
Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
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Для всех операций требуется набор инструментов - зачастую тот, что лежит в операционном блоке.

Хирургические инструменты

Информацию о большинстве инструментов, используемых в хирургии, можно найти здесь.

Скорость операции и неудачи

Для каждого инструмента есть гетто-аналоги. Проценты, указанные рядом с ними, показывают, насколько они эффективны с точки зрения скорости по сравнению с основными инструментами (до октября 2019 года проценты на TG просто означали вероятность успеха). Например, если указано «50%», выполнение шага занимает вдвое больше времени. Эти проценты суммируются с бонусом или минусом в процентах от использования разных столов или химикатов (см. Начало любой операции).

Тем не менее, длительность шага операции увеличится не более чем вдвое. Например, шаг, который занимает 10 секунд, будет длиться не более чем 20 секунд с учётом замедления. Вместо этого появляется шанс на провал операции, пропорциональный времени, срезанным этим ограничением (1 секунда = 1% на провал). Неудача может привести к дополнительным повреждениям или другим эффектам.

Так, например:

  • Скажем, этап операции по умолчанию занимает 10 секунд, но вы используете ручку (25%) вместо гемостата и делаете это на полу (50%) вместо операционного стола.
  • Теперь шаг операции замедлена должен быть замедлен до 40 секунд, но из-за ограничения она занимает 20 секунд.
  • Те 20 дополнительных секунд, которые были удалены из-за ограничения, теперь являются Вашим шансом на провал.
  • Результат: Шаг занимает 20 секунд и имеет 20% шанс провала.

Начало любой операции

Шаг 1: Разденьте ту часть тела пациента, которая нуждается в хирургическом вмешательстве. Вы можете сделать это, перетащив их на себя, а затем щелкнув одежду, которую хотите снять с них, во всплывающем окне.

  • Важно: Униформа, которую носит пациент, обычно закрывает обе ноги, руки, пах и туловище. Шлемы, очки и маски всегда закрывают глаза, обязательно снимите их, если работаете с глазами. Mod-сюиты снимаются, если снять ту часть экзокостюма, которая находится на спине, в слоте рюкзака.

Шаг 2: Operating Table Поместите пациента на операционный стол. Сделайте это, сделав

Grab action.png Grab 32.png
Hold CTRL and left-click a person with your hand empty. It doesn't matter if
Режим боя Combat 32.png
Смена режима осуществляется нажатием клавиши 4 или F по умолчанию. Если режим боя активирован Harm Harm 32.png , то при нажатии ЛКМ на людей, вы им навредите, или поможете Help Help 32.png, если он деактивирован. Также предотвращает смену мест между персонажами или попытку толкнуть персонажа при их столкновении.
is on or off. Repeat after a short delay to upgrade grab to aggressive (lvl 2), neck (lvl 3) and strangling (lvl 4).

на пациента. Затем щелкните левой кнопкой мыши по операционному столу, чтобы поместить на него пациента. Вы также можете

Нажатие правой кнопки мыши. Эффект не зависит от того, включён режим боя или нет.

толкнуть человека на стол и сказать ему лечь на пол, хотя он может и не оценить этого.

  • Если нет операционного стола, можно использовать: Стазис кровать (-10%), любой стол (-20%), любую кровать (-30%), попросить его лечь на пол (-50%). Скорость выполнения каждого шага будет уменьшена соответственнл. Обратите внимание на то, что из-за гниения органов операции на мёртвых лучше проводить на стазисных кроватях.

Шаг 2.1 Ethanol (Опционально) Полейте, используйте спрей или патч с Miner's Salve (+10%), Sterilizine (+20%), алкогольными напитками (up to +46%), или Мёдом (+60%) для более быстрой скорости операции.

  • Чем крепче спирт, тем эффективнее! Формула: 0,1*(сила выпивки/65). Например: Этанол даёт +10% скорости операции, Manly Dorf +15%, Bacchus' Blessing +46%.

Шаг 2.2: Sleeping Agent (Опционально) Используйте Баллон с анестетиком и маску для дыхания, чтобы усыпить Вашего пациента. Тем не менее, это не имеет хирургических преимуществ.

