
Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
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DMCA Logo.png Эта страница относится к TGMC.

TGMC это билд, созданный на основе CM-SS13 и переделанный под ТГ.

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Причина: "Причина не указана"

Сложность: Hard
Вышестоящие: The Queen
Задачи: Be the psychic support of the hive, become queen when the previous one runs headfirst into a missile.
Руководства: N/A
Цитата: "Oh boy, here I go flinging nades back to marines again."

The Shrike

THE BETA. The shrike is one of the few xenomorphs that have harnessed telekinesis to defeat the marines, but with this great power comes with great responsibility. With such psychic abilties, you are also tasked to lead the hive with and without a queen. Since you are not queen, you are not as heavy as the queen, so you cannot withstand much damage from marines; in fact, you can get stunned by shotguns and mateba. You are a support caste and should not be spearheading the xeno charge. However, your fling does provide a good stun against one marine, making you an excellent duelist.

If the Queen and Shrike die, then the hive will be orphaned and collapse within 2 minutes. If there is no Queen or Shrike in that time period, there will be a marine major.

Using the Force for Offense

So, seems that you have become the shrike, but what do you do now?

First steps:

  • Turn on your pheromones to either recovery, a typically non-combat pheromone, or the warding and frenzy pheromones which increase combat performance of you and your fellow xenos
  • Use your Call Burrowed ability regularily, as it allows dead players to respawn at your feet as burrowed larva. Use only while you are safe as larva can easily die

Now that thats done, what should I be doing? Go help support your fellow xenos at the front line with healing and through the use of your abilities "Fling" and "Devastating Force". As you are more of a support caste marines will be especially eager to kill you. Do note you should not try to take on marines on your own, as you do not do much damage and your abilities are perfect for opening opportunities for your allies.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths

The Shrike is a Tier 3 and can evolve into a queen if there are more than 8 xenos in the hive.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

  • Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage.
  • Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value.
Age Health Plasma Pherom Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid
Young 325 750 1.5x 20 30 30 30 30 60 10 10 30 10
Mature 350 850 2.3x 20 35 35 35 35 60 15 15 35 15
Elder 375 900 2.6x 23 40 40 40 40 60 18 18 40 18
Ancient 400 925 3x 23 45 45 45 45 60 23 23 45 23

Shrike Abilities

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown
Toggle Bump Attacks
Эта способность позволяет включать и выключать ударные атаки. Если по какой-то причине вы хотите их избежать, отключите эту функцию. Красная стрелка означает, что он включен; зеленая стрелка означает, что он выключен. N/A N/A
Эта способность используется для отдыха и вставания. Вы будете лечиться только тогда, когда отдыхаете на сорняках, а также быстрее регенерируете плазму. Easy N/A
TGMC Headbite.png
Psychic Drain
Эта способность применяется к мертвым десантникам. Каждая истощенная психика мертвого десантника даст 60 очков психики и 1/8 часть личинки. 100 Easy
Corrosive acid.png
Corrosive Acid
Позволяет изрыгнуть кислоту из вашего тела на любую структуру/объект, на котором есть сорняки. Shrike acid is medium strength, stronger than a Sentinel's but still weaker than a Boiler's or Queen's acid. Easy 75
Resin trap.png
Place acid well
Поместите кислотный колодец, который может потушить горящего ксеноморфа, когда тот наступит на кислотный колодец. Нажимая на колодец вы добавляете кислоту. Easy 75
Plant weeds.png
Plant Weeds
Clicking on ability icon will let you select the types of weed.

Файл:TGMC base weed.png The base weed does nothing extraordinary.

Файл:TGMC Resting weed.png The resting weed gives a 20% boost of healing in plasma and health whereby other weeds heal normally. It's the only weeds to help restore sunder and cost twice as much plasma.

Файл:TGMC Sticky weed.png The sticky weeds slows marines down. It costs five times more plasma.

Can only be placed on a tile that does not already have a resin sac, and cannot be placed on rock, grass, or catwalks.

