Ядерный оперативник
Ядерный оперативник Nuclear Operative | Руководители: Синдикат Сложность: Очень сложно Обязанности: ДОСТАТЬ ЭТАТ ЧЕРТАВ ДИСК!1! Руководства: This page, Syndicate Items, [ЧТО, БЛЯТЬ, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ ДЕЛАТЬ ВО ВРЕМЯ ВОЕННЫХ ОПЕРАЦИЙ: ФИНАЛЬНОЕ РУКОВОДСТВО]] Доступ: Syndicate, Maintenance Дополнительный доступ: Любые места с помощью doorjack или взрывчатка C4 вам поможет в этом |
Цитата: :b Каков план, ребята? |
Мои поздравления, агент! Вы были выбранны для присоединения в нашу лучшую группу оперативников, ударную группу Ядерные Оперативники. Ваша миссия, независимого от того, решите принять в ней участник или нет, состоит в уничтожении самой передовой исследовательский центр NanoTrasen. Правильно, вы отправляетесь на Space Station 13.
Ядерные засранцы
As a Nuclear Operative, you are among the finest in the Syndicate's fighting force, the elite. You're nuclear. You're wild. You're no simple Traitor; you have full access to all of the Syndicate's available arsenal ranging from assault firearms, chemical weapons, high-power sniper rifles, RPGs, advanced implants, explosives, badass combat mechs, you name it. Not to mention the most important item of them all: A stolen Nanotrasen Nuclear Fission Explosive. You have all of this for one simple reason: to ensure the total destruction of Space Station 13.
Unfortunately, it isn't as simple as just fly in, plant the bomb, and get out. Nanotrasen has put in safety measures to ensure that even if stolen, their nukes cannot be activated without a special Nuclear Authentication Disk. These are usually granted to the Captain, their one true responsibility outside of leading the station. By the end of this however, you should be ready for what lies ahead.
Твои главные задачи
1. Резня.
- Достать Диск ядерной аутентификации (Находится на станции).
- Использовать диск на боеголовке (Nuclear Fission Explosive), запустить таймер и доставить на станцию (Находится на вашем шаттле (Infiltrator)).
- Вернуться на шаттле (Infiltrator) на базу живым
Но сначала, вы должны научиться ползать
Прежде чем что-либо предпринять, вы должны должным образом подготовиться. Нет необходимости спешить, вместо этого найдите время, чтобы обсудить стратегию со своими товарищами по команде - хорошо спланированный план - залог у успеху!
Список, обязательный к выполнению:
- Планируйте атаку (как вы достанете диск и активируйте боеголовку)
- Покупайте снаряжении в аплинке и вооружайтесь до зубов!
- Отправьтесь на станцию с помощью вашего корабля (Syndicate Infiltrator) или дайте знать, что вы отправитесь туда на вооруженном поде.
- Похитьте Диск ядерной аутентификации.
- Активируйте ядерную боеголовку (обязательно на станции).
- Эвакуируйтесь со станции на базу и отпразднуйте победу вместе с выжившей командой.
Знай свою команду
Все твои союзники имеют большой красный знак возле их голов. Контролируй свой огонь, когда находишься рядом с , ведь ты не хочешь попасть по своим и убить своего союзника-агента. Кроме того, у вас у всех будет одна фамилия, которую дает ваш лидер
У каждого отряда ядерных оперативников есть свой лидер. Он спавнится за столом бармена и он единственный имеет доступ к вашему синдикатовскому кораблю Лазутчик. Помимо этого у них уже есть специальная гарнитура с громким режимом, потому у них всегда будет большой текст в радиоканале синдиката, если лидер его не выключит. Если вы стали лидер, но не уверенны в ваших лидерских качествах, то передайте свою карточку и пульт объявления войны другому оперативнику.
Планируй нападение
Слушай своего командира (этот парень спавнится за стойкой и только у него есть доступ к Лазутчику)! Ваша команда должна обсудить свой план атаки, но последнее слово должно быть за лидером.
A couple of different approaching styles/ideas:
- Classic-style (Surprise Ops): Silently infiltrate the station and sabotage coms/AI. Then come blazing out of maintenance guns-a-blazing after the person with the disk. The classic and most effective style.
