Руководство по боевой системе
Бывают случаи, когда бежать от драки - не вариант. Боевая система груба, но функциональна и может на первое время казаться странной. Иногда клики могут не регистрироваться. Иногда вы можете понять, что оружие ближнего боя больше не находится в вашей руке. Иногда пули могут отскакивать от вашей цели. Иногда вы можете даже внезапно умереть непонятно от чего. Некоторые люди сводят бой к банальному "закликать, пока не упадет", но он представляет из себя гораздо большее. Данное руководство покрывает лишь основы, но оно предназначено, чтобы помочь вам побеждать в бою (или успешно убить вашу цель) даже опытных противников.
Практическая часть этого руководства на оригинальной Вики была обновлена в марте 2020. Некоторые вещи могут оказаться устаревшими. Более того, могут быть опущены описания оружия, доступного за пределами станции.
Что-то, что вам нужно знать о боевой системе.
Система здоровья
Самое важное о том, как работает здоровье в игре:
- Изначально у вас 200 очков здоровья.
- Получения урона свыше 40 урона в сумме (вне зависимости от типа) начнет замедлять вас.
- После потери ~100 здоровья (скалируется от настроения) вы войдете в состояние софткрита. В таком состоянии вы не сможете взаимодействовать с предметами и сможете передвигаться лишь ползком, а говорить лишь шепотом. Если это случилось, то вероятно, вы скоро умрете, если не получите помощь.
- Если вы потеряли 150 здоровья - вы войдете в состояние крита. В этом состоянии вы потеряете сознание и начнете умирать. Если вы прошепчите что-либо то автоматически примете смерть, а то что вы прошептали станет вашими последними словами.
Вы можете прицеливаться по разным частям тела, используя клавиши на цифровом блоке клавиатуры (Num1 - Num9). Каждая конечность имеет свой пул урона, однако повреждения всех конечностей учитываются при подсчете итогового здоровья. Повреждение головы, рук или ног достаточным количеством грубого урона острым оружием может их отрубить. Некоторые особые предметы могут выполнять определенные действия при прицеливании к определенным зонам. Если вы не уверены, куда целиться, то самый верный выбор - целиться в грудь или голову. Конечности имеют предел, и при его достижении они перестанут получать урон, делая бессмысленным их дальнейшие повреждения.
Скорость передвижения
Сохранить преимущество в бою помогает скорость. Остановить или замедлить вашего противника, будь это пара ударов по печени, бросок болы, поскальзывание, различные приколы или прочие методы, и вашу цель будет в разы проще пришибить как в ближнем бою, так и на расстоянии. Впрочем, есть способы и ускорить себя, такие, как Nuka Cola из раздатчика напитков. Перенос лежащих тел или шкафчиков будет вас замедлять. Обойти этот штраф можно, усадив тело на офисное кресло или койку перед транспортировкой.
Бой обычно побеждается либо оглушением противника, что дает вам заковать или продолжать избивать его до критического состояния или того хуже. Изучите, что делают различные типы оглушений. Доступное оглушающее оружие может быть получено, если собрать станпрод (Stunprod) (потребует 2 удара). Также заметьте, когда игроки или Вики говорят об "оглушениях", имеются в виду эффекты и паралича, и оглушения. Время оглушения зависит от используемого предмета, и, как правило, составляет 4-15 секунд. Вы можете уменьшить время оглушения несколькими способами, включая химикаты, к примеру, никотин от курения сигарет. Некоторые оглушения имеют условия, такие, как паралич от флэшек (Flash) , которые работают только по целям без солнечных очков или подобной защиты. Если ваша цель имеет иммунитет к оглушениям, то вам придется вместо этого атаковать в лоб.
Если вы не уверены в валидности цели, попытайтесь обезвредить её нелетально. Это можно сделать, оглушив или сбив с ног вашу цель и затем заковав её. Если у вас нет доступа к наручникам , вы можете собрать себе кабельные стяжки[File:Cablecuffs.png]], активировав связку кабелей в руках. Закуйте персонажа, удерживая стяжки в активной руке и кликнув по цели.
Схватите вашу цель, используя комбинацию Ctrl+ЛКМ (работает даже во время заковывания). Выключите
чтобы проще двигаться с закованным персонажем. Теперь цель под вашим полным контролем столь долго, пока вы не даете ей лежать на месте, чтобы она смогла освободить себя, а также пока цель не выходит из вашего захвата. Снять наручники с себя можно при сопротивлении. Чтобы снять стяжки с кого-либо ещё, перетяните спрайт персонажа на свой и нажмите на кнопку стяжек во всплывшем меню.
Ближний бой
На TG взаимодействие с целью в ближнем бою ведется, находясь рядом с целью и кликая на её спрайт (не на тайл, на котором она находится или в который движется). Вы считаетесь соседними с движущейся целью, когда рядом с тайлом их анимация «скользит к цели». Когда ваше взаимодействие будет совершено, что-то произойдет в зависимости от статуса
, используемой кнопки мыши и оружия в руках. Из-за технических ограничений, некоторые нажатия могут не регистрироваться, так что вам следует спамить кликами по цели, двигаясь так, чтобы не попасть по себе. После каждой атаки (или объятия) в ближнем бою существует перезарядка перед повторной атакой. Обычно перезарядка атаки занимает меньше секунды.
Бой без оружия
Этот -> парень только что ворвался в ваш отдел с энергомечом и энергоарбалетом наперевес. Вы безоружны и в огромном проигрыше. Что же вы можете сделать? Скажем, что у него не выходит попасть болтами для арбалета, пока вы находитесь за укрытием, и теперь он идет на вас с энергомечом. У вас имеется несколько опций.
Сначала прочтите, как работает обезоруживание
толканием. Вы можете попытаться заманить врага в такое место, где вы сможете столкнуть его с каким-либо предметом, который собьет его с ног, что заставит его выронять все предметы в руках. Затем толкните его еще раз, чтобы парализовать его на 3 секунды. Затем БЫСТРО жмите на брошенный энергомеч, чтобы поднять его. Убейте засранца, за самооборону вам (скорее всего) ничего не будет.
