People ask a lot fewer questions about people using body bags in public. Expect to get stopped several times by assholes opening the bag and make sure it looks like your heading for Medbay. Toss people out of the airlock at an angle, as most of the places where people check for bodies are in straight lines. Strip people of their jumpsuit if you can't dispose of them elsewhere and hide them in a locker that locks preferably to an access that is uncommon. Remember your new access is your access plus whatever your victim's access was. If all else fails, dropping a mini-bomb on the body will prevent it from coming back.
Getting Caught
Things never go that smoothly. Getting caught is a way of life on Space Station 13 and knowing how to get out of it is very important, and the best way to do that is to lie so much you believe yourself. Lie to everyone and everything that talks to you. Agree to any searches that won't get you busted for corpses or traitor items. Do anything to deflect the blame on to others. If you run around not saying anything dragging a locker of corpses around, you will end up dead. If you drag around that locker of corpses saying you were cleaning up maintenance and you are going to give the chef some meat, you may have a chance of not getting killed.
Note that your chances of this bluff being a success is shot to nothing if you get caught with any traitor items on you. As soon as that first emag or revolver is spotted, you're getting a face full of a harm baton and then the embrace of hard vacuum.
Additional Notes
Over the years, the Syndicate has had plenty of time to practice and share the best ways to deal with those pesky Nanotrasen crews. Below is a bevy of information to help you on your way.
Having Fun
Being a traitor is more than an obligation: it's a unique chance to have fun, cause chaos, and be the villain the station needs! A good traitor can kill his targets, break into secure areas and get out scot free, but the best traitors can create rounds worthy of being retold well after they conclude.
- Is your objective to kill somebody? Challenge them to a duel, try to murder them with unlikely objects, build elaborate death traps, try to convince Security they're the traitor - the options are limitless.
- Coming up with a gimmick can spice up your traitoring. Become the legendary Emag Man, determined to break open every single door on the station, or try to convince a doctor to surgically replace your arm with a chainsaw. Build conveyor traps that launch people into space, hide mousetrap bombs all over the station, or give the AI a silly law to keep the crew guessing whose side it's on.
- Remember that simply murderboning (killing everybody) will probably make ghostchat mad at you. You're perfectly within your rights to do it, of course, but everybody loves a traitor that does more than just drag people into maintenance and grind them up.
Space Gods, Give Me Laser Eyes
Despite popular opinion, the admins are not just here to ban people and press buttons. They're here to help make the round interesting – just like you! If you have a compelling and fun gimmick in mind, you can use the *pray command to ask the space gods for help making them reality. If you offer up your telecrystals, many admins will happily give you boons such as changing your species, spawning specific items for you, making Centcom announcements, and sometimes even letting you respawn as a differen minor antag. Just remember that the admins aren't under any obligation to give you 'TC trades'; for best results, come up with something unique, be polite, don't ask for blatantly overpowered things, and don't ask to become a nightmare every second round.
Another thing – if your objectives are boring, easy, or you've already completed them, you can pray for more. It's a good alternative to simply killing everything in sight if you can't think of something to do. For maximum realism, do this by emagging a command console; doing so lets you "send a message to the Syndicate", an in-universe way to send the admins a message.
Stealth and Access
- Having a spare ID always helps. Assistants are a dime a dozen, so it's not a bad idea to pin an assistant ID on your shirt before you go about any dirty business so your real identity is not compromised. Wearing a mask will cause others to see your name as the one on your ID, but unless you have a voice changing mask, speaking will reveal who you are. If you can get your hands on a wallet from the dormitories or from Botany's biogenerator (leather), it can hold up to 4 IDS.
- Security cameras see as far as you do (7 tiles). This means that if you can't see a regular camera, it can't see you. X-ray cameras see through walls; you can differentiate the curved protrusion on the side. You can disable cameras by opening them with a screwdriver and using wirecutters, though they can be fixed easily and the AI is likely to notice you doing it.
- When you take something from your bag, or put something in it, it creates a message that everyone around you can see. If the item is small enough to be placed in a normal box, only those adjacent to you will see the message. Don't get caught stuffing things into your bag!
- Fake Mustaches conceal your identity as well as a gas mask or helmet.
- There's an ID console near arrivals, in the security checkpoint. If you get all-access when you really shouldn't, you should use this to make extra ID's to stash somewhere for when Sec inevitably takes your original ID. If you pass by and see the outpost broken open, check to see if anybody else used it and left it logged in for you.
- Have an agent ID and a voice-changer mask? Why not use it to make that guy you murdered blame somebody else, or make him say he's committing suicide! If you find a dead body, take their name and claim to have seen xenomorphs or changelings to throw the station for a loop.
- The AI cannot examine anything except things it can see in its chamber. It can take pictures of you to see what's in your hand however.
- Know your maintenance. There are plenty of places where nobody looks, and you can easily make secret chambers by [[construction|constructing fake walls].
- Nobody checks the lockers in the locker room. Like, ever. And you need a fairly high level of ID to open lockers that aren't already coded to a specific PDA, so no worries about Joe Schmoe Assistant running in and stealing your hand tele.
- Latex gloves don't stop you from leaving your fingerprints everywhere; they leave partial prints. Black gloves confer fire and burn resistance, and insulated gloves are usually the most desireable of all.
- Good places to hide corpses include the Toxins Test Site, the far side of the AI Satellite, the various nooks and crannies around the station exterior, inside hidden chambers in Maintenance, and inside EVA suit storage units.
- You can use an IED on an r-wall to skip most of the steps of disassembling an r-wall.
Murder and Sabotage
- If you inject a power cell with plasma, it'll explode when it is used for anything. Likewise, injecting plasma into lightbulbs causes them to explode when turned on. Consider sabotaging lights when they aren't turned on, for your sake.