- Infiltrator-style (Stealth Ops): Silently infiltrate the station and acquire disguises, then change your Agent ID to a believable name. Assassinate the disk holder and nuke the station without the crew even knowing you're there. Very difficult to pull off and requires coordination.
- Hybrid-style (Split Ops): Basically Classic-style, but with one ore more stealth operatives to blend in and try to nab the disk if the crew isn't watching their back. A useful tactic if the main team fails to get the disk.
- Assault-style (War Ops): Have your leader declare war to grant your team a VERY large TC boost, at the cost of announcing your presence to the entire station and delaying your assault until the round has been going on for 20 minutes.
- Locker-style (Locker Ops): Cram your whole team into a locker, have someone in disguise drag the locker to the station, unleash a locker full of syndies right in front of the Captain. What a nasty suprise! Bonus points if you use the Delivery Office to mail your locker full of hurt to your target. (Fission Mailed operatives)
- Murderbone-style (Fluke Ops): Just kill everything that doesn't have a red S over it. Will most likely result in your failure if you try to take on every damn crewmate. After a while the amount of toolboxes thrown into your head adds up.
- STEELRAIN-style (Pod Ops): Use the drop pod located in the right side of the base to slam into a location of your choice on the station. CRASH AND BURN BABY, STEEL RAIN! Just make sure you have a way out!
These are just a few of the ways your team can try to get dat fukken disk. Experiment, come up with something different or more elaborate.
Объявление войны.
Объявление войны - "Cindy Kate has declared her intent to utterly destroy Space Station 13 with a nuclear device, and dares the crew to try and stop them."
The leader starts with a tool in his bag which can be used to declare war against the station. When activated, this alerts the crew that you're planning to kick down their door in about 20 minutes and gives the team a bonus of 280 TC. Declaring war doesn't change any of the above, except you lose the luxury of having time to come up with a plan and the element of surprise. Most times, declaring war means facing a completely armed and armored station hellbent on kicking your ass, so be sure to spend your Telecrystals wisely.
You have a special radio frequency, set in an encrypted wavelength. This is how you will, and must communicate with your team. Communicate passwords, safewords, and attack plans on this channel early, there is no telling who might get the headset later.
Making code named strikes with your team can be an effective way to deal with the crew, but it is difficult.
Safewords can be said if you see a comrade but both of you are disguised. "Shamalama dingdong!" or something - fast, and easy to say. The phonetic alphabet can also be useful for this, as in Alpha - A, Bravo - B, Charlie - C and so on.
Passwords are only useful if you have a door guard in the Infiltrator, or some one with the Military PDA. Make it as you want, said over the Syndicate frequency.
Alternatively, purchase a Codespeak Manual and speak in codespeak to prevent any crewmembers with the syndicate frequency from hearing you.
The Syndicate radio channel is shared by other agents if any are present, including Lavaland Communications Agents, normal traitors who purchase the syndicate encryption key item with telecrystals, and even malfunctioning AI units. Consider cooperating with them if they talk in your channel.
Ordering Gear as a Team
The operatives will get an amount of bonus telecrystals based on the round population, allowing nuke op equipment to scale with the increased threat of a fully-manned station.
Each operative spawns with a personal Syndicate Uplink radio with 25 Telecrystals pre-loaded. If war is declared, everyone will gain a large amount of extra TC, automatically evenly distributed.
Pause and think hard. Which Syndicate Items will you need? Which can cause a huge backlash if used against your team? Now, consider what everyone else will likely need. The problem with the agent ID is the access -- you have very little, but an emag, powersink or stolen high-ranking ID will change that in a moment. You do not have an ID or a position at the station, so don't worry about people finding the emagged doors. Everyone on the team should have one. The chameleon kit isn't an available option for sneaking in as a Nuke Op, but other items such as a chameleon projector, stealth implant, or simply a change of clothing can work just as well. Bombs are great in the right hands. Energy swords, especially if you purchase double-bladed eswords, are good for blocking enemy fire - but can be easily turned against you if an assistant gets a lucky disarm in. It is likely you may take damage, which is when the usefulness of the medigun and medkits come into play. Syndicate borgs are great tanks, and are even more robust if you have a welder, but are at great risk from ion rifle shots. Mechs are devastating assault option that can soak up tons of damage and dish out just the same, but are rendered almost useless if Security remembers they have the ion rifle. Getting geared up as a team is all about balancing what the entire team has, making sure that most concerns like access, firepower, recovery, distractions, etc. are all addressed.
