Участник:VastKilleroOm: различия между версиями

Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
<tabs plain="Командная политика">
{{Rules navbar}}
=<div style='text-align: center;'>Notice: Last updated on 30/01/2023</div>=

<tab inline name="Привет!">
=<div style='text-align: center;'>Preface</div>=
'''Station Control and Conflict Management Regulations''' (Space Law) '''SCCMR''', colloquially known as ‘Corporate Regulations’, is Nanotrasen’s corporate law, it does '''not''' apply everywhere besides stations belonging to NT. Whilst Nanotrasen’s own security isn’t present on some frontier stations, Lopland security enforces corporate law.

According to the laws of SolGov, NanoTransen lacks the authority or judicial privileges to execute an individual. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, such transgressions are rarely looked into on the frontiers.

<tab inline name="Общие положения и стандарты">
'''SCCMR''' is not secret. The Head of Security & Centcom Officials have in-depth knowledge of '''SCCMR'''. The Captain, Security, Head of Personnel, the Blueshield, the Lawyer(s) and Silicons are encouraged to have above-average knowledge of '''SCCMR'''. Everyone not mentioned has layman-level knowledge, apart from Antagonists, who can have as much knowledge on it as they like.
Командный состав станции занимает такие важные роли как Капитан, Глава службы безопасности, Директор исследований, Глава персонала, Главный врач, Квартирмейстер и Старший инженер. Являясь любой из этих ролей, вы — назначенное руководство и руководителем выделенного вам отдела (или всей станции, если вы капитан). Даже если вы выберете альтернативное название вашей профессии, данные положения и стандарты всё ещё будут действовать на вас.

Ваша задача быть именно лидером, а не боссом. Помните, что за пиксельными космонавтами скрываются такие же люди, как и вы, со своими мыслями и чувствами. Будьте внимательны к ним как с точки зрения OOC, так и с точки зрения IC. Чрезвычайно токсичный начальник-мудак в реальной жизни обычно долго не задерживается, так что примите это во внимание.
<big>Your primary objective as security and/or antagonist is to '''create the best roleplay opportunities possible for the server and the biggest net-gain of fun for everyone involved.''' This is how you actually win at the game.</big>
<div style='text-align: center;'><h3> General Overview </h3></div>
Corporate regulations are a form of cataloguing and classing behavior - criminal or nuisance.
<div style='text-align: center;'><h3>Injunctions</h3></div>
Injunctions are corrective measures to undesirable crew behavior. They can be issued with Misdemeanors and higher punishments in place of or in addition to regular penalties. Plea bargains are common causes for injunctions. Injunctions require a paper copy. The suspect is entitled to a copy, the original must be stored.

Общие положения для всех глав/руководителей:
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! '''Injunction Specifics'''
|style='background:#d93232;' | <div style='text-align: center;'>'''Injunctions cannot impact on the suspects current ability to perform their duties.'''</div>
<div style='text-align: center;'>'''You MUST demote the suspect(or, contact their relevant head of staff) if the injunction would bar or significantly impair their ability to do their job.'''</div>
<div style='text-align: center;'>'''Example: You cannot bar a scientist from entering science; as it would prevent them from performing their Job.'''

Будьте руководителем и лидером, а не боссом. Игроки с которыми вы столкнётесь в ваших отделах всё ещё остаются игроками. Они — коллеги и сотрудники вашего персонажа, а не просто подчиненные, которым можно приказывать. Отдавать приказы для организации людей и выполнения задач — это одно, а лаять, как сержант на учениях, — совсем другое. Есть случаи, когда это допустимо, например, с начальником службы безопасности во время чрезвычайной ситуации или если ваш отдел полностью игнорирует свою работу, но это исключения, а не общее правило.
Если кто-то в вашем отделе новичок или нуждается в обучении, возьмите его под свое крыло или даже позвольте ему наблюдать за вашими действиями, чтобы вы могли наглядно показать ему, как нужно действовать. Этим вы избавите себя от головной боли в будущем. Если вы окажетесь слишком заняты и не сможете этого сделать, попробуйте попросить опытного сотрудника вашего отдела обучить их вместо вас.
Как руководитель, вы обладаете полным контролем над своим отделом. Капитан может отдавать вам приказы в чрезвычайных ситуациях, но именно вы руководите работой в своем отсеке. Как CE, вы несете наибольшую ответственность за двигатель, поскольку являетесь главой инженерного отдела и, следовательно (вероятнее всего), наиболее осведомлены в инженерных задачах [и атмосе]. Как RD, вы должны быть осведомлены о ксенобиологии, исследовании токсинов и всём остальном, что входит в сферу RnD. Хоть ваше мнение и авторитетнее простого экипажа, прислушивайтесь к их мнению. Особенно если они говорят вам, что вы творите что-то невероятно глупое или опасное. Самоуверенность — частая причина проблем.
Для разблокировки роли главы вам потребуется наиграть определенное количество часов на других ролях, но даже после её открытия вам потребуется быть уверенным в ваших силах. Вы всё равно должны иметь как можно больше знаний о том, как работает ваш отдел, или по крайней мере, иметь средние знания о большинстве профессий ваших подчинённых, особенно в те случаи, если кому-то понадобится ваша помощь в освоении своей роли в отделе. Прежде чем играть на командных ролях, постарайтесь сыграть на каждой должности в отделе хотя бы несколько раз, чтобы быть знакомым с тем, как они функционируют.
Вы не Служба Безопасности. Не пытайтесь выслеживать антагонистов или нарушителей порядка, если только вы не ХОС, и даже в качестве ХОСа старайтесь не быть слишком активным, подобно обычным офицерам, если вы не чувствуете в этом необходимости. По возможности ограничивайте бой самообороной, как и в любой другой роли главы.
Будьте образцом для подражания IC и OOC. Будучи главой отдела, старайтесь не поливать грязью своих работодателей (Нанотрейзен), не притесняйте членов экипажа без необходимости и не ругайте другие отделы, если вы не уверены в своих словах. Будьте профессиональны и вежливы. Не кричите в общих сообщениях, что капитан — дебил, только потому, что он сделал что-то, с чем вы не согласны. Ведите себя так, как вы бы вели себя на месте вашего персонажа и хотели бы сохранить эту работу. Мы все здесь взрослые люди. Мы должны вести себя соответствующе.
Громкий режим наушника — это инструмент для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Не держите его включенным постоянно, и особенно не используйте его для оскорблений в общий канал; не держите его постоянно включенным. Помните: вы должны действовать профессионально и играть свою роль.
Не обменивайте снаряжение, предназначенное для вашей роли, с другими главами. Пример: ГСБ обменивает свой экспериментальный лазер на антикварный лазер капитана.

'''No SEXUAL INJUNCTIONS unless LOOCly consented to by all three parties: Sec, the criminal, and the victim'''
|• Injunctions may not last over an hour.
|• Injunctions may not prohibit the suspect from accessing any essential service - such as Medical
|• Injunctions listed as a penalty require the arresting Officer's approval to be put in place, as wellas the 'victims'; but may be over-ruled by someone higher in the CoC (Chain Of Command)
|• Injunctions not listed as a penalty require approval from the Warden, Head of Security or Captain (or acting).
|• An injunction can be taken as a plea bargain and must always have the suspect’s signature. The suspect is entitled to a paper copy.

Как глава вы уже прошли свой путь по карьерной лестнице и вам потребовалось на это время. Минимальный возраст для каждого главы: QM 25+, HoP и HoS 30+, CE и CMO 35+, Captain и RD 40+
<h3><div style='text-align: center;'>Crime Tiers</div></h3>
Будучи руководителем или другим непосредственным подчиненным Центрального командования, вы должны поддерживать блестящий и славный образ Нанотрейзен. От вас ожидается, что вы будете достойным работником и примером для подражания. Это ожидание, хотя и основано на игровом уровне, имеет некоторые основания и на уровне OOC. От вас действительно ожидается, что вы будете сияющим образом (в некоторой степени) и станете своего рода ролевой моделью для своих коллег как в игре, так и вне её. Смотря на главу, игроки видят вас в качестве примера, и того как правильно вести себя в отделе. Вы не только лидер отдела, но и его лицо.
1. <span style="color:#92D050">'''Infractions:'''</span> Generally mild crimes. Punishments are usually a fine, short sentence, or, preferably, an injunction. These require someone to 'press charges', that is, a victim to want to pursue a punishment.

Поскольку вы являетесь представителем и образцом для подражания не только своего отдела, но и станции, да и сервера в целом, неудивительно, что к вам будут предъявлять более высокие требования как IC, так и OOC.
2. <span style="color:#FFD965">'''Minor Misdemeanours:'''</span> Crimes that warrant detainment. Sentences are usually ten minutes or a fine. Also require a party to press charges, or, for charges like 'rioting' the captain can press them in lieu of the station at large (does not apply to charges like assault.) Security at expected to break up 2xx charges in-action, then ask respective parties in regards to pressing charges.

3. <span style="color:#FF9961">'''Major Misdemeanours:'''</span> Serious crimes that warrant extended detainment. Sentences are usually twenty minutes or work in the labor camp. These don't require a party to press charges.
<tab inline name="Кодекс поведения для командования">

Вы находитесь на пограничной станции. Вы далеко от престижных и, несомненно, ухоженных станций других районов. Имейте это в виду. Мы не ожидаем от вас блестящей игры, но существуют стандарты для обеспечения минимального качества ролевой игры, которого мы ожидаем от каждого игрока. Главы должны, как уже говорилось, относиться к себе как к надлежащему образцу для подражания и лидеру, а не как к отстраненному боссу. Существуют некоторые общие правила этикета, которым вы должны следовать как Глава:
4. <span style="color:#C55911">'''Minor Felonies:'''</span> Very serious crimes that warrant admittance into general population prison. Usually twenty five minutes or work in the labor camp. No party is required to press-charges.

От вас ожидается... Всегда сохранять некое подобие профессионализма в том, как вы себя ведете. Это ожидание, более или менее, просит вас реалистично играть роль главы. Вы не обычный член экипажа, и вы не лакей. Вы - почитаемый и высоко ценимый член станции. Относитесь к себе так. К своему кабинету и мостику следует относиться с таким же уважением.
5. <span style="color:#FF0000">'''Major Felonies:'''</span> Exceptional crimes that result in either permanent incarceration until transfer to a secure facility, barring any clarifications made by [[#Special_Situations_and_Modifiers| Special Modifiers]].
От вас ожидается... Сохранять определённую степень здравомыслия и спокойствия. Сохранять спокойствие на уровне OOC чрезвычайно важно. Не принимайте командование, если вы не можете оставить прошлое в прошлом, и не можете видеть вещи такими, какие они есть на самом деле: это всего лишь игра. Все когда-нибудь выходят из себя — важно то, как вы справляетесь с этим.
От вас ожидается... Держать "неуместные" высказывания и поступки подальше от общественности. Вопросы, которые обычно решаются в неформальной обстановке, или замечания, которые обычно произносятся наедине, должны происходить наедине. Командование находится в другом, гораздо более ярком свете, чем остальная часть станции. Вы не должны открыто болтать в общем канале всякие глупости. Ваш профессиональный и корпоративный стиль поведения должен сохраняться всегда, когда вы выступаете на публике или находитесь на виду у всех.
От вас ожидается... Быть профессионалом при общении с командой. Хотя мы допускаем некоторое снисхождение разрешённых терминах, командование должно и будет придерживаться более высоких ожиданий, и от него ожидается, что при появлении/общении с публикой оно будет использовать сленг в минимальной степени. Конкретно мемная терминология, такая как "это база", "кринж", "СУС" и т.д. не должна использоваться в средствах коммуникации, доступных двум или более людям. Вы должны сохранять лицо IC-профессионала и использовать только приличный взрослый словарный запас. Вас не забанят за использование случайного сленга, такого как "чувак", "ну супер" и т.д. Но это не рекомендуется.
От вас ожидается… Одеваться соответствующим образом. Очень важно, чтобы вы были одеты соответствующим образом. Руководители не должны одеваться как гражданские лица. Это делается не только для того, чтобы вас можно было узнать, но и для того, чтобы укрепить представление о том, что вы действительно являетесь уважаемым и ценным начальником, нанятым непосредственно Центральным Командованием. Учитывая, что это пограничная станция, законы о форме, по понятным причинам, будут более мягкими. Ношение собственных шляп, обуви, а иногда и собственной униформы вполне допустимо! Однако, если вы решили надеть свою собственную форму, вам следует надеть что-то, напоминающее вашу роль, например соответствующий вашей роли плащ, который обычно находится в вашем шкафчике.  