- Every time you throw a glass shard at a wall, it has a chance to become 'sharpened', increasing its damage from 4 to 15. There's no way to tell besides testing it on yourself, and throwing a sharpened shard will un-sharpen it again.
- The entirety of Disposals can easily be routed into space in certain maint areas, and you need only stun and drag people to a disposal bin to instantly kill them. Disposals can be a very potent weapon if used correctly, and there are plenty of correct ways. You just need to find them.
- Putting a tracking beacon in space can make the hand teleporter a instantly lethal weapon instead of a convenience.
- Never underestimate the power of banana peels and soap. Many haughty crewmembers have met their end at the hands of a Clown dragging around a peel behind him, only to be bludgeoned into unconsciousness while down and thrown into space.
- When security is chasing you, occasionally do a 180° and sprint back past them. If they’re space lagging enough, they won’t see you run by. This is especially effective if you’re being chased by the dreaded security mob, mainly because such mobs have a pack mentality. If you manage to throw off one officer, chances are good someone will follow him as well. Unless they are right on your ass, close doors you go through and open doors you don’t. People will chase open doors if they lose a visual on you. Also, tasers can’t go through doors and you can’t open a door during its closing animation, which can give you another extra second to duck into a maintenance tunnel.
- You can uncuff yourself while in a disposal unit.
- If you gain Head of Personnel access, you can use the HoP console to close any remaining Security positions to stop new officers from showing up.
- You can dip a cigar in anything. Dip a cigar in plasma, and the person who lights it will be gibbed if you can convince someone to smoke it.
- Armed mousetraps go off when somebody opens a container holding them. Attach a grenade to one, and the next person to reach into the bag gets a fun surprise.
- Bombing/deconstructing the engineering SMESes will almost always result in the engine becoming loose.
- Reverse pickpocketing doesn't produce a message for people you try it on (unless it fails). You can reverse pickpocket minibombs onto people. You can start the timer on the minibomb after you start the pickpocket attempt but before it's actually placed. At point blank range, the minibomb gibs provided the target has no protection. Go forth and explode pants.
- Bullets pass through windows, but not Grilles. Lasers and disablers pass through windows and grilles. Electrodes are blocked by both windows and grilles. Clicking on a window directly with a laser lets you shoot it.
- Spraying someone smoking a cigarette or holding a lit welder or energy sword, with welder fuel or alcohol, will set them on fire. Unlike other methods for setting someone on fire spraying does not show in the chatbox and it can be done from quite a few tiles away, or with unexpected items like pepper spray.
- Canisters can be physically destroyed with enough brute force to instantly release their contents.
- Diamond drills can break through r-walls in record time.
- A suspicious toolbox does fifteen damage instead of ten, making it as strong as a circular saw or a null rod.
- EMP effects disable headsets, and can scramble or interfere with many other machines, such as APC's.
- It's risky, but you can take out a combat mech with just an axe if you circle it well enough. Since they turn around slowly and must face you to fire, they can't do shit. The only issue is getting close enough.
- Lockers do not protect from space and atmosphere. So stun-locker-weld-space is a valid strategy.
- You can steal flashes from mounted flashers by using wirecutters. This will disable the flasher until a replacement flash is installed.
Emags And Other Traitor Items
- Emagging welded/bolted doors causes them to close permanently; afterwards, they can never be opened, only destroyed. Use this to your advantage when 'reserving' an escape shuttle for yourself or when hiding a powersink.
- All Cyborgs gain additional tools when emagged, in addition to having their laws rewritten to serve you. Engineering borgs can powerful stun arms, Medical borgs can fill people with toxins, Janitor borgs can spray lube everywhere, and more.
- Simple bots can also be emagged. Medibots will kill, Floorbots will rip up floors, Cleanbots will squirt acid on people, Security bots will arrest everybody, and more.
- The chameleon projector can be used to dodge projectiles by disguising as something small. You can also disguise as 'temporary' items like those in the Holodeck. While disguised, you can move freely in space for some reason, but still take exposure damage.
- You can change the timer on C4 to be extremely high; it tops out at 60000 seconds (1000 minutes = 16.7 hours). Scare the crap out of someone by planting irremovable C4 that will probably never detonate, or hang a live explosive on your wall for a stylish conversation piece.
- Every PDA holds a pen by default. Remove it and store your sleepy pen/energy dagger there.
- If you want the round to end and the shuttle to arrive. you have a few options. Delaminating and sabotaging the supermatter is almost always shuttle-worthy, as is bombing enough of the station. Using an EMP effect near the AI has a 15% chance to force a shuttle call, although this is difficult and risky. If you can access Atmospherics, pumping deadly gas into the air supply can amp up the pressure.
- If your objective is to steal the station blueprints, you can simply take a photo of them with a camera and escape with the photo.
- If your objective is to steal the nuke disk, steal the pinpointer as well. The reason should be self-evident.
- Dropping reinforced tables in the airlocks leading to the escape shuttle can be a vaible way to keep people from getting on board.
- If you emag an arcade machine, you can play Outbomb Cuban Pete. Winning grants you a powerful bomb, but losing kills you. If you want to risk it, here's a strategy:
- If your magic is less than 5, charge.
- If your health is less than Pete's, and your turtle value is less than 3, heal.
- Otherwise, attack.
- Healing increases your turtle value by 1.
- Attacking or charging your magic reduces your turtle value by 1.
- Pete will attack you for more damage if your turtle value is greater than 3.
- This technique gives you a win/loss ratio of about 1.7 on average. If your health is ever below 7, restart the game (screwdriver the arcade machine to restart).
- Also, once you get Pete to low health, be aware that he can steal your magic. This can result in your death easily, such as if you heal at 5 magic using up 3, and then he steals 2, bringing you to 0 and gibbing you.
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