You will spawn in the main control room of the base. In the syndicate control room, you will find a few various items strewn about, nothing of too much importance. This is mostly your meeting place to discuss your plan/celebrate your victory after the mission (hopefully). About the only things of note would be the one free Big Red Button which detonates all active syndicate bombs at once, and of course Cayenne, your lovable space carp mascot.
Head through the door towards the south and you'll find the Equipment Room. This contains some lockers with basic gear. Pick out what you need from one of the lockers, having the gear in these lockers comes in handy. Consider taking the Ion Rifle to use against enemy silicons, or purchasing from the YouTool vending machine.
Расположенно 5 шкафчиков, в каждом:
- Тактическая водолазка
- Черные ботинки
- Стандартная гарнитура с предустановленным ключем шифрования синдиката.
- Нагрудной пояс для хранения дополнительного вооружения.
- Оперативная кобура - альтернатива нагрудной установке, если вы планируете использовать крупнокалиберное оружие, такое как снайперские винтовки и ракетные установки
- Карманная монтировка (Абсолютно необходимо, когда ваша команда использует powersink. Помещается в коробку)
- Очки ночного видения
- 10mm Pistol Magazine
На корабле Синдика, например в Хранилище инструментов, который содержит:
- Очки ночного видения.
- Подозрительно выглядящий ящик с инструментами (У тебя должен быть гаечный ключ, что бы прикрутить высасыватель энергии.)
- 2 подозрительных маячков. (Этими маяками являются бомбами синдиката, не берите их просто так, обычно они являются частью операции.)
- 2 минибомбы синдиката.
- 5 блоков C4.
- Медицинская спортивная сумка синдиката.
- Военный ПДА с detomatix картриджом.
- Коробка гранат со слезоточивым газом.
- Коробка с оглушающими гранатами.
- 5 магазинов для пистолета.
- Многие другие виды универсальных инструментов, таких как датчики приближения и устройства дистанционной сигнализации.
You must now equip yourself for space travel so you can invade the station.
- If you haven't bought an elite/shielded hardsuit, get a blood-red hardsuit from the E.V.A Gear storage room on the shuttle.
- Take the syndicate mask from the box in your backpack and wear it.
- Ensure your hardsuit is in EVA mode instead of combat.
- Take an oxygen tank from the rack and fill it in the O2 canister.
- Put the tank in your suit storage and activate your internals.
- (Optional) If you don't want to use the built-in jetpack on the hardsuit you can use the jet harness, use it as you would a normal jetpack. It can also be used as your internals.
- Pick out your Syndicate agent card ID's disguise (or wait till you get to the station).
Once you are space ready, and your internals are running from your jetpack, look into the Equipment Room and pick up a pair of Night Vision goggles if you have not already bought a pair of thermals, this is double important if you plan on using a Powersink.
You are now completely outfitted, check the inside of your backpack/military belt and throw out what you will not use, this will be handy for the next stage of equipping yourself with weapons.
И это... Это мое оружие
Самая лучшая часть вашего плана: это выбор оружия.
The Operatives are not without their heavy arsenal of weapons, tools and explosives that allows them to best even the station's Security force. The staple of Syndicate operatives is their exclusive use of ballistic weapons. Energy guns, laser rifles, and disablers typically used by station Security are much too advanced for the Syndicate to have on hand. And besides, at the end of the day a big ass LMG with ammo to spare is going to beat one laser gun that has to constantly recharge.
Пушки, пушечки и еще раз пушка!:
Краткий и грязный список обычного огнестрельного оружия, используемого оперативниками Синдиката на станции.
- Stetchkin Pistol -- Бесплатен. Стандартное оружие. 8 патрон, 30 brute урона с выстрела. Это второстепенное оружие из-за низкой скорострельности и его боеприпаса, но оно может быть полезно в крайнем случае. Боеприпасы можно найти на базе синдиката в шкафчиках, в аплинке и на вашем шаттле, но все же лучше их не покупать
- C-20r Submachine Gun -- 10 Телекристаллов. SMG для ближнего-среднего боя. 24 патрона, 30 урона от встрела. Известен и популярен среди нюкеров, стреляет по два патрона для лучшего урона. Огромный потенциалиал.
