
Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
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DMCA Logo.png Эта страница относится к TGMC.

TGMC это билд, созданный на основе CM-SS13 и переделанный под ТГ.

TGMC Gorger.png
Сложность: Medium
Вышестоящие: The Queen and Shrike
Задачи: Gather as much blood as possible from marines, and use the blood to support wounded xenomorphs; in the mean time, take as much bullets from marines
Руководства: This is the guide.
Цитата: "What is a marine? A miserable little pile of unga. But enough talk... Have at you!"

The Menacing and Beefy Vampire

Humans are an abundant food supply that the xenomorphs use to no end. Their faces ripe for facehugging, their psychic energy ready to be drained, and their blood untapped for unlimited potential. New experimentation from the hivemind sought to utilize human blood in light of this biological philosophy and due to the fact that the TerraGov Marine Corps' weaponry can overwhelm xenomorphs. With the power of human blood, the xenomorphs create a living tank that runs on human blood.

Playing the Gorger

You are a tank, not a ravager, meaning you can take in damage but not deck out damage.

Your responsibilities are:

  • Directing marine's firepower to you instead of your squishy xenomorphs
  • Ensuring that you have overheal to truly tank marines' shots
  • Stealing marine's precious blood to advance your goals
  • Draining and rooting marine so that other xenomorphs can wombo combo
  • Healing wounded xenomorphs with marine's blood

Overheal protects you from marines before your health and sunder start to get hit. You gain overheal from Drain, which roots marines for 4 seconds.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths

Maturity increases stats as follows.

  • Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage.
  • Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value.
Age Health Blood Overheal Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid
Young 400 200 200 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
450 250 225 15 17 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
500 300 250 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
600 400 275 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Gorger Abilities

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown
Toggle Bump Attacks
This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on; the green arrow means it's off. N/A N/A
This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A
TGMC Headbite.png
Psychic Drain
This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A
Vore a marine for transportation, can't eat revivable corpses 0 N/A
TGMC Drain.png
Hold a marine in place and deal small damage over 4 seconds, gaining blood and overheal over time, not instant! The marine can still shoot/do stuff during the duration and after the ability is broken it staggers them slightly. You also can't slash while performing this.

If cast on a non-revivable human, restores health at a faster rate than resting and sunder at normal rate, without granting blood. This uses the corpse's blood and you can only drain corpses which have sufficient blood.

0 15 seconds
Defiler sting.png
If cast on another xeno - 2s CD - costs blood and restores 30% health

If cast on itself - 20s CD - costs moderate amount of blood and restores health over time, overheal at 40% efficiency when on full health

0 2 on others,

20 on yourself seconds

TGMC carnage.png
You gain movement speed and heal on your next attack, scaling with missing blood. If your blood is below 50%, you also knockdown your victim and drain some blood, during which you can't move. 0 15 seconds
TGMC Feast.png
Drains blood each tick, while restoring health, overheal at 50% efficiency when on full health, until no blood is left or cancelled early. Carnage also heals nearby xenos 0 3 minutes

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class.
For the Gorger, this primordial ability is PRIMO ABILITY.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Gorger tips & tricks


TGMC PFC Jim.png
Командование DMCA CO.gif Капитан, TGMC FC.png Полевой Командир, DMCA SO.png Штаб-офицер, DMCA PO.png Офицер-Пилот
Инженерия и Снабжение TGMCCE.png Главный корабельный инженер, DMCA RO.png Офицер снабжения, DMCA MT.png Корабельный инженер
Медицина DMCA CMO.png Главный врач, DMCA Doctor.png Военный врач, TGMC researcher.png Исследователь
Морпехи TGMC SL.png Командир отделения, TGMC SG.gif Смартганнер, TGMC Engineer.png Инженер отделения, TGMC Corpsman.png Санитар отделения, TGMC Marine.png Морпех
Гражданские TGMC liaison.png Представитель корпорации
Роботизированные TGMC Combat robot.gif Боевые роботы, DMCA Synthetic.png Синтетик, AI.gif ИИ
Тир 0 LarvaTGMC.png Грудолом, TGMC minions.gif Прислужники
Тир 1 Wiki Images.png Трутень, RunnerTGMC.png Бегун, DefenderTGMC.png Защитник, SentinelTGMC.png Часовой
Тир 2 HivelordTGMC.png Лорд улья, CarrierTGMC.png Переносчик, TGMC Wraith.png Призрак, HunterTGMC.png Охотник, Bull TGMC.png Бык, WarriorTGMC.png Воин, SpitterTGMC.png Плеватель
Тир 3 TGMC Gorger.png Поглотитель, TGMC Defiler.png Осквернитель, RavagerTGMC.png Опустошитель, CrusherTGMC.png Крушитель, PraetorianTGMC.png Преторианец, DMCA Boiler.png Бойлер, TGMCWidow.png Вдова, TGMC Warlock.png Варлок
Тир 4 Shrike.png Принцесса, QueenTGMC.png Королева, TGMC King.png Король, TGMC hivemind.gif Разум улья
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