Чтобы вас самого не толкнули, старайтесь не находиться близко к препятствиям.
Цель можно захватить
. Для этого ваш персонаж должен обладать навыками CQC (Close-Quarter-Combat) (что даст вам возможность мгновенно войти в агрессивный захват) или ваш противник должен быть оглушен или, ничего не подозревая, стоять на месте. Для начала произведите пассивный захват (Ctrl+ЛКМ) обидчика. Продолжайте закликивать (спам Ctrl+ЛКМ) противника, и, если он не двигается или не сопротивляется, чтобы вырваться из захвата, вы схватите цель агрессивно. Это заставит цель бросить все предметы в руках. Далее либо поднимите энергомеч и прикончите нападавшего, либо продолжите серию, опрокинув его на стол, совершив т.н. тэйблинг.
В агрессивном захвате
противника, его можно легко бросить на стол. Для этого включите
и кликните на любой ближайший стол . Это бросит персонажа на стол и собьет его с ног на 3 секунды и нанесет 10 грубого урона и отнимет 40 стамины. Продолжите
толкать, чтобы парализовать цель еще на 3 секунды. Правильно соблюдая тайминги, вы можете до бесконечности держать его в оглушении: ожидайте момента, чтобы снова агрессивно захватить
цель, нажать на стол, снова толкнуть. Делайте так снова и снова, пока не введете противника в крит или стамина-крит. Если же вы сами получаете подобное "лечение", кричите о помощи и активно сопротивляйтесь, чтобы попытаться вырваться из захвата (с перезарядкой в 4 секунды). Сопротивление не будет работать 3 секунды, если вы парализованы, так что ожидайте ошибки противника, чтобы вырваться и сбежать.
Если вы знакомы с CQC или стилем спящего карпа, любой стол может быть уничтоженным при опрокидывании кого-либо на этот стол. Тэйблинг на стеклянный стол оглушит на длительное время, но сломает стол.
Удар об стол
Если вам удалось совершить захват
третьего уровня, тэйблинг позволит ударить цель головой об стол. Удар головой нанесет 30 очков грубого урона по голове, снимет 40 стамины и отправит в нокдаун на 3 секунды. Два удара головой об стандартный стол уничтожит его.
Сопротивление захвату
В агрессивном захвате, можно усилить хватку еще два раза, повторяя
. Захват третьего уровня позволит схватить цель за шею (без урона). При захвате уровня 4 makes вы начнете душить цель, нанося ей урон от асфиксии. Это медленный процесс, во время которого цель может попытаться вырваться, сопротивляясь захвату или пытаясь сдвинуться с места. Цель захвата имеет 20% шанс выхода из захвата за попытку (до ~60% при агрессивном захвате) и отнимает 15-20 стамины за каждую проваленную попытку. Удушение используется редко, если только цель не в наручниках. Цель может попытаться сопротивляться каждые 4 секунды, а также может звать на помощь.
В агрессивном захвате, вы можете также активировать режим броска на R
. Затем кликните куда-нибудь, куда вы хотите бросить цель. В отличие от тейблинга, вы бросаете человека подальше от себя. В противном случае вы (каким-то образом) бросите человека в самого себя, что парализует вас обоих. Бросьте его на стол , чтобы парализовать его на достаточное время для того, чтобы заковать его. Бросок тела гуманоида - хороший способ парализовать кого-либо на некоторое время. Бросок тела в стену или усиленную стену также парализует его на некоторое время, то же касается окон и прочих объектов, но в этом случае время паралича будет уменьшено. Бросок тела в воздушный шлюз откроет его при наличии у него подходящего ID.
You enable
to be able to punch with
. Punching does a small and random amount of stamina and brute damage. What you're hoping for though, is the random chance for a punch to cause a short knockdown. Keep clicking your target with punches until this happens, then quickly
shove the target on the ground to paralyze him for 3 seconds. Then quickly pick up the dropped energy sword and kill him with it (you know the drill). If the target has no weapon to pick up, you can keep clicking the prone target with fists to kick him instead, which simply deals 1.5-15 brute damage.
Вооруженный ближний бой
Fighting with melee weapons works similarly to fighting unarmed. You click the enemy while holding a melee weapon in your hand and you will deal damage to them with that weapon. The differences to unarmed fighting is that there is usually no randomness to damage dealt, and
usually doesn't matter. Some weapons have alternate attacks though. Stun batons and stunprods will only deal damage with
. With
they will only stun harmlessly. To defeat someone by only using a melee weapon, you should generally use as strong weapon as possible to give the target as little time as possible to counter you. Most melee weapons can't stun, so there is risk involved unless you manage to fully stun your target before you start whacking.
Перирезание горла
You can slice someone's throat. While holding a sharp weapon,
until aggro (level 2) grab, and then click them while aiming for head. This takes a some time but will cause heavy bleeding.
Дальний бой
Ranged projectiles in this game use pixel perfect movement. Shoot by having a ranged weapon in your hand, and
clicking a target tile. The projectile will hit the first object in its path, but will pass over people who are paralyzed, sleeping or dead unless you click directly on their sprites. Shots should not pass over people simply laying down, but due to a commonly reoccurring issue they might do so anyway. You can shoot directly at things like windows even with lasers by clicking on them. Try to keep your mouse still the moment you click to reduce the risk of your input being ignored. If you drag your mouse even slightly before releasing then the click might be ignored.
Основные клавиши
Guns have some special controls depending on
or mouse button used:
- Lets you fire at a target point blank with most guns by clicking directly on them.Turn off and then left-click.
- Makes you perform a melee strike with your gun, unless you aim behind your target.Turn on and then left-click.
- Rightclick someone point blank to take aim at them, making you hold them up. You will then fire at them with a reaction shot if they move.Нажатие правой кнопки мыши. Эффект не зависит от того, включён режим боя или нет.
- Shooter can move freely within 2 tiles of the target without breaking the stickup.
- For the first 2.5 seconds after the hold-up, any triggered reaction shot will deal normal damage.