- Bulldog Shotgun -- 8 Телекристаллов. Ружье для ближнего боя. 8-ви зарядный, полуавтоматический. Пять типов боеприпасов. Великолепен для столкновение на близких дистанциях, как в технических туннелях.
- M90-gl Carbine -- 18 Телекристаллов. Этот карабин стреляет по 3 патрона и снаряжен подствольным гранатометом. Магазины содержат по 30 патронов, а brute урон при попадании - 35 , чего более, чем достаточно для небронированных целей. Дополнительно можно докупить HE гранаты в аплинке за 2 TC каждая.
- L6 SAW -- 18 Телекристаллов. Облегченный пулемет. 50 патронов, 45 brute урона при попадании. Ужасно мощное оружие, способное поражать несколько целей одной очередью. Однако очень громоздкий и не может поместиться в рюкзаке, потому его нужно всегда носить с собой.
- Sniper Rifle -- 16 Телекристаллов. Специализированное оружие для специалиста или сумашедшего. Сумашедшая снайперская винтовка для стрельбы по дальним мешеням. 6 патронов, стандартный тип которого может открывать конечности и наносит 70 brute урона при попадании. Снайперская винтовка, как и пулемет, не помещается в рюкзаке, а так же оставляет за собой много шума при выстреле.
Оружие для ближнего боя:
The Syndicate is not without its CQC options. Have a quick look at the most common available melee weapons.
- Энергетический меч -- 8 Телекристаллов. 30 brute за удар. Отличное запасное оружие. Хорош для продолжения битвы, если вы остались без патронов или экономите их. Может быть отключен, что бы поместится в кармене.
- Двойной энергетический меч -- 16 Телекристаллов. Что бы может быть лучше энергетического меча? Два энергетических меча! Двойной энергетический меч чрезвычайно мощное оружие, способное отправить цель без брони в крит за 3 удара, (и даже, вероятно, оглушить, расчленить или отправить его в безсознательное состояние задолго до этого!) Как и обычный энергетический меч все еще может отключен и поместиться в кармане.
- Энергетический щит -- 16 Телекристаллов. Мощная штука, которая отражает все энергетические и лазерные снаряды, но пропускает пули. Используйте вместе с энергетическим мечом для убойного комбо.
- CQC Manual -- 13 Телекристаллов. Прочтение этой одноразовый книги научит вас CQC - боевому исскуству. CQC позволяет делать мощные комбо, которое могут вывести противника из строя за пару секунд, потому он очень популярен среди оперативников, которые предпочитает действовать скрытно. Есть шанс блокировать и контратаковать атаки с активным режимом броска.
Heavy Fire Support:
The Mechs, the biggest and baddest. The Syndicate gives you an option of not one but TWO different combat mechs. Make sure you can match the price tag however, they're not cheap.
Dark Gygax Exosuit -- 80 Telecrystals. One of the two assault mechs available to the operatives. At a heavy investment this mech provides a very powerful and versatile assault platform to support the assault into the station.
- FNX-99 "Hades" винтовка, которая поджигает цель при попадании
- Гранатомет SGL-6, который стреляет светошумовыми гранатами.
- Персональное устройство для телепортации
- Tesla energy relay, который подзаряжает мех
- Thrusters, двигатели, которые рабоют в безвоздушном пространстве для маневренности меха
- Может ускорять мех за счет ускоренного потребления энергии.
Dark Mauler Exosuit -- 140 Telecrystals. The single most expensive item available to the Operatives, the Dark Mauler is an unholy terror to behold to even the most elite of Security personnel.
- Ultra AC2 Machine Gun that fires in bursts.
- LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" exosuit shotgun.
- SRM-8 Missile Rack
- Tesla energy relay
- Thrusters for space-maneuverability.
- Smoke grenade dispenser
- Armor booster module (Ranged weaponry)
Киборги Синдиката
Телепорты киборгов Синдиката покупаются в Аплинке за некоторое количество телекристаллов. Случайный игрок в режими призрака будет выбран в качестве киборга, если он заранее включил Ядерного оперативника в предпочтениях (если желающих нет, то телепорт можно вернуть применив его на аплинке). Киборги Синдиката очень эффективы, если вы действуете в открытую, ведь они не подвластны оглушениям, а все их повреждения, если они не критичные, можно обратить обычной сваркой. Так-же у киборгов есть передовое вооружение Синдиката, как Емаг для взлома других киборгов на станции. Как и обычные оперативники, киборги Синдиката могут определить союзника
Киборги Синдиката, как и обычные синтетики, могут прослушать и говорить на бинарном канале. С одной стороны, это позволяет им подслушивать ИИ; с другой стороны, борг синдиката, который случайно скажет что-то по этому каналу, может выдать всю вашу операцию, так что будьте осторожны!