6. <span style="color:#c175ff">'''Critical Threat:'''</span> Crimes that exceed the stations ability, and authority to persecute and charge, met with immediate termination, with the trial to be held off-station.
<tab inline name="Смена законов для ИИ и Боргов">
<h3><div style='text-align: center;'>Crime Stacking</div></h3>
The last number in the crime code, i.e. '''XX1, XX2, XX3''', refer to the type of crime. For each type of crime, you may only charge them with the highest severity offense.

У капитана и научного директора есть полное право менять законы если это требуется, но за капитаном всегда последнее слово. Однако ожидается, что вы будете делать это из добрых побуждений и не будете давать им законы (не являясь антагонистом), которые могут навредить или помешать всей станции/экипажу.
You cannot stack them, save for murder. For example, you cannot charge someone with both 2'''01''' and 3'''01''' as they are the same crime. You must choose the one with the highest severity for that crime type.

Исполняющий обязанности капитана, если он не RD, также имеет за этим последнее слово.
Furthermore, you cannot charge someone with two counts of assault. So, you cannot do two 2'''01'''<nowiki/>'s. The only exception to this is murder.
===Note: For current Contraband laws, see [[#Contraband Table|Contraband]]===
{| class="mw-collapsible"
|+<h3>Quick Code Reference</h3>
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#FFFFFF;" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! style="background-color:#AEAAAA; width=" 75px' |Code
! style="background-color:#92D050; width=" 200px' |Infraction 1XX
! style="background-color:#FFD965; width=" 200px' |Minor Misdemeanours 2XX
! style="background-color:#FF9961; width=" 200px' |Major Misdemeanours 3XX
! style="background-color:#C55911; width=" 200px' |Minor Felony 4XX
! style="background-color:#FF0000; width=" 200px' |Major Felony 5XX
! style="background-color:#c175ff; width='200px'  " | Critical Threat 6XX
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" | XX1
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#battery|Battery]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#assault-abh|Assault '''(ABH)''']]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#aggravated-assault-gbh|Assault '''(GBH)''']]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |[[#murder|Murder]]
| style="background:#c175ff;" |[[#annihilation|Annihilation]]
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX2
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#vandalism|Vandalism]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#damage-to-station-infrastructure|Damage to station infrastructure]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#sabotage|Sabotage]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |[[#grand-sabotage|Grand Sabotage]]
| style="background:#FF0000;" |[[#terrorism|Terrorism]]
| style="background:#c175ff;" |[[#hostilelifeform|Hostile Non-Typical Lifeform]]
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX3
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#disorderly-conduct|Disorderly Conduct]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#rioting|Rioting]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#inciting-a-riot|Inciting a riot]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |[[#unjustified-mutiny|Mutiny]]
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX4
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#petty-theft|Petty theft]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#theft|Theft]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" | [[#robbery|Robbery]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |[[#grand-theft|Grand Theft]]
| style="background:#FF0000;" |[[#enemy-of-the-station|Enemy of the Station]]
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX5
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#animal-cruelty|Animal Cruelty]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#violating-an-injunction|Violating an Injunction]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#assault-of-an-officer|Assault of an Officer]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX6
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#abuse-of-equipment|Abuse of Equipment]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#abuse-of-confiscated-equipment|Abuse of Confiscated Equipment*]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#escaping-confinement|Escaping Confinement]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX7
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#trespassing|Trespassing]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#narcotics-distribution-and-manufacture|Narcotics Distribution and Manufacture]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#grand-trespass|Grand trespass]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX8
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#obstruction-of-justice|Obstruction of Justice]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#medical-malpractice|Medical Malpractice]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#manslaughter|Manslaughter]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |XX9
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#rubbernecking|Rubbernecking]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |
| style="background:#FF9961;" |
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |X10
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#creating-a-workplace-hazard|Creating a Workplace Hazard]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#unlawful-restraint|Unlawful Restraint]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#unlawful-restraint-of-an-officer|Unlawful Restraint of an Officer]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |X11
| style="background:#92D050;" |[[#insubordination|Insubordination*]]
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#eavesdropping|Eavesdropping]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#abuse-of-executive-powers|Abuse of Executive Powers*]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |X12
| style="background:#92D050;" |
| style="background:#FFD965;" |[[#damage-to-cybernetic-units|Damage to Cybernetic Units]]
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#destruction-of-a-cybernetic-unit|Destruction of a Cybernetic Unit]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |[[#unlawful-tampering-with-a-cybernetic-unit|Unlawful tampering with a Cybernetic Unit]]
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" | X13
| style="background:#92D050;" |
| style="background:#FFD965;" |
| style="background:#FF9961;" |[[#sapient-trafficking|Sapient Trafficking]]
| style="background:#C55911;" |
| style="background:#FF0000;" |
| style="background:#c175ff;" |
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |X14
| colspan="6" style="background-color:#7B7B7B" ; |'''Accessory to Crime'''
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |X15
| colspan="6" style="background-color:#8EAADB" ; |'''[[#Contraband Table|Contraband Possesion Based on its tier]].'''
| style="background:#AEAAAA;" |'''Sentence'''
| style="background:#92D050;" |'''5 minutes<br>500 mining points/250 credits/Injunction <br> requires a party to press charges'''
| style="background:#FFD965;" |'''10 minutes<br>1000 mining points/500 credits/Injunction <br> requires a party to press charges'''
| style="background:#FF9961;" |'''20 minutes<br>2000 mining points/No option to pay damages.'''
| style="background:#C55911;" |'''25 minutes<br>Prisoner may spend it mining if agreed upon'''
| style="background:#FF0000;" |'''Perma, Execution if violent<br>Forced Labour Depending on severity'''
| style="background:#c175ff;" |'''Immediate termination<br> arrest is no longer necessary for any <br> "confirmed beyond a doubt" 6xx charge.'''
<big> <b>To be charged with Accessory to Crime someone must willingly and knowingly participate in an illegal act. Not reporting a crime is not illegal and it does not constitute Accessory to Crime nor Obstruction of Justice. People who are sentenced to over fifteen minutes should be relocated to the permabrig.</b></big>
<h2> Usage Notes</h2>
*Any weapon being brandished or misused can be considered mid-level contraband

Если вы считаете, что изменения в законе необходимы, помните золотое правило: если сомневаетесь, нажмите F1 и спросите у администраторов. Просто знайте, что внесенные вами изменения в закон заставят вас отвечать за конечные результаты, если они могут быть истолкованы неправильно.
*Certain items would be considered contraband after being seen in use. Those are marked with their respective grade color.

В большинстве ситуаций командные роли подчиняются определенным процедурам, когда дело касается их собственных отделов. Поэтому ниже приведены общие правила, относящиеся к каждой роли, включая Представителя НТ и Блющилда.
*It is not contraband if the person with the item is intended to have it, obviously. For example, you can't charge a security officer for having a disabler, nor <i>inherently</i> can you charge a virologist for having a sample of a harmful virus.

*You are only allowed to apply one contraband charge, of the highest tier item you find.
<tab inline name="ВРИО">

Врио капитана — это важный вопрос, который рекомендуется обсудить всем главам и определить, кто лучше всего подходит для управления командой, основываясь на способностях, а не на должности. Если вы — HoP, но вы и другие главы чувствуете, что СМО или QM — лучший выбор, вы полностью способны и даже обязаны передать бразды правления им, если вы не уверены в своих способностях руководить. Если вам всем трудно принять решение, тогда работайте вместе, насколько это возможно, чтобы станция функционировала, поддерживая постоянную связь между собой. Также можно обратиться к Представителю НТ за советом по этому вопросу (больше информации в разделе Представитель НТ).
* The use of items that have been confiscated as contraband or evidence is only to be permitted for extreme scenarios, such as a threat that has elevated the alert level to Delta or are otherwise equivalent in threat. The only threats that contraband can be deployed against are: Nuclear Operatives, Zombies (this includes the HNZ1 mutants and romerol), Malfunctioning AIs that have activated the doomsday device, Ascended Heretics, Xenomorphs, Blobs and Space Dragons.

Как исполняющий обязанности капитана, вы прежде всего играете роль своей изначальной профессии. Вы должны взять диск ядерной аутентификации, запасную карту доступа, пинпоинтер диска, дверной пульт, запасную капитанскую гарнитуру (наушники оставьте в покое) и больше ничего. Советуем вам распределить эти предметы и между другими главами в целях безопасности. Оставьте одежду, меч, пистолет и все остальное, не перечисленное выше, в покое, если только это не экстренная ситуация и вам не нужно обмундирование.
*Calls to arm the crew automatically waive Weapon Permit laws regarding firearms and melee weapons.

Как исполняющего обязанности капитана, ваша роль заключается в управлении своим отделом, как и обычно, но вы также отвечаете за более сложные обязанности, если возникнет такая необходимость. Именно вам придется повышать и понижать уровень тревоги по мере необходимости, вызывать шаттл по мере необходимости и даже делегировать полномочия различным отделам и службам безопасности в чрезвычайных ситуациях, таких как вирусы, метеориты или серьезные проблемы безопасности, такие как активность антагонистов и угрозы, не имеющие конца. Однако до тех пор, пока не произойдет серьёзная чрезвычайная ситуация, ваши полномочия ограничены, и вам следует оставить решение вопросов руководителям соответствующих отделов. Если у отделов нет руководителя и им нужен кто-то, кто мог бы делегировать полномочия или взять на себя руководство, предложите свою помощь, насколько это необходимо, чтобы вернуть их на правильный путь, но не будьте тираном.
*Miners are permitted to use weapons off-station freely while mining, but cannot have them drawn on station and must keep them non-visible whenever possible.

Кроме того, это должно быть очевидно, но не покидайте станцию с диском в руках.
*Remember to gauge intent if possible. A firearm loaded with non-lethal ammunition could (and likely should) be considered lower contraband than one which is loaded lethally. Levels of contraband can be raised or lowered for specific cases, though use this in good faith.

<h2>Exemptions and specific details</h2>
<tab inline name="Капитан">
*<b>Ammunition</b> - Anyone with a weapons license is exempt, naturally.

Вы — самый главный, важная шишка собственной персоной. Однако вы не должны вести себя как тиран. Вы не должны вмешиваться в каждую мелочь, но вы можете получить доступ к коммуникационному каналу каждого отдела, делегировать полномочия своим главам, отдавать разумные приказы в чрезвычайных ситуациях и решать вопросы отделов, в случаях, когда главы не способны разрешить ситуацию самостоятельно.
*<b>Armour Vests</b> - Security, Command, The Blueshield, and the bartender are all exempt.

* <b>Flashes</b> - Heads of staff and roboticists are exempt.

Вы обладаете уникальным правом назначать исполняющих обязанности глав отделов, а также глав. ВРИО таких полномочий не имеет. Слово капитана станции - закон, однако не стоит лишний раз заниматься работой отделов, пока в них есть свои главы. Капитан имеет право увольнять глав без уведомления ЦКНТ. Это действие должно совершаться на свой страх и риск.
*<b>Jaws of Life</b> - Engineers, atmos techs, and the CE are naturally exempt, as well as paramedics.