Шаг 3: Drapes Bedsheet Разместите хирургическую рубашку или обычную простыню на часть тела, которую Вы оперируете.

  • Если Вы сделали шаг 1 неправильно, в открывшемся меню большинство операций будет закрашено серым, и Вы не сможете их начать.

Шаг 4: Выключите

Режим боя Combat 32.png
Смена режима осуществляется нажатием клавиши 4 или F по умолчанию. Если режим боя активирован Harm Harm 32.png , то при нажатии ЛКМ на людей, вы им навредите, или поможете Help Help 32.png, если он деактивирован. Также предотвращает смену мест между персонажами или попытку толкнуть персонажа при их столкновении.

. Профессиональный совет:

Нажатие правой кнопки мыши. Эффект не зависит от того, включён режим боя или нет.

даёт возможность проваливать каждый хирургический шаг намеренно.

Шаг 5: Target Следите за тем, что Вы целитесь на нужную часть тела (важно!).

Шаг 6:

Help action.png
Turn off
Режим боя Combat 32.png
Смена режима осуществляется нажатием клавиши 4 или F по умолчанию. Если режим боя активирован Harm Harm 32.png , то при нажатии ЛКМ на людей, вы им навредите, или поможете Help Help 32.png, если он деактивирован. Также предотвращает смену мест между персонажами или попытку толкнуть персонажа при их столкновении.
and then left-click.

Scalpel Проведите операцию (см. шаги ниже!). После этого поздравьте пациента и выгоните его. Неудачные шаги будут повторяться автоматически.

Чтобы прервать операцию, возьмите в руки каутер и рубашку, затем используйте рубашку на пациенте.

Процедуры, не требующие исследования или компьютера

Манипуляция с органами (Organ Manipulation)

Общая операция для удаления/вставки органов (мозг, сердце, аппендикс), киберимплантов и инопланетных эмбрионов.
Эту операцию можно провести на любой части тела.
Подробнее о каждой процедуре см. ниже.

Алгоритм Гетто-аналоги
Шаг 1: Scalpel Скальпель: сделайте надрез. Кухонный нож (65%) Осколок (45%) Световой меч (75%) Любой другой острый предмет (30%)
Шаг 2: Retractor Ретрактор: оттяните кожу. Отвёртка (45%) Кусачки (35%)
Шаг 3 (Только голова/грудь): Circular Saw Циркулярная пила: распилите кости. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Пожарный топор (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Топорик (35%) Нож мясника (25%) Армблейд генокрада (75%) Любой другой острый предмет (20%)
Шаг 4: Hemostat Гемостат: зажмите кровоток. Кусачки (60%) Обёртка для посылок (35%) Кабель (15%)
Шаг 5: Scalpel Скальпель: сделайте надрез. Кухонный нож (65%) Осколок (45%) Световой меч (75%) Любой другой острый предмет (30%)
Шаг 6 Удаление: Hemostat Гемостат: удалите что-нибудь. Ломик (55%) Вилка (35%)
Шаг 6 Вставка: Hands Руки: вставьте что-нибудь.
Шаг 7: Cautery Прижигатель: прижгите рану. Лазер (90%) Сварка (70%) Зажигалка (45%) Спичка (20%)

С чем обычно имеем дело

Приведённые ниже органы обычно присутствуют у каждого человека и могут быть удалены или вставлены с помощью операции типа Манипуляция с органами.

Мозг BrainAlien brain

Источник сознания и место, где на самом деле находится игрок. Удаление мозга из тела сделает его невосстановимым обычными средствами. Мозг также можно вставить в MMI, чтобы он мог говорить, и подготовить его к вставке в Киборга или в ИИ. Его можно перенести в другое тело, которое потом можно будет возродить.

Мозги генокрадов рудиментарны, и они могут выжить без них. Обезглавливание генокрада не помешает ему возродиться.

Hud target head.gif Цель: голова

Замечание: Мозг также можно вынуть, обезглавив цель и использовав любой острый объект на голове.