140 Телекристаллов. Подлая машина для убийств с доступом к энергетическому мечу, LMG, Емагу и шести-зарядному гранатомету.
- Вспышка
- Энергетический меч
- LMG, который стреляет по 3 пули разом. Медленно перезаряжается с помощью энергии киборга.
- Шести-зарядный гранатомет, который не может быть перезаряжен.
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- Лом
- Карманный огнетушитель
- Пинпоинтер Синдиката
35 Телекристаллов. Менее смертоносен, чем штурмой вариант, но все еще удивительно полезен. Медицинские киборги являются эффективными боевыми медиками у которых есть боевой гипоспрей, полный набор хирургических инструментов и медициский пистолет с лечебным лучем, который лечит оперативников на расстоянии.
- Гипоспрей синидката, содержащий Лечебных Нанитов, Йодистый Калий и Морфин. Возобновляющийся и способен вводить реагенты, минуя хардсюиты и космические костюмы.
- Боевой Дефибриллятор, который может работать через риги оперативников.
- Медицинский лучевой пистолет
- Анализатор здоровья
- Полный набор хирургических инструментов, включая энергетическую пилу, марлю и сумку для хранения органов.
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- Вспышка
- Лом
- Карманный огнетушитель
- Пинпоинтер Синдиката
35 Телекристаллов. Хорош для саботажа, так как может маскироваться под обычных инженерных киборгов на станции. Киборги-диверсанты также имеют доступ к поддельному теггеру назначения, который можно использовать для перемещения по станции с помощью сети утилизации.
- Сварочный инструмент
- Лом
- Гаечный ключ
- Электрическая отвертка
- Кусачки для переризания проводов
- Синтезатор металла
- Синтезатор стекла
- Синтезатор проводов
- Укрепленное стекло
- Пруты
- Плитки пола
- Роботически RCD (Перекрашен в цвета синдиката, чисто косметическое)
- Диспенсер труб
- Wire Synthesizer (can be replenished faster by clicking on wire coils with the wire module active.)
- Огнетушитель (необходимо заправлять вручную).
- Застежки (наручники)
- Вспышка
- Термальное зрение
- Поддельный указатель места назначения
- Хамелеон-прожектор
- Пинпоинтер Синдиката
Guys? Where are you?
Syndiborgs have a handy little device called the operative pinpointer. This does not point toward the nuclear disk like the nuke op pinpointers did - instead, this points towards the nearest nuclear operative. If a syndiborg is lost or the radio is dead silent, they can use the pinpointer to find their way to an operative. Of course, it does have drawbacks, like not discriminating between a Syndicate corpse and a Syndicate operative, as well as a tendency to stick to the same operative. However, it's very useful for coordinating with your team, and since it has no power draw it should be kept active at all times.
Actually Getting There
Alright, your team has a plan, you've geared up, and you're ready to get dat fukken disk. The Final Step: Getting to the Station.
You have two options with their ups and downs. Pick and chose from...
The Syndicate Infiltrator
The Syndicate Infiltrator is the standard ship that operatives use to conduct their clandestine operations. It's controlled using the syndicate shuttle terminal in the cockpit, which can be used to travel a point near the station for it to jump. There is an additional console allowing the creation of a custom destination around the station. The Infiltrator itself is outfitted with powerful turrets which fire damaging penetrator rounds at anything that isn't an operative, as well as only one entrance that can be sealed with a blast door to keep those who somehow bypass the turrets from getting in.
When choosing a spot to send the ship, make sure your team is going to remember where it is and that it is mostly out of sight for those in EVA on the outside of the station. Many an operative has gotten lost in deep space because the Infiltrator was put somewhere weird.
The Assault Pod
Grab your team, cram into the pod, select your area and launch. You'll be on station within seconds, obliterating anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the way. The pod is also lined with turrets that fire on anyone not Syndicate, so even if you don't land on them they will likely be caught in a hailstorm of bullets. From there it's a simple matter of assaulting the crew and cornering whatever poor bastard has the disk.