Помните, что это все еще ваша станция, за которую вы отвечаете. Хотя представитель НТ и являются частью Центрального Командования, вы все еще обладаете властью и управлением над самой станцией, даже если прибывает ОБР.
*<b>Recreational Drugs</b> - Space drugs and anything of similar effect

Ваши основные полномочия следующие:
*<b>Non-Prescription Drugs</b> - Mindbreaker toxin or other chems which do not have lasting or damaging effects. A prescription signed by medical staff can waive this.

Связь с ЦК для обновления статуса, запрос помощи ОБР по необходимости, покупка и вызов шаттлов при необходимости, предоставление разумных приказов и команд руководителям персонала и отделов при необходимости, повышение и понижение тревоги при необходимости, предоставление информации об опасностях экипажу, чтобы держать их в курсе, санкционирование казней при необходимости и понижение глав при необходимости.
*<b>Hard Drugs</b> Cocaine, meth, krokodil, or anything on the same level that can cause significant harm to users. A signed and stamped prescription from the CMO alone can authorize small volumes of these to be carried.

Здесь часто встречаются слова при необходимости, потому что вы должны помнить, что, несмотря на ваши способности, все играют в эту игру, чтобы получить удовольствие. Читайте обстановку в игре и пытайтесь понять, что происходит в той или иной ситуации, прежде чем вносить свой вклад. Если вы не имеете полной картины событий, спросите у всех сторон, что они думают по этому поводу, прежде чем двигаться дальше. Если дополнительное время и расследование приведут к лучшему решению, оно всегда того стоит. Не поднимайте тревогу из-за карманника или использованного тепловизионного ДНК-инъектора.
*<b>Any Firearm (without a license)</b> The bartender has a license for their shotgun and their shotgun alone. Space explorers may have weapons, if they have a license. Vanguard Operatives are licensed. Charges can be lowered to mid- or low-level contraband considering the circumstances involved. Be careful not to equate a double-barrelled shotgun with some beanbags to a Bulldog with a mag of lethals.

Хотя может возникнуть соблазн вовлечь себя в каждую перепалку с антагонистами, старайтесь при этом руководствоваться здравым смыслом. Если подозреваемый в шпионаже агент находится под стражей и его допрашивают, то прийти на допрос самому, чтобы послушать или задать вопросы, более приемлемо, чем бежать на вооруженного и экипированного враждебного активного стрелка. Как капитан, вы несете ответственность за свой экипаж и должны делать все возможное для обеспечения его безопасности. Нанотрейзен может быть бездушной корпорацией, но вы и другие члены экипажа все еще люди, и поэтому вы должны действовать в соответствующие.
*<b>Hard Drug Stockpile</b> - Large quantities of hard drugs. Any excess that would not fit in a single pill bottle may be considered here, or in a single regular box for things like cocaine.

Помилование за преступления — это то, о чем вы и ХОС должны договориться вместе. Если ХОСа нет, то помилование вообще невозможно. Вы можете помиловать только мелкие преступления, а именно преступления первого уровня в корпоративных регуляциях.
*<b>Syndicate Uplink</b> An incredibly high-value item that should not be toyed around with. Any device with access to the Syndicate black market must be handled with the utmost care. Under no circumstances should security officers be purchasing things from this.

Если в случае, когда охрана выведена из строя, а члены экипажа (особенно главы) подвергаются активному нападению с враждебными/смертельными намерениями, вы можете оказать им необходимую помощь, даже если это потребует боя. Постарайтесь сделать все возможное, чтобы связаться с охраной и попросить их также оказать помощь, особенно если это срочно.
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!<div style="text-align: center;"><h1>Detailed Crime Information.</h1></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3>Infractions</h3></div>
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="battery" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Battery - 101</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To use physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure the target.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is meant to punish people for spamshoving/shittery; Consent is however, key here. Dont punish two people for battery for fighting in the corridors consensually - charge them with disorderly conduct. It's honestly up to you if you want them to pay the fine for a second offence, just don't let a rich person commit ten acts of battery over time and just keep paying the fines.

Если происходит угроза, способная закончить раунд (метеориты, буйство множества генокрадов, вооруженные до зубов абордажные группы с враждебными намерениями, блобы/плесень, лианы, зомби), вы также можете принять участие в этом при необходимости. Если это возможно, старайтесь использовать альтернативные методы разрешения любой ситуации, кроме боя, но если бой — единственный способ ее разрешения, действуйте.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="vandalism" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Vandalism- 102</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Any willful behavior aimed at destroying, altering, or defacing property belonging to another.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Smashing windows, smashing random vending machines and spray painting or just vandalising rooms and hallways in general.

Разрешение на оружие выдается по решению капитана. Делается это посредством модификации ID.  Часто, но не обязательно, за это взимается разумная плата.  
Капитан имеет полное право самостоятельно решать, кому выдавать разрешение на оружие, и какую цену назначать за это.
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Капитан вправе советоваться с другими главами, например, ГСБ, касательно выдачи разрешений.
!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="disorderly-conduct" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Disorderly Conduct - 103</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To be intentionally and publicly belligerent, exposed indecently, offensive or in general - a nuisance.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
Капитан не обязан получать одобрение других членов командования для выдачи разрешения на оружие.
|Spamming offensive racial terms over common, slurs included - being a general nuisance, screaming down your microphone.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is meant to allow sec to fine people for spamming 'Ligger' and other offensive terms over comms, in public, ecetera, or just being a general nuisance to the station

<tab inline name="Научный Директор">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="petty-theft" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Petty Theft - 104</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft.  For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery
'''OOC Notes:''' Don't abuse this to brig an assistant for taking spare cable coils; use it to punish hoarders (hardsuits, medical supplies ecetera)

Вы — главный мозг станции, тот, кто получил свою роль, потому что вы знает свое дело, и знает его хорошо. Хотя вам не обязательно знать всё о каждой из областей науки (их много, и некоторые из них сложнее или менее полезны, чем другие), вы должны знать основы, по крайней мере ксенобиологию, токсины, робототехнику и общие исследования.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="animal-cruelty" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Animal Cruelty - 105</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To Inhumanely injure, torture or otherwise abuse animals.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This crime exists for the CMO randomly killing runtime in their office; Not to punish chefs who kill monkeys or Pete in their back fridge; Take into consideration the intent - does it align with their job?
'''OOC Notes:''' This is ideally meant to punish people who randomly kill station pets.

Как лидер научной команды, вы должны организовывать её для обновления машинерии, следить за тем, чтобы у каждого отдела были необходимые технологии, следить за ИИ и киборгами, а также общаться с Авангардом и шахтёрами по мере необходимости, чтобы оказать посильную помощь. Ваши обязанности очень немногочисленны и разрозненны. Поэтому, хоть у вас и не будет длительных перерывов, свободного времени вы, скорее всего, будете иметь очень много.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="abuse-of-equipment" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Abuse of Equipment - 106</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties. This should cover non-sec using items i.e. greytide with a flash randomly flashing people
'''OOC Notes:''' Try and go for people abusing things in a way that's actually harmful.  

Вы также, конечно же, должны следить за тем, чтобы ваши ученые знали, что они делают, и действительно выполняли свою работу. Следите за генетикой, чтобы убедиться, что они не наделяют случайных ассистентов телекинезом или чем-то подобным, следите за робототехникой, чтобы она не делала вооруженных Фазонов в зеленый код, и так далее.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="tresspassing" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Trespassing - 107</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass.
'''OOC Notes:''' Needs to be clear that this is for trespassing only i.e. the door was open, the AI let them in, or they followed someone in.

<tab inline name="Глава Персонала">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4> <div id="obstruction-of-justice" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Obstruction of Justice - 108</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal"> An act that corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|While similar to Accessory, this charge is for situations such as destruction of evidence, stopping or frustrating officers while in pursuit of suspects and similar.

В качестве HoPа ваша работа проста и довольно легка. Вы, по сути, являетесь отделом кадров с более скромными полномочиями, и ваш главный отдел (сервис) не только самый большой из отделов станции, но и самый, пожалуй, постоянно необходимый. Ботаники дают еду, повара делают еду вкусной, бармены обеспечивают дружеское пространство для усталых космонавтов, капелланы оказывают духовную помощь, клоуны и мимы развлекают, юристы оказывают юридическую помощь, ассистенты помогают людям, а кураторы предоставляют книги, переводческие услуги и так далее... Поддерживайте отдел обслуживания в соответствии со стандартами, которые любой другой руководитель должен поддерживать в своём отделе. Убедитесь, что они делают свою работу и делают её безопасно и в основном правильно.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="rubbernecking" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Rubbernecking - 109</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Observing a scene of an accident, crime or emergency in an unduly manner.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|The security department is not immune from rubbernecking, as not every engineering or medical emergency requires their presence. The first professional responder at the site of the emergency takes full authority on who is allowed to be present, with their supervisor being able to replace that authority at any time. Obstructing an arrest is included in this.
'''OOC Notes:''' Use this to disperse an undue crowd that may end up interfering with security operations; or in general, use it to get people to back off on a threat of being fined - Don't abuse this to instantly baton somebody the second you see them enter a crime scene.

Ваш основной круг обязанностей обычно заключается в изменении доступа и смене работы по запросу. Обычно хорошей практикой является запрос причины изменений доступа, и в зависимости от запрашиваемого доступа вам стоит проявить осмотрительность. Вы имеете полную власть над доступом в отделы сервиса, хотя всегда должны спрашивать у обслуживающего персонала, нужна ли им такая помощь, так как иногда у них есть своя потребность в пространстве.

Когда вас просят о смене работы или о доступе к чему-либо вне помещений сервиса, вы, как правило, должны спросить причину и сообщить ее соответствующему руководителю. Если кто-то хочет стать инженером, обязательно следует обратиться к СЕ. Однако если СЕ отсутствует, обратитесь к капитану или исполняющему обязанности капитана.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4> <div id="creating-a-workplace-hazard" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Creating a Workplace Hazard - 110</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a small gas leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure.

За пределами изменения доступа, вы должны быть начеку в случае возникновения споров между членами экипажа и попытаться решить их мирным путем через общение. Если ситуация обостряется, обратитесь к капитану или представителю NT за советом, исходя из конкретной ситуации.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="insubordination" style="font-size: 150%;color:green">Insubordination - 111</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To refuse a lawful, reasonable order from a superior member of staff; relevant Head of Staff or otherwise.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|To deliberately ignore, mal-interpret (maliciously perform) or in general refute your head of staffs or relevant superiors orders. Resisting demotion is considered Insubordination.
The Captain or the Command member of their respective department may push for a demotion on top of the sentence.

Если возникнут юридические вопросы IC, вы также имеете доступ и власть над юристами, можете назначать их на дела и делегировать полномочия по мере необходимости. Если юристов нет, вы также можете выступить в качестве законного представителя.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is to punish people deliberately disobeying orders; that is, if they are lawful orders. You cannot charge someone with Insub for refusing to follow an unlawful order.

Не предоставляйте доступ без причины своим друзьям.
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3>Minor Misdemeanourss</h3></div>

<tab inline name="Главный Инженер">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="assault-abh" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Assault (Actual Bodily Harm) - 201</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This is for anything above battery, and below grevious bodily harm. Defined as causing injuries that are detrimental to one's health. Breaking someone's leg in a manner that is recoverable is ABH. Severring a leg is GBH. Keep in mind the advances in medical technology make previously dehabilitating injuries less so. Soft critical condition comes under ABH. Hard critical condition under GBH.
'''OOC Notes:''' You will almost never require medical reparations be paid, because healthcare is almost always free. Yes, in real life, crippling a leg is grevious bodily harm. But it's the future, and we can fix this surprisingly easy and fast.

Как СЕ, вы — второй по величине "большой мозг" на станции. Если только RD не тупой, в этом случае вам придется быть самым умным человеком на станции, хотите вы этого или нет.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="damage-to-station-infrastructure" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Damage to Station Infrastructure - 202</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To deliberately damage the station or station property to a moderate degree.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Destroying random airlocks and/or firelocks, smashing departamental machinery and shocking an airlock door in a hacking attempt are all examples of where these laws apply.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is mostly meant to protect the station from greytiders breaking in everywhere; such as, people hacking doors. While not sabotage, is damage to station infrastructure.