Сердце Heart.png

Необходимо для выживания. Если его убрать, у пациента возникнет сердечный приступ, из-за чего ему будет наносится огромный урон от гипоксии до тех пор, пока не будет вставлено новое сердце, либо пациент умрёт. Если Вам нужно больше времени, вколите медручку, либо положите пациента на стазисную кровать.

Вне тела сердце быстро перестаёт биться. Сердце можно запустить, использовав его в руке, если оно не сгнило.

Сердечный приступ также может быть возникнуть из-за инитропидрила, либо из-за того, что в пациента вшили небьющееся сердце. Так или иначе, сердечный приступ можно вылечить, использовав дефибрилятор, либо подвергнув пациента электрическому току.

Hud target chest.gif Цель: туловище

Глаза Eyes.png

Обеспечивают наличие зрения. Разумеется, без них пациент ослепнет. Глаза некоторых рас (например, тенеморфов) позволяют видеть в темноте. Hud target eyes.gif Цель: Глаза

Уши Ears.png

Обеспечивают наличие слуха. Без них пациент будет глухим.

Hud target head.gif Цель: голова

Печень Liver organ.png

Необходима для метаболизации химикатов. Без рабочей печени пациент будет получат урон от токсинов. Печени представителей некоторых профессий имеют особые эффекты.

Hud target chest.gif Цель: туловище

Лёгкие Lungs.png

Необходимы для дыхания. Без рабочих лёгких пациент будет задыхаться. Лёгкие некоторых рас позволяют не дышать. Пересадка таких лёгких позволяет присвоить эту особенность себе (или своему метадругу, или случайному ассистенту, притащившему Вам эти лёгкие, или ...).

Hud target chest.gif Цель: туловище

Желудок Stomach organ.png

Необходим, чтобы пить и есть.

Hud target chest.gif Цель: туловище

Язык Tongue.png Ltongue.png

Влияет на речь. Без языка речь пациента будет сложно воспринимать. Пересадка языков ксенорас, имеющих акценты, позволит перенести их другому человеку (или избавиться от них). Языки aбдукторов дают доступ к их телепатии, но также отнимают устную речь.

Hud target mouth.gif Цель: рот

Аппендикс AppendixInflamed appendix

Аппендицит лечится вырезанием аппендикса. Не имеет других эффектов.

Hud target crotch.gif Цель: пах

Экзотические варианты

В пациента можно вставить (или удалить из него) и другие предметы - как вредные, так и полезные.

Кибернетические импланты Chest implant.pngBrain implant.pngEye implant.pngToolset arm implant.png

Дают различные преимущества взамен на крайнюю уязвимость к ЭМИ. Требуют изучения определённых технологий, после чего доступны у робототехников и в техфабе Медбея.

Hud target chest.gifHud target head.gifHud target eyes.gif Цель: туловище/голова/глаза/руки

Искусственные органы Cybernetic heart.gif Cybernetic liver.png Cybernetic lungs.png Robotic eyes.png

Искусственные органы - замена для органических. Их можно вставить, только если соответствующий орган у пациента отсутствует. Уязвимы к ЭМИ. Можно распечатать в Robotics или в Медбее после изучения нужных технологий.

Hud target chest.gifHud target eyes.gif Цель: туловище/голова/глаза

Эмбрион ксеноморфа FacehuggerLarva

Лярва, попавшая внутрь пациента и разрывающая его изнутри. Если её не вынуть, она гибнет пациента, став на шаг ближе к полноценному, крайне опасному ксеноморфу.

Hud target chest.gif Цель: туловище


Пассивная инфекция в голове, вызванная принятием ромерола. Пациент, умерший с этой опухолью, со временем станет агрессивным зомби с пассивным лечением (его можно убить, убрав опухоль, отрезав голову или гибнув). У пациента, укушенного зомби, также образуется опухоль. Кроме того, он постоянно будет получать немалый урон от токсинов.

Hud target head.gif Цель: голова

Манипуляция с органами в протезе (Prosthesis Organ Manipulation)

Алгоритм Манипуляции с органами меняется для частей тела, прошедших аугментацию - инструменты меняются на механические. Эту операцию можно проводить на себе.