Caveat emptor: The assault pod is a one way trip so make sure you have an exit strategy. When taking the assault pod, always be sure that one operative flies the shuttle close to the station so the assault team have a way out after the disk has been secured.
Dat Fukken Disk
Alright. You and your team have made their way onto the station. You're most likely huddled up in maintenance, psyching up for the next part: getting the Nuclear Authentication Disk.
You need this disk to activate the nuke, but as it could be guarded by the Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, or the Clown... you best go in without second thoughts or distractions. Even a lure and false positive to get the disk holder to where you want them will be effective.
One method includes blowing up the wall the disk holder has their back to. A block of C4 will knock down any wall and seriously wound whoever's on the other side.
If you're in the bag for a more elaborate ruse, have one of your team members cause a ruckus in a secure area, forcing the disk carrier to flee right into the arms of your waiting team members.
Don't be afraid to think outside the box! This game mode in particular lends itself to unconventional approaches.
If you declared War, be prepared for the possibility that the crew took extra precautions to make sure the disk was annoying as possible to get/find. They could have stashed it in a box inside of a backpack filled with boxes, in a locker filled with backpacks (also filled with boxes), inside a locked/welded/wrapping paper covered locker in a secure room filled with lockers. Or they could have surgically shoved the disk into the chest cavity of the Clown for safe keeping. Who knows! You declared War; expect these things to be a possibility as a result.
Finding the Disk
Each operative will start with a syndicate tablet in one of their pockets. Grab it, turn it on by using it in your hand and turn on the Fission360 program. You can click "scan" and select the nuke disk. Do so as soon as possible and then put the tablet in your inventory somewhere you can see it. It will have an arrow overlay tracking the disk.
Now, you have your equipment, tools, and toys. But the trouble is just getting started as you strike the heart of the wild.
You are equipped and armed with the best, but what matters is the will to win, and the thirst for blood. Couple that with wisdom, and a large helping of know how, and you have a chance. But what makes the Syndicate agent successful isn't their red suit, or revolver, it is their team.
Cindy Kate говорит: «Attention! If you have an objective to steal a Plutonium Core from the nuke, you're in the wrong place, instead look here.» |
Getting the disk is just the first half of the battle. Now you have to destroy the station. Haul ass back to the Infiltrator and grab the nuke from the aft storage area. You'll need to put in the disk first to unanchor the bolts keeping the nuke in place. Take the nuke back to the station and find an area to set it up.
Now follow these guidelines in order:
- Click it with your open hand.
- Place the Nuke Disk into the slot.
- Punch in the nuke code, hit enter. You can check the code by going to the IC tab and viewing the notes verb.
- Set the time.
- Set it to Armed.
- (Optional) Disengage the anchor.
- (Optional) Have it timing as you run off with the thing (if you die it will still go off).
- (Optional) Place the nuke anywhere you want on the station.
- (Optional) Anchor it.
- Take the Nuke Disk out.
- Take the disk with you, or have something to throw off the crew's pin pointer.
- Get back to your Infiltrator.
If any other Nuke Agents are alive, give them a moment to get to the Infiltrator. Once you and your buddies are loaded in the Infiltrator, get out of there. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done once you get back; you've earned it.
Mission Debriefing
Congratulations. Your efforts have (hopefully) resulted in the destruction of Space Station 13, a major blow against the Nanotrasen scum. Your contributions towards the Syndicate are appreciated. You will be compensated handsomely of course for your continued cooperation. Your team is now on standby until the next assignment is distributed.
Depending on how well your operation went, there are multiple 'endings' to a Nuclear Operatives round:
- Syndicate Major Victory: The operatives managed to get the disk and detonate the nuke on-station, and at least one operative made it back to their home base alive. What you should be aiming for!
- Syndicate Minor Victory: The crew manages to flee on the Escape Shuttle, but the disk is still on the station z-level. The crew may have lived, but the station is yours to blow up off-screen.
- Crew Major Victory: The crew manages to secure the disk and take it with them on the Escape Shuttle. The mission was a failure, and all that's left to do is for any surviving operatives to go home in shame.
- Crew Minor Victory: The nuke was set off, but not on the station's z-level. The Syndicates got dat fukken disk, but without the only nuke they brought, they'll have to take it home as a consolation prize.