Ваша основная задача — управлять инженерными и атмосферными системами, поэтому важно и жизненно необходимо знать и то, и другое, прежде чем приступать к роли главного инженера. Поддержание энергоснабжения и жизнеобеспечения станции — ваша обязанность, и, скорее всего, это будет результатом отсутствия свободного времени.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="rioting" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Rioting - 203</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To engage or encourage riotous behaviour among yourself and fellow crewmates.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|People screaming for riots over the radio are not to be charged with this; refer to 'Inciting A Riot Instead'; this is for people who actually engage in riotous behaviour - bashing windows, unlawfully protesting, assaulting officers.
'''OOC Notes:''' Think about this carefully; are they a ringleader or someone swept up in the excitement of the riot? Charge accordingly.  

В начале раунда ваш главный приоритет — энергоснабжение. Поручите своим инженерам настроить двигатель и, если сможете, проследите за его настройкой. Проконсультируйте новых инженеров о надлежащих процедурах и проинструктируйте их о том, как все настроить.
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! <div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="theft" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Theft - 204</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To hinder the crew via theft of station assets in a way that results in a detrimental outcome.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This exclusively covers things like hoarding engi hardsuits and extremely important viral vaccines during an outbreak or engine delamination. This is theft that is directly leading to the endangerment of the entire crew (versus grand theft; the theft of high priority items)
'''OOC Notes:''' This is entirely in place to punish hoarders who hoard hardsuits during a dangerous delamination that could potentially end the round (tesloose SM)

Любые необычные настройки двигателей должны утверждаться вами IC, однако, если вы не уверены - посоветуйтесь с администрацией.  
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4> <div id="violating-an-injunction" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Violating an Injunction - 205</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To refuse to follow an injunction.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Charge people for this if they violate the terms of their injunction; Make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt where possible - An accidental encounter with someone is not violating a restraining order.
'''OOC Notes:''' Used to punish people who deliberately go out of their way to void their injunction.

Кроме того, следите за инженерным персоналом и время от времени проверяйте ситуацию. Несанкционированный запуск HFR может привести к неисчислимым разрушениям.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="abuse-of-confiscated-equipment" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Abuse of Confiscated Equipment - 206</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence outside of dire emergencies where no alternatives are present.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment.
'''OOC Notes:''' This should be ahelped if anyone gets charged with it; using evidence is against server rules due to powergaming policy. This does not count as a rulebreak if an officer picks up a dropped gun in the middle of the firefight; and uses it to save their own life

<tab inline name="Главный Врач">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="narcotics-distribution-and-manufacture" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Narcotics Distribution and Manufacture - 207</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal"> To distribute and/or manufacture narcotics and other controlled substances. For further information reference with the [[#Contraband Table|Contraband]] Table.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession.
'''OOC Notes:''' This exists to hopefully help curtail botany distributing plants filled with mindbreaker, spacetoxin, mushroom hallucinogenic. Use it to curtail druglords; not somebody selling medicinal apples.

В реальных больницах обычно есть главный врач, который контролирует работу больницы и следит за тем, чтобы врачи следовали надлежащим процедурам. По сути, это ваша основная роль. Постарайтесь делегировать задачи своей команде и убедитесь, что они не делают ничего, что нарушает права человека или этику по отношению к пациентам. При необходимости вмешайтесь в ситуацию и лечите пациентов, если медблок будет переполнен.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="medical-malpractice" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Medical Malpractice - 208</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To unethically operate, treat or otherwise injure a patient; or reveal private information.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Practising medicine as a doctor on a patient without their consent or otherwise betraying the trust of the patient. Denying medical treatment to someone in need as a doctor. A psychiatrist/psychotherapist may evaluate and issue a documented veto on anybody's ability to consent to treatment.
'''OOC Notes:''' This exists to stop doctors from forcefully applying chloral hydrate to people who do not consent to treatment; and in general exists as an IC shield against shittery.

Не забывайте проверять работу каждого подразделения вашего отдела. Парамедики, хирурги, медсестры, врачи, вирусологи и химики. Как главный врач, вы руководите, возможно, самым обширным и разнообразным отделом в игре, и вы должны ожидать, что у вас будет много работы по ходу раунда. Просто помните, что у вас должны быть знания, подтверждающие ваши полномочия.

Как CMO, вы имеете право разрешать или запрещать распространение и производство химических веществ (для более опасных или мощных веществ), выпуск полезных вирусов и распространение имплантатов. Помните о некоторых вещах, связанных с каждым из этих явлений, таких как безопасность для различных рас, профессий и т.д.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="unlawful-restraint" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Unlawful Restraint - 210</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To unlawfully restain and hold a person without their consent; or lawful reasoning.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Unlawful Restraint can apply both to crewmates who have kidnapped another or security who is holding someone without any charges past the allowed limit.
'''OOC Notes:''' Use this in good faith. Simply being dragged away with no bindings is not being unlaufully restrained.

<tab inline name="Глава Службы Безопасности">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="eavesdropping" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Eavesdropping - 211</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To listen into private security, command or central command communications without proper authorisation.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|To listen in upon Security, Command OR CC Chatter.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is used to punish people for stealing and using encryption keys with MALICIOUS intent. Intent is key here; You do not brig someone for taking the captains headset after they had died mysteriously in maint to report it over loud-voice.

Так сказать, начальник полиции. В роли HoSа вы появляетесь на свет с пинпоинтером для ядерного диска, оружием и контролем над правоохранительными органами станции. Ваша работа будет напряженной, неблагодарной и, вероятно, приведет к нескольким смертям или даже выводу кого-либо из раунда. Однако вы должны делать все возможное, чтобы ваши офицеры не нарушали правила поведения и процедуры, делегировать им как можно больше полномочий и поддерживать регулярную связь с вашими офицерами и персоналом брига, чтобы обеспечить максимальную эффективность и наименьшее количество жертв. Следите за окном чата как можно чаще, потому что даже одно пропущенное радиосообщение может привести к катастрофе.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="damage-to-cybernetic-units" style="font-size: 150%;color:orange">Damage to Cybernetic Units - 212</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">to use excessive force against a Cyborg, AI Core or AI shell without the apparent intention to destroy it.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|'''OOC Notes:''' This is for anything above a few hits, and below destruction. Flashing, tipping or locking a borg/shell does not constitute damaging it and should be treated as using non-lethal tools on normal crew.  

Кроме того, убедитесь, что ваши офицеры в разумной степени следуют СРП, корпоративным регуляциям, общей политике и стандартам службы безопасности. Если надзиратель бегает за пределами брига в зеленый код в омоновской броне, чтобы избить используя крав-мага подозреваемого антага, остановите его. Если офицер достает жетоны черного рынка и покупает себе оружие в зеленый, либо сообщите админам, либо остановите его. Убедитесь, что ваши офицеры хотя бы полупрофессиональны.
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3>Major Misdemeanourss </h3></div>
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="aggravated-assault-gbh" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Aggravated Assault (Grevious Bodily Harm) - 301</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Defined as causing injuries that are severely detrimental to someone's health. A detachment of limb, entering hard critical condition. Extreme psychological scarring can count, but must be diagnosed by a doctor of psychology.
'''OOC Notes:''' Psychological harm cannot be faked to a psychologist. Use LOOC (Local Out of Character) with the psychologist and say if you're acting or not. If you're not, commit to it or it's an OOC issue.

Помилование за преступления — это то, о чем вы и капитан должны договориться вместе. Если капитана нет (исполняющий обязанности капитана не считается), то помилование вообще невозможно. Вы можете помиловать только мелкие преступления, в частности, преступления первого уровня в корпоративных регуляциях.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4> <div id="sabotage" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Sabotage - 302</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To damage or destroy a notable amount of station assets.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This is reserved for high amounts of destruction to a limited area. For example, contained plasmafloods. It can also be used for low amounts of destruction to a large area. Siphoning the entire central primary hallway to a vacuum would be sabotage. A syndicate bomb and power sink come under here, unless the bomb destroys the AI or is placed in the Supermatter Engine. Intentionally disabling the gravity generator or disabling power for entire departments come under sabotage.
'''OOC Notes:''' Practically, this is usually for bombings that don't fit under terrorism, or aren't big enough to be considered that severe of a crime.

Еще одна вещь, которую следует помнить: вы должны быть переговорщиком, если ваши офицеры не могут этого сделать. Это касается ситуаций с заложниками и людей угрожающими бомбами. Если требования разумны, постарайтесь работать с ними и выполнять их. Если вы можете использовать дипломатию и не просто избить их, сделайте попытку сделать это, а затем, если человек продолжает вести себя как дерьмо, несмотря на выполнение его требований, вы можете избить его. Жизни людей/экипажа должны быть выше, чем просто предметы.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="inciting-a-riot" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Inciting a Riot - 303</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Deliberately inciting riotous behaviour among crewmembers.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
| This is only used to punish ringleaders of the riots; the people who initially provoke and maintain the burning fire of rage within the mob.
'''OOC Notes:''' Use this to punish ringleaders versus random people involved in the riot; intent is important once more.

Помните: вы шеф, генерал, большой босс, но вы не пехотинец. Вы, по сути, начальник полиции, и должны полагаться на своих офицеров, которые выполняют мелкую работу по арестам и мелким заданиям. Когда возникают более масштабные угрозы, именно тогда вы должны помогать на передовой. Помните: даже вы можете пострадать за валидхантинг.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="robbery" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Robbery - 304</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To steal items from another's person via force or other forms of coercion such as threats<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Charge people with this for highway robbery - holding people at gunpoint/knifepoint, stealing their stuff and then letting them go; in more extreme cases, default to theft.
'''OOC Notes:''' Used to punish people for threatening others into giving up valuable gear; bar life-saving situations.

И ещё одно очень важное дополнение: Исполняющим обязанности ГСБ автоматически становится смотритель, если первого нет на месте, а на станции объявлен янтарный код.

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<tab inline name="Квартирмейстер">
!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="assault-of-an-officer" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Assault of an Officer - 305</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see Resisting Arrest or Obstruction of Justice. Battery, Assault, and Aggravated Assault do not stack with this charge.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
| Use this for being hit with a toolbox or fire-extinguisher or the equivalent multiple times - things that will severely harm and injure you; but not pose a life-threatening risk.
'''OOC Notes:''' Use this to punish people assaulting you with any weapon that does trauma; brute or burn or otherwise - specifically aimed at those who initiate the attack on an officer or member of command, for using force to resist arrest see the Violently Resisting Arrest modifier. Keep in mind what was used though; Fists and shoves are not assault, merely batterly

КМ  на Skyrat считается главой отдела и не подчиняется приказам HoPа. Капитан — ваш непосредственный начальник, и вы должны слушаться его и придерживаться как можно более высоких профессиональных стандартов.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="escaping-confinement" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Escaping Confinement - 306</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Breaking out of imprisonment or attempting to break others out of confinement.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|You cannot execute someone for escape attempts, unless those attempts result in a crime that would warrant such punishment. If you cannot contain someone, there's a modifier specifically for this, in which you are allowed an execution.
'''OOC Notes:''' Arm blades that can pry open airlocks? Unless they consent to being left in a room with just walls (oblige this request), you can execute. If they can ventcrawl, offer them imprisonment in an environment with no vents, or execution. Pretty simple stuff to extrapolate. Don't forget to offer cyborgification as an option.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="grand-trespass" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Grand Trespass - 307</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research, Vault, and AI Core.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Intent is very important here; was it an accident or a deliberate trespass, did they break and enter in? All of this should be considered - their job especially. An engineer breaking and entering to trespass in the AI core should be treated as a malicious action; but if an assistant gets wormholed in, it should be treated as an accident without brig time. A door being left open, the AI letting them in, or they followed behind someone is still considered trespassing. There are some extenuating circumstances to this. A station engineer breaking into the vault to get an ore silo log to re-link protolathes if command staff are ignoring them for 10+ minutes and the silicons are refusing to open up or ignoring them, just ignore it. An engineer breaking into atmospherics to get an atmos hardsuit to fix a delaminating supermatter engine is just perfectly fine.
'''OOC Notes:''' Intent is extremely important here; and the circumstances behind it. Don't punish people for the incompetence of command staff or saving the station.