Target Цель: голова/туловище/пах/руки

Алгоритм Гетто-аналоги
Шаг 1: Screwdriver Отвёртка: открутите оболочку. Скальпель (75%) Кухонный нож (50%) Любой другой острый предмет (30%)
Шаг 2: Hands Пустые руки: откройте крышку.
Шаг 3 (Только голова/грудь): Wrench Гаечный ключ: открутите болты. Ретрактор (10%)
Шаг 4: Multitool Мультитул: подготовьте электронное оборудование. Хемостат (10%)
Шаг 5: Hemostat Хемостат: удалите или вставьте что-нибудь. Ломик (65%)
Шаг 6 (Только голова/грудь): Wrench Гаечный ключ: закрутите болты. Ретрактор (10%)
Шаг 7: Screwdriver Отвёртка: прикрутите оболочку. Скальпель (75%) Кухонный нож (50%) Любой другой острый предмет (30%)

Манипуляция с органами для инопланетян (Alien Organ Manipulation)

Манипуляция с органми, проводимая для ксеноморфов.

Алгоритм Гетто-аналоги
Step 1: Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 2: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 5 Remove: Hemostat Hemostat: remove something. Crowbar (55%)
Step 5 Insert: Hands Hands: Insert something.
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)


This surgery is an extended organ manipulation, cutting open the chest cavity and removing a disfunctional lobe within the lungs. This restores health to the lungs, and makes them operable, if they weren't before. Be warned, however, that this surgery can only be done once per set of lungs. Can only be performed if the patient's lungs are above 60 damage, which is a tad past severe damage thresholds. Do NOT confuse this surgery with lobotomy!

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3 Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through bones. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp the bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: excise the damage lung node. (95%) Energy Sword (45%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (25%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Coronary Bypass

This surgery is an extended organ manipulation, cutting open the chest cavity and grafting a bypass onto the patient's heart. This restores health to the heart, and makes it operable, if it was not before. Be warned, however, that this surgery can only be done once per heart, and that incising the heart and attaching the graft are not guaranteed successes. Keep bandages on hand in the event of failing the step, which will result in massive amounts of bleeding. Can only be performed if the heart has more than 60 damage (tad past severe damage threshold).

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3 Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through bones. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp the bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: incise the heart. (90%) Energy Sword (45%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (25%)
Step 6 Hemostat Hemostat: attach heart graft. (90%) Wirecutters (35%) Package Wrap (15%) Cable (5%)
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)


Removes damaged parts of the liver so that the liver may regenerate properly. A liver healing surgery, similar to Coronary Bypass and Lobectomy. This liver surgery only shows up as an option when liver damage is above 50 and the liver itself is not failing.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3 Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through bones. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp the bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: incise. (90%) Energy Sword (45%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (25%)
Step 6: Scalpel Scalpel: remove damaged liver section. (95%) Energy Sword (65%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (35%)
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Failing the last scalpel step will deal damage to the liver.


Removes a piece of your duodenum, attaching your stomach back to your lower intestines. A stomach healing surgery, similar to Coronary Bypass, Lobectomy and Hepatectomy. This surgery will appear only if your stomach has at least 50 damage, and will help you be able to digest food again without disgust.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3 Circular Saw Circular Saw: saw through bones. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp the bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: incise. (90%) Energy Sword (45%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (25%)
Step 6: Scalpel Scalpel: remove lower duodenum. (95%) Energy Sword (65%) Kitchen Knife (45%) Shard (35%)
Step 7: Hemostat Hemostat: cauterize lower stomach. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 8: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Failing the second scalpel step will damage the stomach further.


Sever a limb from the torso. Tails are handled under Organ Manipulation (groin).

Target Target: Head, legs, or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 5: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 6: Scalpel Scalpel or Circular Saw Circular Saw: sever the limb. Chainsaw (80%) Fire Axe (50%) Hatchet (40%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (80%) Shears (300%)

Prosthetic Replacement

Replace a severed limb with either a normal or a robotic limb.

Target Target: Head, legs or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 0: Acquire the required limb.
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Limb/Cyborg limb: replace the limb.
Step 4(Alternative): Chainsaw/Synthetic Arm Blade: replace the limb with the chosen weapon.