- Neutral Ending: The Syndicates manage to nuke the station, but they all die in the process. Technically a win for the Syndicate, but a loss for everybody involved, on both sides.
- Humiliating Syndicate Defeat: The crew managed to take a Syndicate ID card from one of the operatives before they self-destructed, hijacked the Syndicate cruiser, flew it back to their home base with the disk, and detonated the nuke at the operative's HQ. How did you fuck up this badly, holy shit.
- Set your ID to a crew member. Give it a legit job. Set your fucking ID to a fucking crew member's name and give it an actual job like Chemist or something.
- The gloves you start with are already insulated.
- You can put all your nuke op equipment into your backpack. Even your hardsuit and jetpack.
- For the love of all that is holy, do not lose your ID, otherwise you'll end up locked out of the Syndicate Shuttle while the nuke timer ticks down.
- Thermal glasses will make you vulnerable to being flashed, even with your hardsuit helmet on. NVGs do not.
- The black-and-red space suit is good for inserting a stealth OP onto the station. The crew is less likely to go into a panic at the sight of a regular space suit rather than the iconic blood-red hardsuit.
- Always bring C4/X4. There are few things more embarassing than an operative that gets stopped by a bolted airlock.
- Your cyborgs can also remotely interact with machines just like regular cyborgs. If you get bolted down by the AI, they can open the way for you.
- Be careful of falling behind and getting lost in space.
- To talk with your team, just talk as if you wanted to talk on the standard radio channel by using the ; prefix, your headset is different and only your team will hear you. :t can also be used if you add a syndicate key to a normal headset.
- Subvert or destroy the AI first. It can give you away. Syndicate borgs are able to dispose of the AI without it screaming for help over the comms, and a sniper with thermals and penetrator rounds will do the job just as well.
- Make sure the Escape Shuttle can't be called and then you can't technically lose!
- Always keep in communication with your team. Having backup and knowledge of what's happening from both the Syndicate and loyal station fronts goes a long way towards an easy victory and far outweighs the damage someone who stole a Syndicate headset can do.
- Installing a power sink on the station is a popular strategy. Make sure you bring night-vision goggles!
- Taking out telecommunications is a good way to ensure the crew remains confused and disorganized.
- Ignore the nuke in the vault on the station. It has a completely different code, and without an admin checking the var and giving it to you, it would
take you days to guess itbe impossible to activate. - For the love of fuck do not mistake a Science Disk for the Nuke Disk, science disks are Yellow and Nuke Disks are Green.
- Do not buy a mech unless you are absolutely sure you are capable of making it an asset. It is suggested that you blow out the back of the armory to steal the Ion Gun, as that alone can invalidate any mech it fires at.
- Use the red button found in your base to instantly blow up all deployed syndicate bombs in the game.
- If you know that the station has cyborgs, bring a flashbang or ten. Flashbangs are very effective at taking out cyborgs, and you can emag-crowbar-emag the stunned cyborg to subvert it. The ion gun found at the base is also good for this.
- Purchasing No-Slip shoes is always a good idea; getting dunked on by the clown because you slipped on a banana peel is not the best way to go out.
- You can quickly and quietly rob the armory by applying c4 to the wall from space. No loud beeping. No ruckus. C4, grab the guns, get out.
- If going stealth, the regular headsets in the locker room come pre-loaded with a Syndie key. Chameleon headsets don't.
- Saboteur Cyborgs don't have a built in cryptographic sequencer, meaning they cannot hack station borgs. They can still however easily flash the other borgs while disguised so they can bring them to a disguised operative who can.
- The L6 SAW is a monster of a weapon compared to most guns available in the game. A full three round burst is a guaranteed crit even at full health, and it can sometimes still achieve this even when they have armor. Hold a chokepoint like a doorway or a long maintenance tunnel and lure crew into it. Gun them down.
- Macrobomb implants are not the worst idea if you don't expect to live. Lure a bunch of crew into fighting you in an important area, and upon death watch as the blast wipes the screen of everything who didn't hear the beeping.
- You can purchase a novelty Broken Chameleon Kit. They gave all the good ones for Traitors, leaving you with the malfunctioning ones. Makes you stick out like a sore thumb, perfect for comboing with your Syndicate ballon.
- You can purchase a full clown costume. Wearing this will be enough to terrify most crew members.
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