Как КМ, вы имеете право принимать или отклонять приказы, как и ваши грузчики. Однако ваше слово в таких вопросах чаще всего является окончательным, если только это не частный приказ (в пределах разумного). Вам, вероятно, не стоит принимать частный заказ ассистента на три ящика SMG и контрабанду без очень веских причин, например, в экстренной ситуации, когда они необходимы, как у блобов или ксеносов.
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! <div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="manslaughter" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Manslaughter - 308</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To cause death to a person via deliberate attack or excessive negligence, without any intent to kill.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder.
'''OOC Notes:''' Use this to punish people who accidentally kill someone if they break into their department; For example, an engineer critting an assistant with a welder, and said assistant then dying. '''IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE:''' Intent to provide aid(such as them using their epipen on the victim) must be present.

Как КМ, вы должны уметь читать обстановку не хуже капитана или HoSа. Следите за сообщениями и объявлениями, и если возникнет чрезвычайная ситуация, будьте готовы заказать припасы для нее без предупреждения. Биокостюмы для вирусов, пожарное снаряжение для пожаров, оружие для блобов/плесени, и все такое.

Не забывайте также проверять своих шахтеров, и если нужно, крикните медикам, чтобы их забрали, или сами спуститесь в шахту и доставьте их обратно на станцию, при условии, что вы сообщите командованию о своих действиях и убедитесь, что достать их реально.

И помните: Независимость Каргонии может привести к бану. Это касается и покупки оружия для себя. Вам не нужно покупать две винтовки в зеленый код, даже если вы просто хотите их "выставить на показ".
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="unlawful-restraint-of-an-officer" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Unlawful Restraint of an Officer - 310</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal"> To unlawfully detain and hold a member of Security, Command or Emergency Response Teams without their consent; or lawful reasoning.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>

<tab inline name="Синий Щит">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4> <div id="abuse-of-executive-powers" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Abuse of Executive Powers - 311</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To over-reach your executive powers as a head of staff. <br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Excessive acts beyond the designated profession, active disrespect of the command chain or excessive amassing of power. To simplify; over-exercising your power as a head of staff to distribute orders to those you are not in control of; or attempting to give illicit orders.
'''OOC Notes:''' This exists as a method for security to counter heads of staff abusing their power - for example - the HoP giving somebody all access; or a weapons permit without the HoS's permission - or relative head of staff.

Хотя Блющилд не является членом командования, вы все равно защищаете их. Поэтому здесь будет рассказано о Блющилде.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="destruction-of-a-cybernetic-unit" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Destruction of a Cybernetic Unit - 312</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To use excessive force against a cyborg, AI core or AI shell with the intention to cause death.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|'''OOC Notes:''' This is for anything that kills or destroys a borg, AI shell or AI core, detonating them without explicit orders from the Research Director or Captain falls under this.

Ваша работа и миссия как Блющилда заключается в защите командного состава и капитана от опасности, базовой медпомощи, а также в усмирении агрессоров. Вы не являетесь службой безопасности и не уполномочены преследовать случайных преступников. Ваша юрисдикция распространяется исключительно на защиту капитана и командного состава. Если кто-то нападает непосредственно на руководителей станции, вы имеете право удерживать или обездвиживать их до тех пор, пока охрана не сможет их схватить, или, если нужно, обезвредить нападающего летальными способами, но не преследуя отступающих агрессоров. Предоставьте это охране.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="sapient-trafficking" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF9961">Sapient Trafficking - 313</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To move a sapient-being employed upon the station, from a location to another, to be held there or elsewise, against their will..<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|'''OOC Notes:''' Use this as an elevated version of unlawful restraint, for contractors kidnapping targets to send away, heretics sacrificing people, or else-wise people getting kidnapped in general.  

Если HoS вступает в бой как обычный офицер, это его проблема. Если капитан бежит бить антага мечом вопреки всякому чувству самосохранения, остановите его. Летальная сила разрешена, если вы можете сказать, что кто-то намеревается убить главу.

Помните: вы должны сосредоточиться на защите глав, а не их имущества. Если они потеряют свои вещи, это будет на их совести. Просто сохраните их жизнь и безопасность.
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3> Minor Felonies</h3></div>

<tab inline name="Представитель НТ">
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="grand-sabotage" style="font-size: 150%;color:#C55911">Grand Sabotage - 402</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To cause mass destruction and/or intentionally cause the delamination of a supermatter crystal, or to cause an unlawful permanent destruction of an Artificial Intelligence.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|See sabotage for causing a delamination through gross incompetence. The supermatter part only applies if it either delimates, or the sabotage is actually severe and not just three un-wrenched pipes. Putting X4 on the crystal chamber would fit this crime. Destroying multiple large rooms, or a large portion of a department would count as grand sabotage. This usually would require a maximum capacity bomb in the perfect spot, or one and a half in less optimal spots. Mass plasmaflooding also applies.
'''OOC Notes:''' The big difference between sabotage and grand sabotage is how expensive the damages are. The Supermatter Crystal is extremely expensive. A bunch of hallways aren't.

Представитель NT — это, по сути, советник и бюрократ. Вы являетесь представителем Компании™ и должны вести себя как можно более профессионально. Не только это, но и ваша работа заключается в наблюдении и консультировании командного состава, документировании нарушений, сообщении о них ЦК и наблюдении за понижением в должности, если это необходимо. Ваша задача — нести ответственность за действия командного состава, следить за тем, чтобы они исправляли свои ошибки и поддерживали ценности вашей компании, но не властвовать над ними и не действовать как капитан+. Не лезьте в чужие дела, если в этом нет прямой необходимости.
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! <div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="grand-theft" style="font-size: 150%;color:#C55911">Grand Theft - 404</div> </h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To steal items of extreme value, or top secret information and/or documents.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Stealing top secret documents, 25+ research nodes, the Captain's antique laser gun, the nuclear authentication disk, nuclear bomb core, the station blueprints, and any part of the supermatter crystal. For things like door remotes and ID cards, see theft.
'''OOC Notes:''' This is not solely for stealing "antag objectives".

Не пытайтесь ускорить понижение в должности или превысить свою юрисдикцию. Вы — наблюдатель и советник, но капитан по-прежнему держит бразды правления станцией в своих руках, и с ним следует советоваться как можно чаще.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="unlawful-tampering-with-a-cybernetic-unit" style="font-size: 150%;color:#C55911">Unlawful tampering with a Cybernetic Unit - 412</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To alter or modify the laws of an Artificial Intelligence or Cybernetic unit without clear and explicit authorisation from the Research Director or Captain.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|'''OOC Notes:''' Changing the laws of an AI or a Borg either through it's respective console or during the construction of the shell is unlawful tampering unless there is clear permission from the Research Director or it is done during a state of emergency caused by a Rogue AI. Remember, roboticists have the permission to construct borgs, not tamper with their laws.
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3>Major Felonies </h3></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><h4> Disclaimer </h4></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">All of these crimes usually warrant permanent incarceration upon the person being found; doubly so if they resist. These crimes usually don't require direct witnesses and confirmation to charge for. This means, however, you should ideally have 'confirmation' of the crime before trying to use these.</div>

Однако, несмотря на то, что вы являетесь советником, у вас есть возможность помочь станции в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах. Поскольку вы работаете и живете на станции, вы должны заботиться о ее благополучии так же, как и все остальные, и помогать командному составу в чрезвычайных ситуациях, если возникнет такая необходимость.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="murder" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF0000">Murder - 501</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">(Unjustified) To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death in a situation that doesn't warrant it (self-defense doesn't apply.)<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter. For attempted murder, use Assault GBH (301).
'''OOC Notes:''' This only counts as murder if the victim died due to a direct result of their actions; with no attempt made to aid them during their final moments. Intent is extremely important here, it can be the difference between manslaughter and murder. Unfortunately, unlike Dungeons & Dragon, you can't shoot someone in the face with buckshot non-lethally, and else-wise, it's meant to be a slightly-grey area to allow people some lee-way with 'going a bit far.'
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="terrorism" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF0000">Terrorism - 502</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To create mass-destruction and/or terror for a political, racial, ideological or religious cause.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This is specifically and only for what it is defined for. This is for '''terrorism''', which under its definition, requires political, racial, ideological or religious motivation. Without it, it's something else. You may charge multiple cases of murder as multiple cases of murder, not terrorism.
'''OOC Notes:''' If a perpetrator opportunistically released a bomb, killing four security officers, because they're chasing the perpetrator down for mugging someone, it isn't terrorism. Seriously.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="unjustified-mutiny" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF0000">Unjustified Mutiny - 503</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, or the station as a whole, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.
'''OOC Notes''': Use this to punish people who are wrongfully and randomly trying to incite mutinies. Dont punish people who had a legitimate reason for a mutiny (such as the captain ordering nuke-codes constantly). You'll probably never use this unless a revolution round somehow rolls.  

Короче говоря, вы должны действовать как сдерживающий и уравновешивающий фактор для командования. Если капитан идиот или избивает ассистента в своем кабинете уже половину раунда, вы должны привлечь его к ответственности. То же самое, если служба безопасности решит снова нарушить Женевскую конвенцию
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="enemy-of-the-station" style="font-size: 150%;color:#FF0000">Enemy Of The Station - 504</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity; Read the notes for further information<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity. Actions that may earn someone the charge of EotS include but are not limited to: sabotaging the Super Matter Crystal or HFR, sabotaging distro, attempting to detonate the on board self-destruct mechanism, the release of highly contagious and deadly viruses, the murder of 8 or more crew members and so forth. Nuclear operatives that declare war are by default declared enemies of the station