- Between 2.5-10 seconds after, any triggered reaction shot will deal double damage.
- After 10 seconds the reaction shot will deal 2.5x damage.
- If the shooter is attacked and takes damage from anything, they have a chance to flinch and fire the reaction shot. This is a 50% chance, unless they're hit in the arm holding the gun, in which case it's an 80% chance.
- orTurn on and then left-click.With combat mode on, any mouse button lets you fire two guns at the same time. However you will also have a random spread to your accuracy unless you drop a gun.Turn on and then right-click.
This is a safe way to take down a target. Pick nearby items up and throw them at the enemy. Most items deal the same damage when thrown as when used as a melee weapon. Some, such as spears , will deal even more. First pick an item up, then activate "throw" with the R key. Then click where you want to throw the object. You can pick up some chairs or stools for throwing, by dragging their sprites onto yours. Throwing, like ranged combat, uses pixel perfect movement, which means you can throw in any direction. You can also craft a bolas to throw at enemies, which will slow them down until they resist out of it. Thrown objects do not count as ranged shots and can not be reflected by sleeping carp users. You can counter having items thrown at you by activating "throw" yourself (with R). If your active hand is empty, you will then capture the next object thrown at you, instead of getting hit by it.
Some items, such as the spears , has a chance to embed into a body part when they are thrown at someone. An embedded item deals additional brute damage and bleeding until the item is removed. Some embedded items can automatically fall out after a while. Else you remove an embedded item from yourself by examining your body, and then clicking the underlined string of text that appears in the chat window. You remove embedded items from others with surgery. Many items, such as glass shards and metal rods can only embed from higher than normal throw speed, such as from explosions. Some more items that can embed from normal throws are: Energy sword , combat knife and throwing star .
Быстрое убийство
off, you will aim at the target's head with a slow progress bar, and fire once it finishes (if the target is still in melee range). Mostly useful for roleplay. It also deals 10 times more damage. If you select a different body part before firing, you will spare your target.
Грязные приемы
There many tricks to winning a fight. These are only a select few of them:
- Aim for eyes and stab multiple times with a screwdriver to make the target blind. Only works if target has no eyewear.
- Alt-click a Fire Extinguisher while holding it to subtly empty its water on the floor below you. People chasing you may slip.
- Carry a bottle or beaker of water. the ground with it to splash the water on the ground, making people slip.Нажатие правой кнопки мыши. Эффект не зависит от того, включён режим боя или нет.
- Drag a soap behind you to slip people.
- Drag an open crate behind you. People accidentally clicking the crate will put their weapon in it.
- If you know what you're doing (or are an antag), learn how to make and utilize bombs.
- You can knock people down a couple of seconds by aiming at their head on , and hitting them with a bottle of booze.
There is much more to learn than this. Some things must come from experience, or from observing others. Good luck out there, and don't hate yourself if you fail. Just try again another round. What follows below is a table of some common, or just robust, items that may help you win. Much of it is outdated, so don't rely on the numbers.
This is not a list of how much damage each item does, just some of the best items and short notes on how to best use them. If you feel something should be added, please go ahead and do so, if it's robust enough. This is in alphabetical order. While most items in the game can be used as a makeshift weapon, actual dedicated weapons are far more effective in harming, subduing or killing a target.
Ближний бой
Most station personnel lack access to proper firearms, thus if push comes to shove most people will have to rely on the old fashion method of melee combat to deal with a attacker.
Make Shift Weapon
Almost any object on the station can be used as a makeshift melee weapon, however some are better than others.
Icon | Название | Урон | Способ получения | Кем используется | Заметки |
Broken Bottle | 15 Brute when breaking 9 Brute after broken |
Get a bottle from the Booze-o-mat, smash it on someone. | Civilian | Has to be broken first, to break simply enable then smash it against someone; by aiming for the head you will also knock them down if they are not wearing protective head gear. Smashing it spills its contents over the target so you could use it as a chemist to knock out your opponent, by filling it with chloral, and then beat them to death with it. Another reason why traitor Chemist is so great. If the bottle's contents are flammable (booze bottles, for instance) you can follow up by setting your opponent on fire. | |
Butcher's Cleaver | 15 Brute | Hack the Dinnerware vending machine. | Civilian: Kitchen Staff | Somewhat hard to get. Security will likely have their suspicions as the only reason to have this over the normal knife is its robusting power. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery. | |
Circular Saw | 15 Brute | Operating Theatre Robotics Lab Autolathe | Civilian: Medical/Research | One of the most robust things you can find. Sadly they are rather uncommon and departments like to hang onto theirs, and security likes to take them. You can print one at the Cargo Bay's autolathe, if it has metal to make it. | |
Death Nettle | Up to 30 Burn. Damage depends on potency. Loses a random amount of damage after each hit. |
Growing them at Hydroponics | Civilian: Botany | A red nettle that deals high damage and can paralyze. Requires gloves to wield, lasts for several hits (damage reduced with each hit) until they disintegrate (i.e. the evidence disappears). Experienced Botanists can make these. At low potency they are mostly a joke but at high potency they are as strong as energy swords. | |
Fire Extinguisher | 10 Brute | Emergency Fire closets and lockers, emergency storage rooms | Civilian | Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. They are also very useful if you get spaced, spray in opposite direction of where you want to go, and you'll fly away. With a limit of 50 units, that's 10 squirts using 5 per spray. | |
Air/Oxygen/Anaesthetic tank | 10 Brute | Emergency lockers E.V.A. Toxins lab Atmospherics Operating Theatre (for anaesthetic tanks). | Civilian | Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Air and oxygen tanks are unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. You can use it for internals while having it in your hand (though it is recommended you don't use an anaesthetic tank). |
Fire Axe | 5 Onehand 24 Twohand |
Bridge and Atmospherics. | Civilian: Atmospherics/Command | Most robust thing you can get from the Station. Has to be held with two hands to be used properly. Security will likely take it and it's a large object. Best to store this on your back. They are also rare, one is in Atmos and the other is in the Bridge, good luck breaking in before it gets taken. Can be used as a crowbar (while wielded) on unpowered doors, and is strong enough to break powered ones. | |
Hatchet | 12 Brute 15 thrown |
