TGMC:Researcher: различия между версиями

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Версия от 01:42, 12 ноября 2021

DMCA Logo.png Эта страница относится к TGMC.

TGMC это билд, созданный на основе CM-SS13 и переделанный под ТГ.

TGMC researcher.png

Medical Researcher

Доступ: Research, Medbay
Сложность: Medium
Звание: N/A
Категория: Corporate Civilian
Вышестоящие: Nanotrasen
Задачи: Research xenomorphs while help marines get req points. Cultivate and grow xenomorphs in the research pens.
Руководства: Guide to Research, Guide to Medicine, Guide to Chemistry, Guide to Surgery, Guide to Paperwork


You have recently been contracted by TGMC to research xenomorphs so that you can pay for your college debt on xenobiology. As a Medical Researcher assigned to the TGMC by your corpo overlords at Nanotrasen, your primary job is to scan and sell things. Since you are also a medical provider and be with the marines in deployments, you are also expected to heal marines.


The Requisition Pipeline

Well, maybe not quite. As a medical researcher, you have all the skills a medical officer has(minus guns), and none of the mandated responsibilities. Your allegiance is with Nanotrasen, not the TGMC after all, so no one should fault you if you refuse to heal marines, since that isn't expressly your job, though people will need to be healed, and if you're the only doctor onboard, you're going to have to be the doctor everyone needs, be it at gunpoint or not.

But say that you aren't the only doctor awake, and there's more than enough doctors and corpsmen to meet the medical needs of the platoon. Then, you can go around and roleplay! be it a mad doctor hopped up on space drugs, or a military school dropout, you're a civilian, so you can just do whatever.

A popular gimmick is to go groundside looking for alien eggs to hatch in the containment cell. Though because capture gameplay is now mechanically discouraged/functionally dead, you might not get much luck doing so. Though that fax machine in you office is looking pretty dusty, maybe you should use it?(note: the Sulaco's research section does not have a fax machine yet) As an employee of Nanotrasen, you can always ask them via the fax machine for basically whatever. Though don't expect them to always accept the request. They(admins) are still charged with keeping game balance, so anything they might deem balance-breaking is most certainly off the catalogue, per se. So don't expect to get that M19C4 Pulse Rifle you asked for a hundred times for "ballistics testing".

If you do manage to get a xeno egg, you can try hatching it for fun. The containment cell area is usually stocked with a monkey cube box, that can give you monkeys as (un)willing hosts for the huggers. Simply throw the monkey down on the floor and spray it with the provided fire extinguisher. Once the larva bursts out of the monkey, an Adimn has the ability to change the hive its assigned to. This is how corrupted(green) xenos are born. Though due to balance problems with Xeno vs Xeno gameplay, some admins may not want to corrupt them. Either that, or they're busy dealing with other stuff.

If they do end up being corrupted by the grace of the gods, have it become a shrike so you can make more! you do have 5 monke cubes, after all. Most research facilities are lined with anti-psychic linings though, which may disallow the xeno to evolve to a shrike. In this case, the xeno needs to move to a place that's not ESP-proof, like the hallway outside for example. Though make sure a passing marine doesn't end up shooting the xeno while doing this. Once they become a shrike, they can lay eggs, which can impregnate the rest of the provided monkeys. The larvas that burst should be corrupted as well, though they won't be green(or have the ability to speak Galactic Common) until they evolve. Best case scenario, you have an army of 5 friendly xenos ready to kick ass with the rest of the ungas. Worst case scenario, they get massacred by marines with tunnel vision. An admin may also reduce your total xeno yield by 1 by gibbing or otherwise aborting one of your monkeys though(because aforementioned balance reasons).

And that's basically it. A doctor with fax access and freedom to do whatever. Perhaps one day, the role will get more nuance. But for now, feel free to make your own fun(within the rules, of course).

TGMC PFC Jim.png
Командование DMCA CO.gif Капитан, TGMC FC.png Полевой Командир, DMCA SO.png Штаб-офицер, DMCA PO.png Офицер-Пилот
Инженерия и Снабжение TGMCCE.png Главный корабельный инженер, DMCA RO.png Офицер снабжения, DMCA MT.png Корабельный инженер
Медицина DMCA CMO.png Главный врач, DMCA Doctor.png Военный врач, TGMC researcher.png Исследователь
Морпехи TGMC SL.png Командир отделения, TGMC SG.gif Смартганнер, TGMC Engineer.png Инженер отделения, TGMC Corpsman.png Санитар отделения, TGMC Marine.png Морпех
Гражданские TGMC liaison.png Представитель корпорации
Роботизированные TGMC Combat robot.gif Боевые роботы, DMCA Synthetic.png Синтетик, AI.gif ИИ
Тир 0 LarvaTGMC.png Грудолом, TGMC minions.gif Прислужники
Тир 1 Wiki Images.png Трутень, RunnerTGMC.png Бегун, DefenderTGMC.png Защитник, SentinelTGMC.png Часовой
Тир 2 HivelordTGMC.png Лорд улья, CarrierTGMC.png Переносчик, TGMC Wraith.png Призрак, HunterTGMC.png Охотник, Bull TGMC.png Бык, WarriorTGMC.png Воин, SpitterTGMC.png Плеватель
Тир 3 TGMC Gorger.png Поглотитель, TGMC Defiler.png Осквернитель, RavagerTGMC.png Опустошитель, CrusherTGMC.png Крушитель, PraetorianTGMC.png Преторианец, DMCA Boiler.png Бойлер, TGMCWidow.png Вдова, TGMC Warlock.png Варлок
Тир 4 Shrike.png Принцесса, QueenTGMC.png Королева, TGMC King.png Король, TGMC hivemind.gif Разум улья
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