<div style="text-align: center;"><h3> Critical Threat </h3></div>
Помните: станция — это рабочее место, а командный состав — лидеры. К вам предъявляются самые высокие требования, и от вас ожидается, что вы будете вести себя так, как подобает вести себя человеку, который по праву носит звание руководителя отдела на исследовательской станции. Даже если команда не ведет себя подобающие, вы должны.
<div style="text-align: center;"><h4> Disclaimer</h4></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">These are the 'biggest bad' charges, if you try to levy using these on a crewmember, you should be well-aware beyond a doubt that the crime was committed, evidence and all.</div>
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="annihilation" style="font-size: 150%;color:#c175ff">Annihilation - 601</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">Complete destruction of the victim, where they are completely unrecoverable. This is only punishable with the loss of the victim’s brain.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|This is your bread and butter for serial bombers; if they end up killing someone past the point of revival, or elsewise, destroy a body, this is the go-to. To specify; This crime is ''only'' applied on instances where a victim cannot be revived because they have been '''destroyed'''. This does not count towards DNR people.
'''OOC Notes''': Use this to punish people who have been round removing via throwing brains into lava, space or otherwise destroying bodies. The HoS should be one declaring a 601.
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!<div style="text-align:left"><h4><div id="hostilelifeform" style="font-size: 150%;color:#c175ff">Hostile Non-Typical Lifeform - 602</div></h4><div style="font-weight:normal">An external, or internal threat to the station, not counted among the typical races and species employed by Nanotrasen, or her sister companies. Examples include: Xenomorphs, Cortical Parasites, and elsewise, currently unidentified hostile lifeforms.<br> [[#Criminal Offenses|Back to Quick Criminal Code Reference.]]<br>
|The clarification is 'hostile', so-to-say, stuff that will be hostile (xenos, spiders, spacedragons, etc) or stuff that isn't typically hostile, but is currently (a magicarp yeeting fireballs down the mainhall.) Use your best judgement.
'''OOC Notes''':- And best faith. This is your trump-card against present xenomorphs, blobs, changelings, borers, or elsewise, to immediately get the ball-rolling for a code-red, and prevent chicanery like 'peaceful xenos.' The HoS should be one declaring a 602, or a station announcement (blob, etc).
<div style="text-align: center;"><h3>Special Situations and Modifiers </h3></div>
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#ffffff;" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! style="background-color:#97de97;" width="125px" |Situation
! style="background-color:#97de97;" width="200px" |Notes
! style="background-color:#97de97;" width="200px" |Modifier
|'''Violently Resisting Arrest'''
|''This refers to the prisoner battering and/or assaulting others in their attempts to resist arrest. Trying to to crawl away once being batoned is not considered "violently resisting arrest", nor is running.''
|''Adds 10 minutes if the person being arrested engaged in assault of higher while resisting arrest''
| '''Non-Violently Resisting Arrest'''
|''Breaking free of cuffs and attempting to escape without harming anyone. Harm in this instance is defined by causing them damage. Shoving that  deals no brute damage is not considered harmful thus isn't considered violent.''
|''Adds 2 minutes if the person being detained ran away or engaged in battery while resisting arrest''
|'''Station-Wide Threat'''
|''If the prison is breached, lock the prisoners in a room that isn’t venting. If a tesloose or singuloose is approaching, evacuate the prison and take the prisoners towards a safe location. If the prisoner cannot reliably be kept in custody whilst transporting them away from imminent danger of death, consider paroling them.''
|''Relocate the prisoner to a safe location, even if it risks them escaping, if the prison is under threat. During Delta-level threats, prisoners can be pardoned.''
|'''Cooperation with Prosecution and/or Security'''
|''Being helpful towards security by confessing conspirators, revealing other suspects and supplying information of value, such as revealing hostile agents.''
|''A decrease of up to 50% of sentence time or an instant release depending on the situation. In some cases, the suspect should be given protective custody.''
|'''Self Defense'''
|''Suspects who are defending themselves or others from attack and are forced to retaliate and respond with proportionate force are to be excused. This does not excuse from grossly disproportionate responses. Someone punching you once does not warrant turning around and blasting their face with a pulse rifle.''
|''Instant release.''
|''This pertains to any instance where the suspect was brainwashed or otherwise was not in control of their mind.''
|''Instant release and expungement of any crimes committed whilst under converted.''
|'''Incapable of Secure Confinement'''
|''This refers to hostile creatures that have the ability to teleport outside of confinement, pry out of containment with ease or cannot be contained at all. Being stronger than usual and being able to snap the chains between handcuffs does not count as "incapable of secure confinement", don't toy with this.''
|''You may push for execution if the suspect is violent and cannot be contained. If the suspect is non-violent, contact Central Command for a verdict.'' (OOC: This is a protection from over-zealous security players who are incapable of acting in good-faith.)
|'''Unregistered personnel'''
|''Traders, P-T Crew coming to exchange goods or similar are considered visitors of the station and should not be arrested unless they break other laws. Use this Modifier in good faith''
|''Any non-visitor of the station must be part of the crew manifest, not being declared on it is met with detainment and holding until crew transfer.''
{{Rules table}}

Версия от 07:37, 7 мая 2023

Шаблон:Rules navbar

Notice: Last updated on 30/01/2023


Station Control and Conflict Management Regulations (Space Law) SCCMR, colloquially known as ‘Corporate Regulations’, is Nanotrasen’s corporate law, it does not apply everywhere besides stations belonging to NT. Whilst Nanotrasen’s own security isn’t present on some frontier stations, Lopland security enforces corporate law.

According to the laws of SolGov, NanoTransen lacks the authority or judicial privileges to execute an individual. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, such transgressions are rarely looked into on the frontiers.

SCCMR is not secret. The Head of Security & Centcom Officials have in-depth knowledge of SCCMR. The Captain, Security, Head of Personnel, the Blueshield, the Lawyer(s) and Silicons are encouraged to have above-average knowledge of SCCMR. Everyone not mentioned has layman-level knowledge, apart from Antagonists, who can have as much knowledge on it as they like.

Your primary objective as security and/or antagonist is to create the best roleplay opportunities possible for the server and the biggest net-gain of fun for everyone involved. This is how you actually win at the game.

General Overview

Corporate regulations are a form of cataloguing and classing behavior - criminal or nuisance.


Injunctions are corrective measures to undesirable crew behavior. They can be issued with Misdemeanors and higher punishments in place of or in addition to regular penalties. Plea bargains are common causes for injunctions. Injunctions require a paper copy. The suspect is entitled to a copy, the original must be stored.

Injunction Specifics
Injunctions cannot impact on the suspects current ability to perform their duties.
You MUST demote the suspect(or, contact their relevant head of staff) if the injunction would bar or significantly impair their ability to do their job.
Example: You cannot bar a scientist from entering science; as it would prevent them from performing their Job.

No SEXUAL INJUNCTIONS unless LOOCly consented to by all three parties: Sec, the criminal, and the victim

• Injunctions may not last over an hour.
• Injunctions may not prohibit the suspect from accessing any essential service - such as Medical


• Injunctions listed as a penalty require the arresting Officer's approval to be put in place, as wellas the 'victims'; but may be over-ruled by someone higher in the CoC (Chain Of Command)
• Injunctions not listed as a penalty require approval from the Warden, Head of Security or Captain (or acting).
• An injunction can be taken as a plea bargain and must always have the suspect’s signature. The suspect is entitled to a paper copy.

Crime Tiers

1. Infractions: Generally mild crimes. Punishments are usually a fine, short sentence, or, preferably, an injunction. These require someone to 'press charges', that is, a victim to want to pursue a punishment.

2. Minor Misdemeanours: Crimes that warrant detainment. Sentences are usually ten minutes or a fine. Also require a party to press charges, or, for charges like 'rioting' the captain can press them in lieu of the station at large (does not apply to charges like assault.) Security at expected to break up 2xx charges in-action, then ask respective parties in regards to pressing charges.

3. Major Misdemeanours: Serious crimes that warrant extended detainment. Sentences are usually twenty minutes or work in the labor camp. These don't require a party to press charges.

4. Minor Felonies: Very serious crimes that warrant admittance into general population prison. Usually twenty five minutes or work in the labor camp. No party is required to press-charges.

5. Major Felonies: Exceptional crimes that result in either permanent incarceration until transfer to a secure facility, barring any clarifications made by Special Modifiers.

6. Critical Threat: Crimes that exceed the stations ability, and authority to persecute and charge, met with immediate termination, with the trial to be held off-station.

Crime Stacking

The last number in the crime code, i.e. XX1, XX2, XX3, refer to the type of crime. For each type of crime, you may only charge them with the highest severity offense.

You cannot stack them, save for murder. For example, you cannot charge someone with both 201 and 301 as they are the same crime. You must choose the one with the highest severity for that crime type.

Furthermore, you cannot charge someone with two counts of assault. So, you cannot do two 201's. The only exception to this is murder.

Note: For current Contraband laws, see Contraband

Quick Code Reference

Code Infraction 1XX Minor Misdemeanours 2XX Major Misdemeanours 3XX Minor Felony 4XX Major Felony 5XX Critical Threat 6XX
XX1 Battery Assault (ABH) Assault (GBH) Murder Annihilation
XX2 Vandalism Damage to station infrastructure Sabotage Grand Sabotage Terrorism Hostile Non-Typical Lifeform
XX3 Disorderly Conduct Rioting Inciting a riot Mutiny
XX4 Petty theft Theft Robbery Grand Theft Enemy of the Station
XX5 Animal Cruelty Violating an Injunction Assault of an Officer
XX6 Abuse of Equipment Abuse of Confiscated Equipment* Escaping Confinement
XX7 Trespassing Narcotics Distribution and Manufacture Grand trespass
XX8 Obstruction of Justice Medical Malpractice Manslaughter
XX9 Rubbernecking
X10 Creating a Workplace Hazard Unlawful Restraint Unlawful Restraint of an Officer
X11 Insubordination* Eavesdropping Abuse of Executive Powers*
X12 Damage to Cybernetic Units Destruction of a Cybernetic Unit Unlawful tampering with a Cybernetic Unit
X13 Sapient Trafficking
X14 Accessory to Crime
X15 Contraband Possesion Based on its tier.
Sentence 5 minutes
500 mining points/250 credits/Injunction
requires a party to press charges
10 minutes
1000 mining points/500 credits/Injunction
requires a party to press charges
20 minutes
2000 mining points/No option to pay damages.
25 minutes
Prisoner may spend it mining if agreed upon
Perma, Execution if violent
Forced Labour Depending on severity
Immediate termination
arrest is no longer necessary for any
"confirmed beyond a doubt" 6xx charge.

To be charged with Accessory to Crime someone must willingly and knowingly participate in an illegal act. Not reporting a crime is not illegal and it does not constitute Accessory to Crime nor Obstruction of Justice. People who are sentenced to over fifteen minutes should be relocated to the permabrig.

Таблица контрабанды

Примечания: Любой предмет, не указанный в списке, не являются контрабандой. Этот справочник нужен для выделения уровня нарушения, если вы нашли данные предметы у обыскиваемого. Но не для случаев, когда они активно используются или нападают на людей. Хранение - это иное обвинение, чем злонамеренное использование, и человек не может быть обвинен в "будущем преступлении" только потому, что его поймали с чем-то.

Краткая справка

# Не контрабанда
Нет обвинений
Низкий уровень
Конфискация предмета, 5 минут или штраф 200 кредитов
Средний уровень
Конфискация предмета, 5-10 минут или штраф 500 кредитов
Выскоий уровень
Конфискация предмета, 10-15 минут
Критический уровень
Конфискация предмета, 15-20 минут
Специальная контробанда
Невозможно забрать, рассматривать в каждом индивидуальном случае
01 Chameleon Gear Любые патроны Оружие ближнего боя Все нелегальные импланты Buzzkill Grenades Боевые искусства
02 AI Detector Бронежилеты Binary Encryption Key Любой огнестрел (Без лицензии) Clown Bomb Любые заклинания
03 Сумка для патронов Contractor Modsuit Butcher Meat Hook Big Syndicate EMP bomb Cult Construct Kit Holoparasite
04 Ancient Jumpsuit Decoy Nuke Disk Briefcase Launchpad Both Emag Cards Elite Syndicate MODsuit Holocarp
05 Ancient Toolbox F.R.A.M.E Codespeak Manual Brainwashing Surgery Disk Nuclear Authentication Disk Syndicate Uplink
06 Clumsiness Injector Flash Combat Defibrillator Bonebang Armed Mech
07 Chest Rig Не рецептурные наркотики Concealed Weapons Bay C4, and X4 Charges. Power Beacon
08 Deadly Bowler Hat Magitilis Injector EMP Grenades Contractor Baton Romerol
09 Deadly Origami Mulligan Guides to Advanced Mimery Energy Sword Super Ultra Hilarious Firing Pin
10 Dehydrated Space Carp Telecrystals Chameleon Projector Gloves of the North Star Syndicate Bomb
11 Energy Dagger Guerilla Gloves/Any Tackler Не летальные яды Hacked AI Upload Module Syndicate Minibomb
12 Exploding Hot Potato Slipocalypse Clusterbang Organic Resources Disturber Infiltrator Set Viscerator Delivery Grenade
13 EMP Flashlight Stimpack Radio Jammer Katana Double Energy Sword
14 Extra Bright Moff Lantern Supressor Syndicate Encryption Key Lethal Poisons Harmful Virus Samples
15 EZ Clean Grenades Syndicate Tome Thermal Imaging Glasses Modified Syringe Gun Syndicate Power Sink
16 Syndicate Paper Plane Ultra Hilarious Firing Pin Throwing Stars, Bolas Powerfist
17 Haunted Magic 8-Ball Voice-Muffling Balaclava Disablers, Tasers Reagent Dartgun
18 Holster, by itself Jaws of Life Energy Crossbow Syndicate MODsuit
19 Pizza Bomb Rapid Construction Device Reverse Beartrap Syndicate Helmet
20 No-Slip Shoes Pepperspray, Flashbang Unauthorised Combat Implant Energy Shield
21 Radioactive Microlaser Telescopic Baton Gorilla Cubes Heretic Blades
22 Rapid Banana Pie Cannon Stunprod Тяжёлые наркотики Wizard Items
23 Sleepy Pen Teleprod Riot Darts Basic Explosives. C4/X4/Grenades
24 Smuggler Satchel Camera Bug Kinetic Pressure Mod
25 Traitor Bug/Suspicious Device Handcuffs/Advanced Restraints Reverse Revolver
26 Syndicate Balloon Unauthorised Combat Mutation Sentry Gun Kit
27 Syndicate Cash Briefcase Запасы тяжелых наркотиков
28 Syndicate Playing Cards Brass Sword/Spear/Hammer
29 Syndicate Smokes Brass Bow/Rifle
30 Syndicate Soap
31 Syndicate Surgery Bag / Toolbox
32 Наркотики для расслабления
33 Agent ID