Replace a limb with a robot part. The head, torso, arms, and legs can all be augmented. Augmenting torso makes you immune to appendicitis and xeno larva.
Robot limbs are tougher. They need welding to "heal" brute damage and wires for burn damage, and cannot be otherwise healed. EMP pulses will hurt augmented humans.

Cyborg head
Cyborg torso
Cyborg arm

We can rebuild him. We have the technology.

Target Target: Head, chest, legs or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 0: Create the cyborg limb(s) using an Exosuit Fabricator.
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Cyborg limb: augment the limb.

Cavity Implant

Implant/Remove an object in the chest. Tiny and small items can be implanted. Implanting a flashlight allows the patient to toggle it on or off. Implanting grenades is also often done. You can only have one cavity implant at a time.

Flashlight is commonly implanted

Файл:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Hands Place an item in the cavity or use your hands to check for items in the cavity. Repeatable.
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Implant Removal

Extracts mindshield, tracking, chemical, traitor, explosive implants and such. If you don't have an empty implant case in your other hand, the implant will be ruined on extraction!

Removes this

Файл:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat and Empty Implant Case: extract the implant. Crowbar (65%) Fork (35%)
Step 5: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Dental Implant

This allows you to insert pills/patches into a tooth cavity, allowing you to pop it any time to ingest it. This works for both stimulants and suicide pills.

Hud target mouth.gif Target: Mouth

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Surgical Drill Surgical Drill: Drill a hole in a tooth. Mining Drill (60%) Exosuit Drill (60%) Screwdriver (20%)
Step 2: Pill Pill/Patch: Insert a pill/patch.

Brain Surgery

This procedure cures all severe and basic traumas and reduces brain damage by a large amount. Failing step 5, however, causes hefty brain damage.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Hemostat Hemostat: perform brain surgery. Repeatable. (85%) Screwdriver (35%) Pen (15%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Eye Surgery

This fixes all damage done to eyes (fixing blindness), except genetic. Failing step 4 will cause 70 brain damage to the patient.

Hud target eyes.gif Target: Eyes

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%)Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: fix the patient's eyes. Screwdriver (45%) Pen (25%)
Step 5: Cautery Cautery: mend the incision. Laser (90%)Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Plastic Surgery

If the patient's face is damaged and unrecognizable it restores it, otherwise it change the face and identity of the patient.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Scalpel Scalpel: alter the patient's appearance. Kitchen Knife (50%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)


Removes excess fat from the patient. Can only be selected if the patient is fat.

You get this

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut up the fat. Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%)
Step 4: Retractor Retractor: remove the fat. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 5: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)


The target is resurrected by this surgery. It works on any non-husked corpse with a head, even if it doesn't have a heart. If the body has sustained too much damage, it'll die immediately after the revival. You can circumvent this by applying synthflesh or performing Tend Wounds beforehand.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Defibrillator Paddles Revive: revive the target (repeatable). Stun Baton (75%) Taser Shot (60%)
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Slime Core Removal

Remove core from slime. Step 2 must be repeated for every core if slime has several. Mostly obsolete with existence of slime grinder, but still possible.

A slime
Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: extract core. Crowbar (100%)

Filter Blood

Removes reagents from the patient's bloodstream. Doesn't work if the patient is a husk.

Файл:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 4: Blood_Filter Blood filter: Filter blood (95%). Repeatable.
Step 5: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Stomach Pump

Induces vomiting in a patient, which removes a large portion of ingested reagents from the stomach. Requirements:

  • Patient must not be a husk.
  • Patient must have reagents in the stomach from eating food.

Файл:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Hands Hand: pump stomach. Repeatable.
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Repair Bone Fracture (hairline)

Repairs hairline fractures.

Target Target: Head, chest, legs, or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: BonesetterBone gelSurgical tape Bonesetter/bone gel/surgical tape: repair hairline fracture. Sticky Tape (30%)

Repair Compound Fracture

Repairs the most critical type of bone fracture, compound fractures.

Target Target: Head, chest, legs, or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 3: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Bonesetter Bonesetter: reset bone. Surgical tape (60%) Super sticky tape (40%) Sticky Tape (20%)
Step 5: Bone gelSurgical tape Bone gel/surgical tape: repair compound fracture. Super sticky tape (50%) Sticky Tape (30%)

Debride Infected Flesh

Repairs burn wounds.