Hydroponics. | Civilian: Botany | Botanists use these to chop wood, they also are good at chopping limbs. Easy to conceal, and if you're a Botanist, security probably won't care if you're carrying one. Throwing it at someone deals 15 damage. Bonus points for finishing off an escaping enemy this way, Navajo-style. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery. | |
Kitchen Knife | 10 Brute | Kitchen Autolathe. | Civilian | Useful if you're the Chef, as Security are unlikely to give a single shit if they see you with it. Works as a ghetto scalpel in surgery. Can be hidden in boots. | |
Null Rod | 18 Brute (base) | Chapel and on the Chaplain. | Civilian: Chaplain | Similar to the Circular Saw, but there's only one of them, and the Chaplain tends to keep it on him. It can destroy runes and protect against some cult magics. Can be transformed into a variety of religious weapons, with different characteristics. | |
Pickaxe | 15 Brute | Mining Dock and Mining Station. | Civilian: Supply | Fairly robust, but it's very big, so it can only be stored on the back or belt slot. Miners barely use these anymore in favor of the Kinetic Accelerator, so it's mostly seen on the Gulag. Mining drills and jackhammers all do the same amount of damage as a pickaxe. | |
Compact Pickaxe | 10 Brute | Mining Dock and Mining Station, in miner's equipment closets. | Civilian | Does less damage, but can fit in a backpack. | |
Survival Knife | 15 Brute | Miner's explorer backpacks, Miner's explorer boots | Civilian: Supply | Miners spawn with a very robust knife that can fit in their pockets or boots. | |
Scalpel | 10 Brute | Operating Theatre Autolathe. | Civilian: Medical/Research | Despite being not as good at the saw, this is still quite robust. Jabbing people in the eyes occasionally stuns them and eventually blinds them, limiting their ability to run. Best part is you can have it your pocket and if you have access to this (not counting autolathe produced scalpels) security wouldn't care, unless it's covered in blood, of course. But even then they might assume you're just a bad doctor. | |
Glass Shard | 5 Brute 10 thrown |
Anywhere there's glass (read: everywhere). | Civilian | Extremely easy to obtain, just break a glass/reinforced glass pane or climb a glass table. Works also as a ghetto scalpel. You need gloves to hit stuff with it without cutting yourself, but you can still throw it. | |
Screwdriver | 5 Brute | Most storage rooms and Engineering. | Civilian | Its robustness doesn't come from the damage, but from its thin, pointed edge. Anyone not wearing glasses can have their eyes stabbed out causing them lose sight. Doesn't make them mute so they'll still scream, or might even fight back before you have a chance to blind them enough. | |
Surgical Drill | 15 Brute | Operating Theatre Autolathe. | Civilian: Medical/Research | Only found in Surgery. Only used for dental implants, so it'll barely be noticed if it goes missing. | |
Toolbox | 12 Brute | Most storage rooms and Engineering. | Civilian | Rather common. Althought it deals a moderate amount of damage, it's a bulky item, so you'll have to hold it. | |
Welding tool | 3 Brute when off 15 Burn when on |
Most storage rooms and Engineering. | Civilian | When switched on, it deals a robust amount of burn damage, but consumes fuel after every hit. | |
Syndicate Toolbox | 15 brute 18 brute when thrown |
Syndicate uplink and the Derelict. | Syndicate | Worth more for emergency tools than anything. Expect security to come cracking down unless they know you've taken a trip to the derelict. | |
Spear | 10 brute in Onehand 18 brute when wielded/Twohand 20 brute when Thrown |
Made by yourself | Civilian | A haphazardly-constructed yet still deadly weapon of ancient design. You can attach an explosive to it. If you attach one, Alt-clicking it will allow you to set a war cry when attacking with it. | |
Chainsaw | 24 Brute when on | Made by yourself | Civilian | You can surgically replace an arm with a chainsaw. Can break an airlock down. | |
Baseball bat | 10 Brute | Made by yourself | Civilian | Knocks back targets on hit. |
Настоящее оружие
Unlike makeshift melee weapons, these melee weapons are usually more reliable and robust, however most station personnel can't get access to them, as well as these weapons being very noticeable.
Icon | Название | Урон | Способ получения | Кем используется | Заметки |
Cult Blade | 30 Brute | Cult magic | Cultists | Those who aren't Cultists suffer from wielding this blade...MENTALLY. Aside from being very robust, it is Cult exclusive. Expect a wave of | |
Energy Sword | 3 Brute Off 30 Brute On |
Through a Syndicate Uplink | Syndicate/Nanotrasen | Despite being very strong in melee combat, its activation is loud, very obvious to those around you, and a very big target for people looking for free gear. It also counts as a shield when active! Aim for the legs or arms. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT | |
Double-bladed Energy Sword | 3 Brute Off 34 Brute On |
Through a Syndicate Uplink | Syndicate/Nanotrasen | Has to be held with two hands while on. Four extra damage may not seem much, but it means one less hit to crit an unarmored opponent. When wielded it gives a 100% chance to deflect energy-based shots, like lasers. Like the energy sword, its activation is very loud. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT For obvious balance reasons, hulks cannot use these. | |
Stun Baton | 10 Brute | Security Office and Security Officer's backpack. | Security | Very robust if you know how to use it properly. Only the security force can get these easily. Deploy liberally, but stow for transport. | |
Katana | 40 brute | Possible loot from the ninja bundle. | Traitors | Real katanas are very robust, but only traitors have a reasonable chance of finding them. | |
Cursed Katana | 15 brute | Possible loot from necropolis chests in Lavaland. | Mining | Cursed weapon that retracts into an organ, and mauls your hand if you retract it without hitting a live target. Able to combo attacks. | |
Telescopic Baton | 10 Brute | Heads of Staff's backpacks. | Command | Like the stunbaton but retractable, with a shorter stun time, but the same capability for bludgeoning. Heads of Staff start their shift with one in their backpack. Be sure to extend it before using! | |
Officer's Sabre | 15 Brute | Captain's locker. | Captain | A sabre intended for ceremonial uses. Comes with its own sheath. Can block melee attacks and has good armor penetration. Surprisingly sharp for a fashion accessory. | |
Combat Knife | 20 Brute | Can be ordered through Cargo. | Security | Very robust for its size. | |
Survival Knife | 15 Brute | Given to shaft miners. | Supply | The perfect tool for butchering the local wildlife and showing how they do it in Birmingham to a demigod. |
Дальний бой
Although often hard to get, these can put you at a huge advantage. Not just from being outside melee range, but also by shooting through windows and destroying walls. Guns rely on a stock of ammo, and those are hard to get, while energy guns use recharging units or just recharge by themselves. (THIS ARTICLE IS HEAVILY OUTDATED AS IT LACKS A LOT OF RANGED WEAPONRY THAT CAN BE FOUND, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION)
Sidearms (Ballistic)
Ballistic weapons remain a popular weapon in the 26th century, typically however Nanotrasen prefer the usage of Energy weapons over Ballistic weapons, so don't expect to see many ballistic weapons on station.