Usage Notes

  • Any weapon being brandished or misused can be considered mid-level contraband
  • Certain items would be considered contraband after being seen in use. Those are marked with their respective grade color.
  • It is not contraband if the person with the item is intended to have it, obviously. For example, you can't charge a security officer for having a disabler, nor inherently can you charge a virologist for having a sample of a harmful virus.
  • You are only allowed to apply one contraband charge, of the highest tier item you find.
  • The use of items that have been confiscated as contraband or evidence is only to be permitted for extreme scenarios, such as a threat that has elevated the alert level to Delta or are otherwise equivalent in threat. The only threats that contraband can be deployed against are: Nuclear Operatives, Zombies (this includes the HNZ1 mutants and romerol), Malfunctioning AIs that have activated the doomsday device, Ascended Heretics, Xenomorphs, Blobs and Space Dragons.
  • Calls to arm the crew automatically waive Weapon Permit laws regarding firearms and melee weapons.
  • Miners are permitted to use weapons off-station freely while mining, but cannot have them drawn on station and must keep them non-visible whenever possible.
  • Remember to gauge intent if possible. A firearm loaded with non-lethal ammunition could (and likely should) be considered lower contraband than one which is loaded lethally. Levels of contraband can be raised or lowered for specific cases, though use this in good faith.

Exemptions and specific details

  • Ammunition - Anyone with a weapons license is exempt, naturally.
  • Armour Vests - Security, Command, The Blueshield, and the bartender are all exempt.
  • Flashes - Heads of staff and roboticists are exempt.
  • Jaws of Life - Engineers, atmos techs, and the CE are naturally exempt, as well as paramedics.
  • Recreational Drugs - Space drugs and anything of similar effect
  • Non-Prescription Drugs - Mindbreaker toxin or other chems which do not have lasting or damaging effects. A prescription signed by medical staff can waive this.
  • Hard Drugs Cocaine, meth, krokodil, or anything on the same level that can cause significant harm to users. A signed and stamped prescription from the CMO alone can authorize small volumes of these to be carried.
  • Any Firearm (without a license) The bartender has a license for their shotgun and their shotgun alone. Space explorers may have weapons, if they have a license. Vanguard Operatives are licensed. Charges can be lowered to mid- or low-level contraband considering the circumstances involved. Be careful not to equate a double-barrelled shotgun with some beanbags to a Bulldog with a mag of lethals.
  • Hard Drug Stockpile - Large quantities of hard drugs. Any excess that would not fit in a single pill bottle may be considered here, or in a single regular box for things like cocaine.
  • Syndicate Uplink An incredibly high-value item that should not be toyed around with. Any device with access to the Syndicate black market must be handled with the utmost care. Under no circumstances should security officers be purchasing things from this.

Detailed Crime Information.


Battery - 101

To use physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure the target.
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Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault.

OOC Notes: This is meant to punish people for spamshoving/shittery; Consent is however, key here. Dont punish two people for battery for fighting in the corridors consensually - charge them with disorderly conduct. It's honestly up to you if you want them to pay the fine for a second offence, just don't let a rich person commit ten acts of battery over time and just keep paying the fines.

Vandalism- 102

Any willful behavior aimed at destroying, altering, or defacing property belonging to another.
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Smashing windows, smashing random vending machines and spray painting or just vandalising rooms and hallways in general.

Disorderly Conduct - 103

To be intentionally and publicly belligerent, exposed indecently, offensive or in general - a nuisance.
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Spamming offensive racial terms over common, slurs included - being a general nuisance, screaming down your microphone.

OOC Notes: This is meant to allow sec to fine people for spamming 'Ligger' and other offensive terms over comms, in public, ecetera, or just being a general nuisance to the station

Petty Theft - 104

To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.
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Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery

OOC Notes: Don't abuse this to brig an assistant for taking spare cable coils; use it to punish hoarders (hardsuits, medical supplies ecetera)

Animal Cruelty - 105

To Inhumanely injure, torture or otherwise abuse animals.
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This crime exists for the CMO randomly killing runtime in their office; Not to punish chefs who kill monkeys or Pete in their back fridge; Take into consideration the intent - does it align with their job?

OOC Notes: This is ideally meant to punish people who randomly kill station pets.

Abuse of Equipment - 106

To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion.
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The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties. This should cover non-sec using items i.e. greytide with a flash randomly flashing people

OOC Notes: Try and go for people abusing things in a way that's actually harmful.

Trespassing - 107

To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station.
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Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass.

OOC Notes: Needs to be clear that this is for trespassing only i.e. the door was open, the AI let them in, or they followed someone in.

Obstruction of Justice - 108

An act that corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.
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While similar to Accessory, this charge is for situations such as destruction of evidence, stopping or frustrating officers while in pursuit of suspects and similar.

Rubbernecking - 109

Observing a scene of an accident, crime or emergency in an unduly manner.
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The security department is not immune from rubbernecking, as not every engineering or medical emergency requires their presence. The first professional responder at the site of the emergency takes full authority on who is allowed to be present, with their supervisor being able to replace that authority at any time. Obstructing an arrest is included in this.

OOC Notes: Use this to disperse an undue crowd that may end up interfering with security operations; or in general, use it to get people to back off on a threat of being fined - Don't abuse this to instantly baton somebody the second you see them enter a crime scene.

Creating a Workplace Hazard - 110

To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions.
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Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a small gas leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure.

Insubordination - 111

To refuse a lawful, reasonable order from a superior member of staff; relevant Head of Staff or otherwise.
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To deliberately ignore, mal-interpret (maliciously perform) or in general refute your head of staffs or relevant superiors orders. Resisting demotion is considered Insubordination.

The Captain or the Command member of their respective department may push for a demotion on top of the sentence.

OOC Notes: This is to punish people deliberately disobeying orders; that is, if they are lawful orders. You cannot charge someone with Insub for refusing to follow an unlawful order.

Minor Misdemeanourss

Assault (Actual Bodily Harm) - 201

To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
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This is for anything above battery, and below grevious bodily harm. Defined as causing injuries that are detrimental to one's health. Breaking someone's leg in a manner that is recoverable is ABH. Severring a leg is GBH. Keep in mind the advances in medical technology make previously dehabilitating injuries less so. Soft critical condition comes under ABH. Hard critical condition under GBH.

OOC Notes: You will almost never require medical reparations be paid, because healthcare is almost always free. Yes, in real life, crippling a leg is grevious bodily harm. But it's the future, and we can fix this surprisingly easy and fast.

Damage to Station Infrastructure - 202

To deliberately damage the station or station property to a moderate degree.
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Destroying random airlocks and/or firelocks, smashing departamental machinery and shocking an airlock door in a hacking attempt are all examples of where these laws apply.

OOC Notes: This is mostly meant to protect the station from greytiders breaking in everywhere; such as, people hacking doors. While not sabotage, is damage to station infrastructure.

Rioting - 203

To engage or encourage riotous behaviour among yourself and fellow crewmates.
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People screaming for riots over the radio are not to be charged with this; refer to 'Inciting A Riot Instead'; this is for people who actually engage in riotous behaviour - bashing windows, unlawfully protesting, assaulting officers.

OOC Notes: Think about this carefully; are they a ringleader or someone swept up in the excitement of the riot? Charge accordingly.

Theft - 204

To hinder the crew via theft of station assets in a way that results in a detrimental outcome.
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This exclusively covers things like hoarding engi hardsuits and extremely important viral vaccines during an outbreak or engine delamination. This is theft that is directly leading to the endangerment of the entire crew (versus grand theft; the theft of high priority items)

OOC Notes: This is entirely in place to punish hoarders who hoard hardsuits during a dangerous delamination that could potentially end the round (tesloose SM)

Violating an Injunction - 205

To refuse to follow an injunction.
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Charge people for this if they violate the terms of their injunction; Make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt where possible - An accidental encounter with someone is not violating a restraining order.

OOC Notes: Used to punish people who deliberately go out of their way to void their injunction.

Abuse of Confiscated Equipment - 206

To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence outside of dire emergencies where no alternatives are present.
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Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment.

OOC Notes: This should be ahelped if anyone gets charged with it; using evidence is against server rules due to powergaming policy. This does not count as a rulebreak if an officer picks up a dropped gun in the middle of the firefight; and uses it to save their own life

Narcotics Distribution and Manufacture - 207

To distribute and/or manufacture narcotics and other controlled substances. For further information reference with the Contraband Table.
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Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession.

OOC Notes: This exists to hopefully help curtail botany distributing plants filled with mindbreaker, spacetoxin, mushroom hallucinogenic. Use it to curtail druglords; not somebody selling medicinal apples.

Medical Malpractice - 208

To unethically operate, treat or otherwise injure a patient; or reveal private information.
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Practising medicine as a doctor on a patient without their consent or otherwise betraying the trust of the patient. Denying medical treatment to someone in need as a doctor. A psychiatrist/psychotherapist may evaluate and issue a documented veto on anybody's ability to consent to treatment.

OOC Notes: This exists to stop doctors from forcefully applying chloral hydrate to people who do not consent to treatment; and in general exists as an IC shield against shittery.

Unlawful Restraint - 210

To unlawfully restain and hold a person without their consent; or lawful reasoning.
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Unlawful Restraint can apply both to crewmates who have kidnapped another or security who is holding someone without any charges past the allowed limit.

OOC Notes: Use this in good faith. Simply being dragged away with no bindings is not being unlaufully restrained.

Eavesdropping - 211

To listen into private security, command or central command communications without proper authorisation.
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To listen in upon Security, Command OR CC Chatter.

OOC Notes: This is used to punish people for stealing and using encryption keys with MALICIOUS intent. Intent is key here; You do not brig someone for taking the captains headset after they had died mysteriously in maint to report it over loud-voice.

Damage to Cybernetic Units - 212

to use excessive force against a Cyborg, AI Core or AI shell without the apparent intention to destroy it.
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OOC Notes: This is for anything above a few hits, and below destruction. Flashing, tipping or locking a borg/shell does not constitute damaging it and should be treated as using non-lethal tools on normal crew.

Major Misdemeanourss

Aggravated Assault (Grevious Bodily Harm) - 301

To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm
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Defined as causing injuries that are severely detrimental to someone's health. A detachment of limb, entering hard critical condition. Extreme psychological scarring can count, but must be diagnosed by a doctor of psychology.

OOC Notes: Psychological harm cannot be faked to a psychologist. Use LOOC (Local Out of Character) with the psychologist and say if you're acting or not. If you're not, commit to it or it's an OOC issue.