Target Target: Head, chest, legs, or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Hemostat Hemostat: excise infection. Scalpel (85%) Circular Saw (60%) Wirecutters (40%)
Step 2: Medical gauzeSurgical tape Medical gauze/surgical tape: bandage burns.

Repair Puncture

Repairs pierce wounds. Repeat step 2 and 3 (cycle between them) until healed.

Target Target: Head, chest, legs, or arms

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: realign blood vessels. Scalpel (85%) Wirecutters (40%)
Step 3: Cautery Cautery: weld veins. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Other (30%)
Step 4: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Upgradable Surgery

These surgeries are available roundstart but can be upgraded to better or different versions by researching certain nodes and then syncing a connected operating computer.

Tend Wounds

The tend wounds surgeries all share the same steps. They can be upgraded by researching certain nodes, and then syncing the operating computer with research database. There are "bruises", "burn" and "Mixture" versions. By default only "bruises" and "burn" are available. The basic versions of this surgery can be performed anywhere, but the upgraded versions require an operating table with an adjacent and synced operating computer.

The target is healed by this surgery, without any chemicals being involved. Useful for healing dead bodies for revival. This works on patients with clothes on, but it's only 55% as effective.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make a careful incision (does not cause damage or bleeding). Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Hemostat Hemostat: repair damage to the target (automatically repeats until fully healed). Screwdriver (65%) Pen (55%)
Step 3: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
  • Step 2 will heal at least 5 damage each time it's repeated, with an added bonus the more damaged the patient is. This the bonus healing becomes higher with higher tiers of research, ranging from (patient's damage / 75) to (patient's damage / 12.5). The bonus is much lower on dead patients.
  • Without any research the heal is 5 damage plus a bonus from damage. ("bruises" and "burn" versions only).
  • With Improved Wound-Tending Surgery researched and synced, it will heal 5 damage plus a higher bonus from damage ("bruises" and "burn" versions only).
  • With Advanced Surgery researched and synced, it will heal 5 damage plus an even higher bonus from damage ("bruises" and "burn" versions only).
  • With Advanced Surgery researched and synced, you'll be able to do the "mixture" version (tend physical wounds), which heals 3 brute and burn plus a bonus from damage, but the step takes much shorter time than the other two versions.
  • With Experimental Surgery researched and synced, "tend physical wounds" will heal 3 brute and burn plus a better bonus from damage.
  • With Alien Surgery researched and synced, "tend physical wounds" will heal 1 brute and burn plus a very high bonus from damage.
  • Failing the hemostat step Hemostat will deal some of the damage it would have healed.
  • You can hold a Health Analyzer Health Analyzer in your other hand to see your patient's remaining wounds while treating them.

If research was completed in the middle of surgery, you must restart the surgery to get the upgraded version.

Advanced Surgery

These surgeries require the Advanced Surgery research node. After it is researched you must sync an operating computer (click "View Surgery Procedures" and then "Sync with research database") to unlock the procedures. Advanced surgeries can only be performed on an operating table with a connected operating computer.


Used to cure deep-rooted brain traumas. This can cause a random, permanent trauma, or if lucky, a random special trauma which gives you rare powers. Note that this can cause traumas regardless of the success of stages. Requires the "Advanced Surgery" technology.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Scalpel Lobotomize (85%): perform the lobotomy procedure. Kitchen Knife (35%) Shard (25%) Energy Sword (55%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Wing Reconstruction

A surgical procedure that reconstructs the damaged wings of moth people. The patient must be dosed with any amount of Synthflesh for the last step to work. Requires the "Advanced Surgery" technology.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Hemostat Hemostat (85%): start wing reconstruction. Screwdriver (35%) Pen (15%)

Experimental Surgery

These surgeries require the Experimental Surgery research node. After it is researched you must sync an operating computer (click "View Surgery Procedures" and then "Sync with research database") to unlock the procedures. Experimental surgeries can only be performed on an operating table with a connected operating computer.