Easy 75
Lay egg.png
Lay Egg
Makes you lay a hugger egg. Easy 400
Call Of the Burrowed.png
Call of the Burrowed
Отправляет пинг всем призракам, позволяя им присоединиться к команде ксено в качестве зарытой личинки, которая появится на вас. Do not use near combat or the new larva can easily die Easy N/A
Resin wall.png
Choose Resin Structure
Click to choose which resin structure you wish to build with Secrete Resin. It will always default to Resin Wall upon evolution. Easy N/A
Secrete resin.png
Secrete Resin
Builds whatever resin structure you have chosen in Choose Resin Structure on your hotbar, on your current tile. Easy 75
Heal xeno.png
Psychic cure
Позволяет лечить ксеноморфов на расстоянии до трех клеток. Одна минута перезарядки. Easy 200
Psychic whisper.png
Psychic Whisper
Allows you to bully captured hosts telepathically Easy N/A
Drone sting.png
Larval Growth sting
Begins a 3-part channel that injects larval serum into a target, speeding up a larvas growth. (Ускоряет рост грудолома. Передозировка вызывает повреждение дыхательных путей) Easy N/A
Psychic Fling
Используйте на человеке или предмете на полу. Используя экстрасенсорные способности, запускайте предмет\человека на 5 плиток от вас. Hard 100
Unrelenting Force
Отбрасывает от себя всех людей и предметы в квадрате 3x3 перед вами (работает только по сторонам света, а не по диагонали). Hard 0
Emit pheromones.png
Emit Pheromones
Emit one of the three Pheromones. The Shrike has some of the most powerful Pheromones available to the hive. Your pheromones will grow stronger as you mature. Easy 30*
Rally hive.png
Rally Hive
allies the hive to a congregate at a target location, along with an arrow pointer. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. Easy N/A

Tips & Tricks

  • Don't tank shots, you are meant as a support caste.
  • Open up duels with a fling instead of screech. If you fling first, you can further stun them with a screech, and when screech is used, your fling is ready to go to further stunlock the marine.
  • Aim for arms in duels. You can easily decrease the marine's capability to duel you when they have a fractured arm. Marines can't use shotgun if not wielded. If they have a pistol or submachine gun, then you will have to break both arms to prevent them from using the weapons.
  • Use your screech to fling marines' nades back at them; you are the only xenomorph that can do this.
  • Use help intent to help shuffle behind marines, turn around to face marines' back, and screech. Watch as they get pushed to a group of xenomorphs.
  • Sometimes it's better to save psychic cure to save sisters that get into trouble than waste it for a quick heal

TGMC PFC Jim.png
Командование DMCA CO.gif Капитан, TGMC FC.png Полевой Командир, DMCA SO.png Штаб-офицер, DMCA PO.png Офицер-Пилот
Инженерия и Снабжение TGMCCE.png Главный корабельный инженер, DMCA RO.png Офицер снабжения, DMCA MT.png Корабельный инженер
Медицина DMCA CMO.png Главный врач, DMCA Doctor.png Военный врач, TGMC researcher.png Исследователь
Морпехи TGMC SL.png Командир отделения, TGMC SG.gif Смартганнер, TGMC Engineer.png Инженер отделения, TGMC Corpsman.png Санитар отделения, TGMC Marine.png Морпех
Гражданские TGMC liaison.png Представитель корпорации
Роботизированные TGMC Combat robot.gif Боевые роботы, DMCA Synthetic.png Синтетик, AI.gif ИИ
Тир 0 LarvaTGMC.png Грудолом, TGMC minions.gif Прислужники
Тир 1 Wiki Images.png Трутень, RunnerTGMC.png Бегун, DefenderTGMC.png Защитник, SentinelTGMC.png Часовой
Тир 2 HivelordTGMC.png Лорд улья, CarrierTGMC.png Переносчик, TGMC Wraith.png Призрак, HunterTGMC.png Охотник, Bull TGMC.png Бык, WarriorTGMC.png Воин, SpitterTGMC.png Плеватель
Тир 3 TGMC Gorger.png Поглотитель, TGMC Defiler.png Осквернитель, RavagerTGMC.png Опустошитель, CrusherTGMC.png Крушитель, PraetorianTGMC.png Преторианец, DMCA Boiler.png Бойлер, TGMCWidow.png Вдова, TGMC Warlock.png Варлок
Тир 4 Shrike.png Принцесса, QueenTGMC.png Королева, TGMC King.png Король, TGMC hivemind.gif Разум улья
Остальные Отряд Быстрого Реагирования, Выживший