TGMC:Corporate Liason

Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
Версия от 16:02, 1 января 2021; imported>Gohunt001 (→‎Faxes)
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DMCA Logo.png Эта страница относится к TGMC.

TGMC это билд, созданный на основе CM-SS13 и переделанный под ТГ.

TGMC liaison.png

Corporate Liaison

Доступ: Civilian
Additional Access: N/A
Сложность: Easy
Звание: N/A
Категория: Civilian
Вышестоящие: Commander, High Command
Задачи: Annoy the crew and send faxes.
Руководства: Guide to Paperwork
Цитата:"Hi! i like money!"


The Corporate Liasion is Nanotrasen's link to the TGMC. Their job is to oversee the operation to take back the surface which is, naturally, Nanotrasen property. Mechanics wise, the CL has no real duties or responsibilities. They are free to do whatever they please(within the server rules, of course) unless told otherwise by ship command. This is their ship after all, and they have lots of guns(which is the most influential thing, really). So be it setting up a bar at the FOB, running around in a xenomorph costume, or asking the CSE out on a date Acting like a complete wierdo, the CL has the lack of responsibility or skills to be the best useless person aboard the ship. Just roleplay like hell and spread the vibe. This is after all, an MRP server, and you can help remind people about it.


One of the core things you will be doing as Corporate Liaison is basically acting as a link between the ship and Nanotrasen.

You will be writing faxes to communicate to the company, requesting supplies, giving general reports of the operation, and just to talk to them.

Be aware that the faxes go directly to admins, and it is up to them to respond or not. Writing your forms in professional manner is crucial helpful in getting a response, as admins do not always like to write faxes back. Either that or they're busy doing something else, or lack the skills and the will to do anything really substantial. Also keep in mind to not bother asking for anything that might fuck up the game balance, as those are surely never going to be approved.

TGMC PFC Jim.png
Командование DMCA CO.gif Капитан, TGMC FC.png Полевой Командир, DMCA SO.png Штаб-офицер, DMCA PO.png Офицер-Пилот
Инженерия и Снабжение TGMCCE.png Главный корабельный инженер, DMCA RO.png Офицер снабжения, DMCA MT.png Корабельный инженер
Медицина DMCA CMO.png Главный врач, DMCA Doctor.png Военный врач, TGMC researcher.png Исследователь
Морпехи TGMC SL.png Командир отделения, TGMC SG.gif Смартганнер, TGMC Engineer.png Инженер отделения, TGMC Corpsman.png Санитар отделения, TGMC Marine.png Морпех
Гражданские TGMC liaison.png Представитель корпорации
Роботизированные TGMC Combat robot.gif Боевые роботы, DMCA Synthetic.png Синтетик, AI.gif ИИ
Тир 0 LarvaTGMC.png Грудолом, TGMC minions.gif Прислужники
Тир 1 Wiki Images.png Трутень, RunnerTGMC.png Бегун, DefenderTGMC.png Защитник, SentinelTGMC.png Часовой
Тир 2 HivelordTGMC.png Лорд улья, CarrierTGMC.png Переносчик, TGMC Wraith.png Призрак, HunterTGMC.png Охотник, Bull TGMC.png Бык, WarriorTGMC.png Воин, SpitterTGMC.png Плеватель
Тир 3 TGMC Gorger.png Поглотитель, TGMC Defiler.png Осквернитель, RavagerTGMC.png Опустошитель, CrusherTGMC.png Крушитель, PraetorianTGMC.png Преторианец, DMCA Boiler.png Бойлер, TGMCWidow.png Вдова, TGMC Warlock.png Варлок
Тир 4 Shrike.png Принцесса, QueenTGMC.png Королева, TGMC King.png Король, TGMC hivemind.gif Разум улья
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