The target becomes essentially becomes permanently pax-ed, and can no longer perform direct violent actions.
Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Hemostat Pacify: rewire the target's brain. Screwdriver (35%) Pen (15%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Vein Threading

The circulatory system is woven into a mesh, severely reducing the amount of blood lost from wounds. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Muscled Veins.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: thread the veins
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Vein Muscle Membrane

Adds a muscled membrane to blood vessels, allowing them to pump blood without a heart. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Vein Muscle Membrane.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: shape vein muscles
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Nerve Splicing

Nerves are connected to each other multiple times, greatly reducing stun times. This caps stun times to 4 seconds. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Nerve Grounding.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: splice nerves
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Nerve Grounding

Nerves form a safe path for electricity to traverse, making the user nigh immune to all electric shocks. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Nerve Splicing.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: ground nerves
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Ligament Hook

Reshapes the connections between torso and limbs, making it so limbs can manually be attached if severed. However this weakens the connection, making limbs easier to detach as well. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Ligament Reinforcement.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: reshape ligaments
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Ligament Reinforcement

Adds a protective tissue and bone cage around the connections between the torso and limbs, preventing dismemberment. However, the nerve connections as a result are more easily interrupted, making it easier to disable limbs with damage. Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology. Mutually exclusive with Ligament Hook.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: reinforce ligaments
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Cortex Imprint

Performing this surgery makes the brain more resilient from basic brain traumas obtained through damage to the brain. You can only choose to either do this OR Cortex Folding, never both.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: imprint cortex.
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Cortex Folding

Performing this surgery gives a higher chance of getting a Special brain trauma through Lobotomy. You can only perform either this one OR Cortex Imprint, never both.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 6: Hands Hands: fold cortex.
Step 7: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Viral Bonding

The target is forced into a symbiotic relationship with a virus. It makes the virus stay at stage 1 where it's usually harmless, but still infective to others .
Note: The target must already be infected before you can initiate this surgery with the drapes. The target must be dosed with at least 5 units of Virus Food, Formaldehyde, and Spaceacillin for the "Viral Bond" step to work. This surgery will not hide the virus icon from medical huds.
Requires the "Experimental Surgery" technology.

Hud target chest.gif Target: Chest

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 5: Cautery Viral Bond: force a symbiotic relationship. Welder (50%) Lighter (35%) Match (30%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Alien Surgery

These surgeries require the Alien Surgery research node, which requires the Alien Technology node, which can only be revealed from deconstructing certain abductor items. After it is researched you must sync an operating computer (click "View Surgery Procedures" and then "Sync with research database") to unlock the procedures. Alien surgeries can only be performed on an operating table with a connected operating computer.


The target of this surgery, when successful, is bound to a primary goal you assign to him/her. He/she must follow these objectives, regardless of allegiance. This can be cured through brain surgery or with a mindshield implant. Requires either the brainwashing disk, acquired through the Syndicate Uplink, or researching the "Alien Surgery" technology.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Hemostat (85%) Brainwash: perform the brainwashing procedure. Failing will cause brain damage. Wirecutters (50%) Package Wrapper (35%) Cable Coil (15%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)

Necrotic Revival

Revives a corpse into an infectious zombie which will probably munch your face off. Useful for forcing a shuttle call. Note: The target must be dosed with at least 5 units of Zombie Powder or Rezadone for the "Bionecrosize" step to work. Requires the "Alien Surgery" technology.

Hud target head.gif Target: Head

Procedure Ghetto Analogues
Step 1: Scalpel Scalpel: make an incision. Kitchen Knife (65%) Shard (45%) Energy Sword (75%) Any other sharp item (30%)
Step 2: Retractor Retractor: retract the skin. Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 3: Circular Saw Circular Saw: cut through the bone. Chainsaw (arm-mounted) (65%) Fire Axe (50%) Chainsaw (unmounted) (50%) Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Changeling's Arm Blade (75%) Any other sharp item (20%)
Step 4:Hemostat Hemostat: clamp bleeders. Wirecutters (60%) Package Wrap (35%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Syringe Bionecrosize: perform the revival procedure. Pen (50%)
Step 6: Cautery Cautery: seal the wound. Laser (90%) Welder (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)