Sabotage - 302

To damage or destroy a notable amount of station assets.
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This is reserved for high amounts of destruction to a limited area. For example, contained plasmafloods. It can also be used for low amounts of destruction to a large area. Siphoning the entire central primary hallway to a vacuum would be sabotage. A syndicate bomb and power sink come under here, unless the bomb destroys the AI or is placed in the Supermatter Engine. Intentionally disabling the gravity generator or disabling power for entire departments come under sabotage.

OOC Notes: Practically, this is usually for bombings that don't fit under terrorism, or aren't big enough to be considered that severe of a crime.

Inciting a Riot - 303

Deliberately inciting riotous behaviour among crewmembers.
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This is only used to punish ringleaders of the riots; the people who initially provoke and maintain the burning fire of rage within the mob.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish ringleaders versus random people involved in the riot; intent is important once more.

Robbery - 304

To steal items from another's person via force or other forms of coercion such as threats
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Charge people with this for highway robbery - holding people at gunpoint/knifepoint, stealing their stuff and then letting them go; in more extreme cases, default to theft.

OOC Notes: Used to punish people for threatening others into giving up valuable gear; bar life-saving situations.

Assault of an Officer - 305

To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see Resisting Arrest or Obstruction of Justice. Battery, Assault, and Aggravated Assault do not stack with this charge.
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Use this for being hit with a toolbox or fire-extinguisher or the equivalent multiple times - things that will severely harm and injure you; but not pose a life-threatening risk.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people assaulting you with any weapon that does trauma; brute or burn or otherwise - specifically aimed at those who initiate the attack on an officer or member of command, for using force to resist arrest see the Violently Resisting Arrest modifier. Keep in mind what was used though; Fists and shoves are not assault, merely batterly

Escaping Confinement - 306

Breaking out of imprisonment or attempting to break others out of confinement.
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You cannot execute someone for escape attempts, unless those attempts result in a crime that would warrant such punishment. If you cannot contain someone, there's a modifier specifically for this, in which you are allowed an execution.

OOC Notes: Arm blades that can pry open airlocks? Unless they consent to being left in a room with just walls (oblige this request), you can execute. If they can ventcrawl, offer them imprisonment in an environment with no vents, or execution. Pretty simple stuff to extrapolate. Don't forget to offer cyborgification as an option.

Grand Trespass - 307

Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research, Vault, and AI Core.
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Intent is very important here; was it an accident or a deliberate trespass, did they break and enter in? All of this should be considered - their job especially. An engineer breaking and entering to trespass in the AI core should be treated as a malicious action; but if an assistant gets wormholed in, it should be treated as an accident without brig time. A door being left open, the AI letting them in, or they followed behind someone is still considered trespassing. There are some extenuating circumstances to this. A station engineer breaking into the vault to get an ore silo log to re-link protolathes if command staff are ignoring them for 10+ minutes and the silicons are refusing to open up or ignoring them, just ignore it. An engineer breaking into atmospherics to get an atmos hardsuit to fix a delaminating supermatter engine is just perfectly fine.

OOC Notes: Intent is extremely important here; and the circumstances behind it. Don't punish people for the incompetence of command staff or saving the station.

Manslaughter - 308

To cause death to a person via deliberate attack or excessive negligence, without any intent to kill.
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Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who accidentally kill someone if they break into their department; For example, an engineer critting an assistant with a welder, and said assistant then dying. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Intent to provide aid(such as them using their epipen on the victim) must be present.

Unlawful Restraint of an Officer - 310

To unlawfully detain and hold a member of Security, Command or Emergency Response Teams without their consent; or lawful reasoning.
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Abuse of Executive Powers - 311

To over-reach your executive powers as a head of staff.
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Excessive acts beyond the designated profession, active disrespect of the command chain or excessive amassing of power. To simplify; over-exercising your power as a head of staff to distribute orders to those you are not in control of; or attempting to give illicit orders.

OOC Notes: This exists as a method for security to counter heads of staff abusing their power - for example - the HoP giving somebody all access; or a weapons permit without the HoS's permission - or relative head of staff.

Destruction of a Cybernetic Unit - 312

To use excessive force against a cyborg, AI core or AI shell with the intention to cause death.
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OOC Notes: This is for anything that kills or destroys a borg, AI shell or AI core, detonating them without explicit orders from the Research Director or Captain falls under this.

Sapient Trafficking - 313

To move a sapient-being employed upon the station, from a location to another, to be held there or elsewise, against their will..
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OOC Notes: Use this as an elevated version of unlawful restraint, for contractors kidnapping targets to send away, heretics sacrificing people, or else-wise people getting kidnapped in general.

Minor Felonies

Grand Sabotage - 402

To cause mass destruction and/or intentionally cause the delamination of a supermatter crystal, or to cause an unlawful permanent destruction of an Artificial Intelligence.
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See sabotage for causing a delamination through gross incompetence. The supermatter part only applies if it either delimates, or the sabotage is actually severe and not just three un-wrenched pipes. Putting X4 on the crystal chamber would fit this crime. Destroying multiple large rooms, or a large portion of a department would count as grand sabotage. This usually would require a maximum capacity bomb in the perfect spot, or one and a half in less optimal spots. Mass plasmaflooding also applies.

OOC Notes: The big difference between sabotage and grand sabotage is how expensive the damages are. The Supermatter Crystal is extremely expensive. A bunch of hallways aren't.

Grand Theft - 404

To steal items of extreme value, or top secret information and/or documents.
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Stealing top secret documents, 25+ research nodes, the Captain's antique laser gun, the nuclear authentication disk, nuclear bomb core, the station blueprints, and any part of the supermatter crystal. For things like door remotes and ID cards, see theft.

OOC Notes: This is not solely for stealing "antag objectives".

Unlawful tampering with a Cybernetic Unit - 412

To alter or modify the laws of an Artificial Intelligence or Cybernetic unit without clear and explicit authorisation from the Research Director or Captain.
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OOC Notes: Changing the laws of an AI or a Borg either through it's respective console or during the construction of the shell is unlawful tampering unless there is clear permission from the Research Director or it is done during a state of emergency caused by a Rogue AI. Remember, roboticists have the permission to construct borgs, not tamper with their laws.

Major Felonies


All of these crimes usually warrant permanent incarceration upon the person being found; doubly so if they resist. These crimes usually don't require direct witnesses and confirmation to charge for. This means, however, you should ideally have 'confirmation' of the crime before trying to use these.

Murder - 501

(Unjustified) To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death in a situation that doesn't warrant it (self-defense doesn't apply.)
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If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter. For attempted murder, use Assault GBH (301).

OOC Notes: This only counts as murder if the victim died due to a direct result of their actions; with no attempt made to aid them during their final moments. Intent is extremely important here, it can be the difference between manslaughter and murder. Unfortunately, unlike Dungeons & Dragon, you can't shoot someone in the face with buckshot non-lethally, and else-wise, it's meant to be a slightly-grey area to allow people some lee-way with 'going a bit far.'

Terrorism - 502

To create mass-destruction and/or terror for a political, racial, ideological or religious cause.
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This is specifically and only for what it is defined for. This is for terrorism, which under its definition, requires political, racial, ideological or religious motivation. Without it, it's something else. You may charge multiple cases of murder as multiple cases of murder, not terrorism.

OOC Notes: If a perpetrator opportunistically released a bomb, killing four security officers, because they're chasing the perpetrator down for mugging someone, it isn't terrorism. Seriously.

Unjustified Mutiny - 503

To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.
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Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, or the station as a whole, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who are wrongfully and randomly trying to incite mutinies. Dont punish people who had a legitimate reason for a mutiny (such as the captain ordering nuke-codes constantly). You'll probably never use this unless a revolution round somehow rolls.

Enemy Of The Station - 504

Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity; Read the notes for further information
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Any entity, person or otherwise object that would pose a significant threat to the station, its crew in any way, shape or capacity. Actions that may earn someone the charge of EotS include but are not limited to: sabotaging the Super Matter Crystal or HFR, sabotaging distro, attempting to detonate the on board self-destruct mechanism, the release of highly contagious and deadly viruses, the murder of 8 or more crew members and so forth. Nuclear operatives that declare war are by default declared enemies of the station

Critical Threat


These are the 'biggest bad' charges, if you try to levy using these on a crewmember, you should be well-aware beyond a doubt that the crime was committed, evidence and all.

Annihilation - 601

Complete destruction of the victim, where they are completely unrecoverable. This is only punishable with the loss of the victim’s brain.
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This is your bread and butter for serial bombers; if they end up killing someone past the point of revival, or elsewise, destroy a body, this is the go-to. To specify; This crime is only applied on instances where a victim cannot be revived because they have been destroyed. This does not count towards DNR people.

OOC Notes: Use this to punish people who have been round removing via throwing brains into lava, space or otherwise destroying bodies. The HoS should be one declaring a 601.

Hostile Non-Typical Lifeform - 602

An external, or internal threat to the station, not counted among the typical races and species employed by Nanotrasen, or her sister companies. Examples include: Xenomorphs, Cortical Parasites, and elsewise, currently unidentified hostile lifeforms.
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The clarification is 'hostile', so-to-say, stuff that will be hostile (xenos, spiders, spacedragons, etc) or stuff that isn't typically hostile, but is currently (a magicarp yeeting fireballs down the mainhall.) Use your best judgement.

OOC Notes:- And best faith. This is your trump-card against present xenomorphs, blobs, changelings, borers, or elsewise, to immediately get the ball-rolling for a code-red, and prevent chicanery like 'peaceful xenos.' The HoS should be one declaring a 602, or a station announcement (blob, etc).

Special Situations and Modifiers

Situation Notes Modifier
Violently Resisting Arrest This refers to the prisoner battering and/or assaulting others in their attempts to resist arrest. Trying to to crawl away once being batoned is not considered "violently resisting arrest", nor is running. Adds 10 minutes if the person being arrested engaged in assault of higher while resisting arrest
Non-Violently Resisting Arrest Breaking free of cuffs and attempting to escape without harming anyone. Harm in this instance is defined by causing them damage. Shoving that deals no brute damage is not considered harmful thus isn't considered violent. Adds 2 minutes if the person being detained ran away or engaged in battery while resisting arrest
Station-Wide Threat If the prison is breached, lock the prisoners in a room that isn’t venting. If a tesloose or singuloose is approaching, evacuate the prison and take the prisoners towards a safe location. If the prisoner cannot reliably be kept in custody whilst transporting them away from imminent danger of death, consider paroling them. Relocate the prisoner to a safe location, even if it risks them escaping, if the prison is under threat. During Delta-level threats, prisoners can be pardoned.
Cooperation with Prosecution and/or Security Being helpful towards security by confessing conspirators, revealing other suspects and supplying information of value, such as revealing hostile agents. A decrease of up to 50% of sentence time or an instant release depending on the situation. In some cases, the suspect should be given protective custody.
Self Defense Suspects who are defending themselves or others from attack and are forced to retaliate and respond with proportionate force are to be excused. This does not excuse from grossly disproportionate responses. Someone punching you once does not warrant turning around and blasting their face with a pulse rifle. Instant release.
Deconversion This pertains to any instance where the suspect was brainwashed or otherwise was not in control of their mind. Instant release and expungement of any crimes committed whilst under converted.
Incapable of Secure Confinement This refers to hostile creatures that have the ability to teleport outside of confinement, pry out of containment with ease or cannot be contained at all. Being stronger than usual and being able to snap the chains between handcuffs does not count as "incapable of secure confinement", don't toy with this. You may push for execution if the suspect is violent and cannot be contained. If the suspect is non-violent, contact Central Command for a verdict. (OOC: This is a protection from over-zealous security players who are incapable of acting in good-faith.)
Unregistered personnel Traders, P-T Crew coming to exchange goods or similar are considered visitors of the station and should not be arrested unless they break other laws. Use this Modifier in good faith Any non-visitor of the station must be part of the crew manifest, not being declared on it is met with detainment and holding until crew transfer.

Шаблон:Rules table