Icon | Item | Ammo | Capacity | Damage & Effects | How to Acquire | Faction Usage | Notes |
Desert Eagle | .50 |
7 Rounds | 60 Brute | Summon guns, can spawn in the secure contraband locker on metastation. | Nanotrasen | Comes in three tasteful variants. Normal, gold and camo gold. Hope for the gold gun. 7 Rounds of pure mlg; spare ammo available nowhere. | |
Mateba | .357 |
7 Rounds | 60 Brute | Syndicate Uplink and summon guns. | Nanotrasen | All in all the syndicate revolver, but for death squad and emergency response team officers. | |
Revolver | .357 |
7 Rounds | 60 Brute | Syndicate Uplink and summon guns | Syndicate | Security (or generally anyone) will be quick to scream 'TRAITOR!' if they see you with one. You can get more ammo from hacked autolathes. Serve with a side of grenade to finish your foe off for good. | |
Revolver | .38 |
6 Rounds | 25 Brute | Detective's locker or summon guns. | Security | Deals moderate damage. Can be modified to fire .357, but may break with the modification. | |
Makarov Pistol | 10mm |
8 rounds | 30 Brute | Syndicate Uplink. | Syndicate | The nuke op's weapon last resort; spend telecrystals on something better (unless you weren't good enough to be promoted to an op). Small enough to fit in pockets. One of the few guns that takes the universal silencer. | |
Russian Revolver | .357 |
1 round. Can load up to 6. | 60 Brute 300 Brute when used on self |
MetaStation | Old Russia | A Russian made revolver. Uses .357 ammo. It has a single slot in its chamber for a bullet. A gun to play Russian Roulette! You can spin the chamber to randomize the position of the bullet. True men aim for the head. |
Sidearms (Energy)
Energy weapons are among the most common kind of weapon you'll find on a Nanotrasen space station. Reliable but has issues with ammo.
Energy Based
Icon | Item | Ammo | Capacity | Damage & Effects | How to Acquire | Faction Usage | Notes |
Disabler | Energy |
20 Disable | Disables target | Armory, disabler crates, summon guns, and the suit storage of that seccie you just killed. | Security | If you're trying to kill someone, stamina crit, then beat the living daylights out of them. Takes two shots to slow down, 5 to stamina crit. | |
Energy Crossbow | Energy (Self-Charging) |
Infinite Bolts (needs to cooldown after shooting) | 10 Toxin + Stun | Syndicate Uplink. | Syndicate | The syndicate's energy crossbow, small, silent and deadly. |
Pulse Based
Longarm (Ballistic)
Bolt Action
Icon | Item | Ammo | Capacity | Damage & Effects | How to Acquire | Faction Usage | Notes |
Double-Barrelled Shotgun | 12 Gauge shells |
2 Shells | Depends on shell | Bar. | Civilian | Easiest shotgun to get, yet the rarest. Only one starts on the station and the Bartender likes to keep it in case of bar fights. Can be sawn off with a circular saw (make sure it's not loaded). A sawn-off shotgun will fit in your backpack. To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun. Use it in hand to eject the shells. | |
Riot Shotgun | 12 Gauge shells |
7 Shells | Depends on shell | The Armoury and summon spells. | Security | A uncommon shotgun, typically only used in emergencies by Security or when facing someone with ranged energy protection. Is the only main shotgun on the station at round start sans the bartender's double barrel. To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun; when you shoot a shell, you need to eject it manually by using the shotgun in your hand before shooting another. It can also be sawed off with a circular saw or chainsaw to fit in your backpack. | |
Combat Shotgun | 12 Gauge Shells |
7 Shells | Depends on shell | Armory contraband locker, ordered in Cargo and from Summon guns. | Nanotrasen | The highest ammo capacity of any shotgun. Best of all, you don't need to manually eject shells after shooting. Unlike the riot shotgun, it cannot be sawed off, but a compact version is given to the Warden. |
Shotgun Shells
- Improvised Shotgun Shell: Shoots a spread of 7 metal shards, doing a total of 42 damage at point blank. Has damage falloff from range.
- Buckshot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 7.5 brute damage each, for a maximum of 45. Has damage falloff from range.
- Slug: Shoots a single 50 damage shot.
- Rubber Shot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 3 brute and 11 stamina damage each.
- Beanbag: Shoots one single beanbag, dealing 10 brute and 55 stamina damage. The bartender uses these by default.
- Stun Shell: Shoots an electrode that stuns on hit. (Not easily available)
- Incendiary Slug: Shoots a single projectile that leaves a fire trail and ignites the target, on top of 20 brute damage.
- Shotgun Dart: A single dart that can contain up to 30 units of chemicals that'll be injected on hit.
- Technological Shells: Unloaded technological shells can be made in a Protolathe. See here for the recipes.
- Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile, deals 30 brute damage, stuns for 1.5 seconds and causes knockdown for 8 seconds. Pushes back machinery and some structures on hit.
- Pulse Slug: A weaker version of one of the deathsquad's pulse rifle shots, dealing 30 burn damage and damaging or destroying walls and machinery.
- Dragonsbreath Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 burning pellets, dealing 5 damage each.
- FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that paralyzes targets for 1 seconds, causes a small explosion where it hits, while also dealing 15 extra brute damage.
- Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a single target instead of the 3x3 area hit by normal ion rifles.
- Laser Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 6 laser beams with up to 90 total damage.
Longarm (Energy)
Laser Based
Icon | Item | Ammo | Capacity | Damage & Effects | How to Acquire | Faction Usage | Notes |
Laser Gun | Energy |
16 Lasers | 20 Burn | Armory and weapons crates. | Security | Lethal ONLY, but 4 extra shots. | |
Laser Cannon | Energy |
10 Lasers | 40 Burn | Summon guns | Nanotrasen | This is the Laser Gun's bigger brother, fear him, he will fuck you over. | |
Energy Gun | Energy |
12 Lasers, 20 Disable | 20 Burn Stun |
Armory, energy weapons crate, HoP/Captain lockers. | Security | A versatile energy weapon. Best thing is to disable a target and then either handcuff (for arresting) or spam the other remaining shots at them on kill mode (for murder). | |
Advanced Energy Gun | Energy |
12 (recharges over time) | 20 Burn/Stun target | Combine an energy gun with a gun kit from security protolathe, once researched. | Nanotrasen | Using advanced | |
Antique Laser Gun | Energy |
12 (recharges over time) | 20 Burn | Captain's Quarters. | Nanotrasen | The prized weapon of the Captain, and the target of many enemy forces. Similar to the laser gun except it's self-recharging. They just don't make guns like they used to. | |
X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun | Energy |
5 Stun, 10 Laser, 20 Disable | 20 Burn | Head of Security's locker. | Nanotrasen | The first attempt by Nanotrasen to remake the Captain's Antique Laser. Has more firing modes on offer but lacks the ability to recharge. | |
Tactical Energy Gun | Energy |
10 Stun, 20 Energy, 20 Kill | 20 Burn target | Elite Emergency Response Team | Nanotrasen | A tactical variant of the Energy Gun. Holds more of a charge and can fire stun rounds. | |
Ion Rifle | Energy |
10 Ion Pulses | 20 Brute to silicon mobs Up to 90 damage to mechs 3x3 EMP |
Armory and on the Nuclear Operative shuttle. | Security | Large and unwieldy, great for dealing with mechs and cyborgs. Also opens lockers and crates. | |
Retro Laser | Energy |
12 Lasers | 20 Burn | White Ship, deep space ruins. | Unknown | Found on the white ship, this old beast is like the laser gun; anyone with a spaaaaaace suit and a little know-how can reach it. | |
Temperature Gun | Energy |
40 Freeze/heat Beams | Heats/Cools target dependent upon the setting. | Armory. Combine an energy gun with a gun kit from security protolathe, once researched. | Nanotrasen | This weapon is deceptively strong since the projectiles aren't blocked by eswords/eshields and can slow people down to a crawl. Slimes die to it in two to three hits. | |
X-Ray Gun | Energy |
20 Lasers | 15 Burn + 30 Irradiate | Combine a laser gun with a gun kit from security protolathe, once researched. | Nanotrasen | This beams from this gun will pass through everything, including walls, until they hit a mob. |
Pulse Based
Misc Weapons
Icon | Item | Ammo | Capacity | Damage & Effects | How to Acquire | Faction Usage | Notes |
Chem Sprayer | Chemicals | 600 units total
Confusion, blindness, dizziness, knockout, and random mutations with the standard reagents. | Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals, only available to Nuclear Agents. | Syndicate | Think of it as a spray bottle. Except each spray is three tiles wide and can travel the entire screen. Generally kept away from players due to the potential of the lubepocalypse. | |
Flamethrower | Gas of your choice |
Depends on tank pressure | Depends on the gas | Made by yourself or with a hacked Autolathe | Civilian | You are a firestarter! Allows for creative gas mixes if you know your atmos. An area denial tool, generally useful for making small areas uninhabitable for people, not so useful when trying to kill someone, as it's easy to run away. | |
Syringe Gun | Syringes |
1 Syringe | 6 Brute + 15u chemicals | Medbay Storage. | Civilian | In fact, this is very robust. Think of it as a ranged hypospray. | |
Rapid Syringe Gun | Syringes |
6 Syringes | 6 Brute + 15u chemicals | Medical techfab if researched. | Nanotrasen | See the syringe gun, but take into account it holds six syringes. Can be made through researching them, and only costs metal and glass to make. This gun gives you the power to fuck over six people at once! First syringe in is first out. |
Admin Only Weapons
These weapons are currently restricted to admin spawn only, some may also appear in 'summon gun' events during a Wizard round however.
To be good at combat, you must be able to survive an encounter with anything; Nuclear Operatives, Wizards, Assistants and such. While some may say that the best defense is a robust offense (which can be true in some cases), knowing how to protect yourself is a vital skill needed to be robust.
Stuns and Incapacitation
Having the ability to stun at a moment's notice will protect you from getting robusted quite often (as long as you don't get stunned first).
Icon | Item | Type of Stun | How to Acquire | Notes |
Stun Baton | Stamina damage | Security | Not being security, and having this out, is likely to land you in the brig. | |
Stunprod | Stamina damage | Made by yourself | Having this is a quick way to get robusted by security. Doesn't fit in backpacks, but can be carried on your back. | |
Telescopic Baton | Stamina damage | Be a Head of Staff | Not being a head of staff and having one of these is yet another way to incur security's ire. | |
Disabler | Stamina damage | Spawns on officers, Armory. Disabler Crate from Cargo. |
A non-lethal type of laser that deals Stamina Damage, which has the same slowing/debilitating effects of normal damage, without actually harming. Heals on its own over time. | |
Flash | Stun Duration 8 stuns cyborgs |
Security, Bridge, Sec Checkpoint, Tech Storage | Cyborgs are vulnerable to this method of stunning. Eye protection, such as sunglasses or welding helmets prevents you from being stunned this way. Hardsuits and spacesuits will also block flashes, except for the CMO's. | |
Chemicals | Depends on chemical | Chemistry | Typically used with a syringe gun, Hypospray, or Smoke Grenade. Some chemicals, like Chloral Hydrate, or Morphine, can hold targets still for some time, while others can be very harmful. | |
Flashbang | Various effects. Duration varies with distance. |
Security | Very good for stunning a whole room. Not wearing ear protection will make you deaf for awhile. Wearing both sunglasses and a bowman headset makes you immune to these. | |
Laser Pointer | Blinds humans Stuns cyborgs Duration 5-10 |
Lawyer, Curator, Research Director | Has a chance of blinding people and cyborgs, like a Flash; a fully upgraded laser pointer has a 100% chance. | |
Resonant Shriek | Duration 5-10 | Being a changeling | Humans become deaf and confused. | |
Cult Stun | Stun Duration 15 + 15 duration silence |
Being a cultist and making one. | Works on cyborgs. Blocked by null rod. | |
Beepsky | Stun Duration 14 |
Made in robotics. | Attacks those set to arrest, and, depending on the mode, with weapons out without permission. | |
ED-209 | Stamina damage | Made in robotics. | Attacks those set to arrest, and, depending on the mode, with weapons out without permission. |
Icon | Counter | Type of Stun | How to Acquire | Notes |
Hulk | Any | Genetics | Hulks don't get stunned and don't fall ever. Even space lube doesn't make them fall, though they do slip. | |
Eye protection | Flashes | Cargo and Engineering for welding helmets, Security for sunglasses. | Doesn't do anything with the stun itself; rather, it protects you from flashing |
Damage Prevention
A few items, when used, can randomly completely block damage.
Icon | Item | How to acquire | Protection | Notes |
Riot Shield | Armory | Blocks melee and projectile attacks to the chest. | Note that attacks aimed at other parts of the body (commonly the head) may miss, and have a chance of hitting another part instead, usually your chest. | |
Energy Combat Shield | Nuke ops | Blocks most melee and ranged projectiles | Works just like a riot shield, except with a 100% chance to deflect all lasers and energy shots, making it very robust. Can also be turned off to fit in your pocket. | |
Reactive Teleport Armor | Research Director's Office | Teleports you randomly if you're hit. | It could end badly if you get spaced due to this, but it'll still improve your odds of surviving. | |
Energy Sword | Syndicate Uplinks | Blocks most projectiles | Needs to be turned on to work. Counts as a shield just like the riot shield. |
Armor is a great passive way to keep you from getting hurt too badly in a fight. Some jobs will have difficulty acquiring armor. Some armor, like hardsuits, will slow you, as well.
Armor will reduce all damage of a certain type, on parts of your body that are protected by the armor. You will see "Your armor softens the blow!" when your armor reduces damage. The defense values are indicated by an armor's percent protection from different damage types, for example basic Armor has a melee protection rate of 50, as such it will reduce all melee damage to the chest by 50%.
Armor only protects the region that it covers on your body. No armor protects your entire body.
Body Armor
Icon | Item | How to acquire | Protection | Defense values % | Notes |
Captain's SWAT Suit | Captain's Quarters | Offers moderate protection from most sources. | melee = 40 bullet = 50 laser = 50 energy = 25 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 100 acid = 100 |
The Captain will sometimes wear this. It's also space-worthy, but it will slow you down. Wearing this while not the Captain is a good way to get robusted. | |
Captain's Carapace | Captain's Quarters | Offers moderate protection from most sources. | melee = 50 bullet = 40 laser = 50 energy = 10 bomb = 25 |
A special armor vest unique to the Captain. Offers far greater protection than most armor, and also displays your authority to the crew. | |
Engineering Hardsuit | Engineering | Gives low protection from melee attacks and explosions. | melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 75 fire = 100 acid = 75 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
Atmospherics Hardsuit | Atmospherics | Identical to normal RIG however it is one of the only items that grants complete protection from Fire at the cost of no Radiation protection. | melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 fire = 100 acid = 75 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
Mining Hardsuit | Mining | Gives quite good protection from melee attacks and explosions. Can be upgraded with goliath hide plates to a maximum of 80 melee defense. Essentially becoming a spaceworthy riot suit. The helmet must be upgraded independently of the suit. | melee = 30 - 70 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 50 acid = 75 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
CE Hardsuit | Chief Engineer | Gives good protection from melee attacks, near complete Radiation protection and complete protection against Fire. | melee = 40 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 50 bio = 100 rad = 90 fire = 100 acid = 90 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
CMO Hardsuit | Chief Medical Officer | Provides little physical protection and does not block intense light based weapons, such as flashbangs or flashes. But is a easy to access Hardsuit for the CMO. | melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 75 acid = 75 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
RD Hardsuit | Research Director | More accurately described as a space proof bomb suit. One of the only Hardsuits to provide 100% bomb protection, the helmet also has a diagnostic HUD built in. | melee = 30 bullet = 5 laser = 10 energy = 5 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 60 fire = 60 acid = 80 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
Security Hardsuit | Brig, or in the case of BoxStation in E.V.A. | Gives slightly increased protection against all damage sources. | melee = 30 bullet = 15 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 10 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 75 acid = 75 |
See here for information on the different styles. | |
HoS Hardsuit | Head of Security's Office, or in the case of BoxStation in E.V.A. | Gives slightly increased protection against all damage sources. | melee = 45 bullet = 25 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 95 acid = 95 |
Offer more protection than the standard Security Hardsuit. Still not as good as the Captain's spacesuit. | |
Gem-encrusted hardsuit | Wizard or Summon magic | Offers good protection overall and counts as a robe for spellcasting. Protective against fire and totally acidproof to boot! | melee = 40 bullet = 40 laser = 40 energy = 20 bomb = 35 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 100 acid = 100 |
See here for information on the magical arts. | |
Ablative Armor Vest | Armory | Gives excellent protection against Laser and Energy attacks and can even deflect them. | melee = 10 bullet = 10 laser = 60 energy = 60 |
It will sometimes deflect energy projectiles, which includes disabler shots! | |
Bulletproof Vest | Armory | Makes the wearer very resilient to bullets at the cost of being poor defense against other weapons. | melee = 15 bullet = 60 laser = 10 energy = 10 bomb = 40 |
Very useful against gangsters and nuke ops. The helmet only provides half of the protection of the vest sadly. | |
Body Armor | HoS, HoP, Security | Protects moderately against melee and lasers, which are common things to be harmed by. | melee = 35 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 40 bomb = 25 bio = 0rad = 0fire = 50 acid = 50 |
The standard armor found on security mooks. Also sometimes found on Ian. Also comes in identical tactical (officer lockers) and Black Mesa (security vendor) versions. | |
Durathread Vest | Botany | A vest made of durathread with strips of leather acting as trauma plates. | melee = 20 bullet = 10 laser = 30 energy = 40 bomb = 15 fire = 40 |
Something | |
Riot Suit | Armory | This, combined with the riot shield, will make you be the nightmare of fire extinguisher -wielding assistants everywhere. Gives complete protection to the entire body. | melee = 50 bullet = 10 laser = 10 energy = 10 |
It's very resistant to melee attacks, BUT it's less protective against lasers than standard armor. | |
Armored Coat | HoS | A good set of armour that covers the entire body, and the HoS starts with it. Not as powerful as it once was but it's still robust. | melee = 30 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 |
Wear this as your rightful trophy if you manage to outrobust him. | |
Deathsquad Armor | Death Squad | Extremely robust armor found only on Deathsquad Officers. Offers strong protection against all damage sources to the entire body, in addition to being spaceworthy. Moderate slowdown. | melee = 80 bullet = 80 laser = 50 energy = 50 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 100 fire = 100 acid = 100 |
If you see someone wearing this, it's a good idea to run. | |
Bomb Suit | Toxins Lab, Armory | Protects you from bombs. Even if a bomb manages to kill you, your body will not be gibbed and you can be revived. | melee = 40 laser = 20 energy = 10 bomb = 100 |
A suit designed for safety when handling explosives. | |
Security Officer's Jumpsuit | Security Offices | A security officer's jumpsuit provides a small amount of melee protection. All security-division jumpsuits have the same benefit, whether it be an officer's, the detective's, or the HoS's. Lawyers do not, however. | melee = 10 | The kicker? It goes in your jumpsuit slot, and when worn underneath armor will stack their defenses additively. The riot suit's 80% melee reduction becomes an incredible 90%. | |
Large Armor Vest | SecTech | Same stats as Body Armor, just cosmetically different. | melee = 35 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 40 bomb = 25 bio = 0rad = 0fire = 50 acid = 50 |
Premium item from SecTech vendor. | |
Durathread Jumpsuit | Botany | A jumpsuit made from durathread, its resilient fibres provide some protection to the wearer. | melee" = 10 laser = 10 fire = 40 acid = 10 bomb" = 5 |
Something | |
MK.I SWAT Suit | Order it from Cargo | An all rounded suit available through the Cargo Supply Console for 6000 points. Causes moderate slowdown | melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 30 bomb = 50 bio = 90 rad = 20 fire = 100 acid = 100 |
This suit, although costly, can provide a decent addition to security should they need extra defense against a multitude of threats. | |
Blood-red Hardsuit | From the Syndicate | A dual-mode advanced helmet designed for work in special operations. Has two modes: EVA and Combat. | melee = 40 bullet = 50 laser = 30 energy = 15 bomb = 35 bio = 100 rad = 50 fire = 50 acid = 90 |
Costs 8 telecrystals from the uplink. EVA is space proof while Combat is not, but increases your speed, fits in backpacks. Property of Gorlex Marauders. |
Icon | Item | How to acquire | Protection | Defense values % | Notes |
Helmet | Security Office | Standard head gear for security mooks. Keeps your head safe. | melee = 35 bullet = 30 laser = 30 energy = 10 bomb = 25 |
Brave officers may opt to wear the security beret or hat instead. The warden's hat offers the same protection as this. | |
Swat Helmet | Derelict or order it from Cargo | A rare and extremely powerful helmet that protects against all kinds of damage. Spaceworthy. | melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 25 energy = 25 bomb = 50 bio = 10 |
If you get this, be proud that you are wearing the best protective headgear in the game. | |
Riot Helmet | Armory | Provides excellent melee protection, but lacks in other areas. | melee = 45 bullet = 15 laser = 5 energy = 5 bomb = 5 bio = 2 |
Useful during revolutions, and other situations where you might be swarmed with melee weapons. | |
Head of Security Hat | HoS | Provides robust head protection in all damage types. The HoS starts with this. | melee = 40 bullet = 30 laser = 25 energy = 10 bomb = 25 bio = 10 |
Powerful and stylish, also for showing who is in charge around here. The dermal armor in the HoS's locker offers the same protection as this. | |
Durathread Beanie | Botany | A beanie made from durathread, its resilient fibres provide some protection to the wearer. | melee = 15 bullet = 5 laser = 15 energy = 25 bomb = 10 bio = 0 fire = 30 |
something | |
Durathread Beret | Botany | A beret made from durathread, its resilient fibres provide some protection to the wearer. | melee = 15 bullet = 5 laser = 15 energy = 25 bomb = 10 bio = 0 fire = 30 |
something | |
Durathread Helmet | Botany | A helmet made from durathread and leather. | melee = 20 bullet = 10 laser = 30 energy = 40 bomb = 15 bio = 0 fire = 40 |
something | |
Deathsquad Helmet | Death squad | A strong helmet that provides reduction against most damage types. Spaceworthy. | melee = 80 bullet = 80 laser = 50 energy = 50 bomb = 100 bio = 100 rad = 100 |
Underwhelming compared to the deathsquad body armor |