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Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
Версия от 13:30, 20 февраля 2022; Kerovitagar (обсуждение | вклад)
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Shockwarning.pngЭта страница находится на плановых ремонтных работахShockwarning.png
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Wrench.png Kerovitagar

Список некоторых самых распространенных предметов, которых вы можете найти во время смены на станции. Все сотрудники могут получить доступ к этим вещам тем или иным способом, либо находя в разных отделах, либо создавая в Автолате (Autolathe).



Местонахождение: Лоток для бумаги и офисные столы на станции
Используется для: Request forms, Résumés
Стратегия сражения: Сделайте его профессиональным! Полезная и очень упускаемая из виду функция оформления документов - команда подписи '%s', поскольку вы не сможете подделать чужую подпись.


Вы можете писать на бумаге с помощью ручки. Врачи используют для форм, Квартирмейстер иcпользуют для бюрокртаии, даже Глава персонала используют для forms. Кураторы используют для Эротической литературы; Культ используют для зловещих дел. Если ошиблись, капните немного этанола для очистки листа. Вы можете попросить Химика выдать этанол.
Смотри также: Руководство по бюрократии


Местонахождение: Любой ПДА, Офисные столы
Используется для: Изменяет траекторию полета в космосе. Пишет на бумаге
Стратегия сражения: Целься в глаза.


Вы можете писать ручкой на бумаге, так же на роботах и книжных шкафах. Имеет важное значение Кураторов но не для кого более -- так как они занимают целый карман или слот рюкзака, большинство людей немедленно их выкидывают или засовывают в свои ПДА
Смотри также: Руководство по бюрократии


Местонахождение: Художественное хранилище, Crayonboxs
Используется для: используется для рисования культистских рун или покраски одежды.
Стратегия сражения: Помойте перчатки с мелком для изменения цвета, таким образом, вы можете сделать поддельные Изоляционные Перчатки


Бывают 8 цветов: красный, оранжевый, желтый, зеленый, синий, фиолетовый, черно-белый и радужный.
Их можно найти в Crayonbox.png в коробке мелков (Crayonbox).


Местонахождение: Сигаретный Автомат
Используется для: Что бы круто выглядеть или принимать медикаменты
Стратегия сражения: Подожги от источника огня и засунь в лицо рот.


Скрутка табака и никотина. Их можно поджигать и курить. Можно наполнить 15 юнитами любого химиката. Так же можно найти редкие бренды, в которых есть специальные ингредиенты с уникальным эффектом для курящего.
Другой вариант, более привлекательный и более редкий - Cigar.png Сигара. Вмещает до 30 юнитов химикатов. Есть несколько вариаций сигар, некоторые даже более изысканные.

Black vape.png
E-Cigarettes (vapes)

Местонахождение: Взломанные Сигаретные Автоматы
Используется для: Вейпинга.
Стратегия сражения: Открути, заполни, закрути, носи в слоте маски.


A classy and highly sophisticated electronic cigarette, for classy and dignified gentlemen. A warning label reads "Warning: do not fill with flamable materials". Comes pre-loaded with some liquid nicotine. If worn in mask slot you will slowly ingest the reagents in it. Activate it in hand to instantly empty all its contents. Use a screwdriver Screwdriver tool.png on it to open it. Then you can fill it with any reagents by using a filled beaker on it. When open, you can either use a multitool Multitool.png on it to trim it, which makes it also produce a cloud of smoke, or you can emag it. Then close it with a screwdriver.


Местонахождение: Matchbooks inside the Cigarette machines
Используется для: Поджигание вещей
Стратегия сражения: Используй что бы получить огонь


Зиппо. Более дешевая версия это Cheap Lighter.png Cheap Lighter, которая производится в 4х разных цветах.
Более примитивная версия это Match.png Match, их можно найти в Matchbook.png Matchbooks внутри Cigarette machines. Зажги огонь проведя спичкой по коробку.


Местонахождение: Emergency Toolbox, Взломанный Вендомат, повсюду в Maintenance
Используется для: Прогоняет тьму Светит во тьме
Стратегия сражения: Если вы пользуетесь таким, значит кто-то проебался накосячил с питанием станции.


It sheds light when you click on it, even if it's on your belt or in your pocket. The light sources stack to create brighter light sources, so if you have a flashlight in your belt, a flashlight in both pockets, and a flashlight in each hand, along with a safety helmet on your head, you will shine pretty bright. Also of note are Lantern.png Lanterns (found in Mining Dock), which are brighter than flashlights.

Ручной этикетировщик
Hand Labeler

Местонахождение: Химия, Art Storage, Лаборатория Токсинов, Комната конференций, Зона погрузки Карго
Используется для: Used for labeling items for easier recognition
Стратегия сражения: Useful for when making multiply kinds of grenades or bottles and wanting to keep track of which is which


Used to stick a label onto something's name. E.g., Cuban Pete (HONK). Can not be used on people.

  • Can be turned on/off by clicking it in your hand.
  • Remove a label by using it on an item while off.

Price tagger.png
Price Tagger

Местонахождение: Autolathe
Используется для: Used for pricing items before putting them into a custom vendor.
Стратегия сражения: Sell items with custom vendor.


Use it to give an item a price. Then insert it into a custom vendor to make it buyable for that price.

Установщик скидки
Sales tagger.png
Sales Tagger

Местонахождение: Cargo techfab
Используется для: Use on a wrapped item to apply barcode. Have cargo export it to get half the credits.
Стратегия сражения: Sell items to cargo.


Wrap an item or crate full of exportable goods with wrapping paper. Swipe your ID on the sales tagger. Then use this sales tagger on the wrapped item/crate to apply a barcode Barcode.png connected to your swiped ID's account. If that item/crate is exported by cargo (without ripping the barcode off) your account gets half the credits from that export. Does not give money from bounties.


Местонахождение: Art Storage, Library
Используется для: Taking pictures
Стратегия сражения: Steal their souls with this! Everyone (that doesn't have a brain) know that cameras steal souls


Can take 10 pictures before having to get a new roll of Film.png film. Pictures can then be attached to news reports created on a newscaster console.

Универсальный диктофон
Universal Recorder.png
Universal Recorder

Местонахождение: Detective's Office, Library
Используется для: Recording and translating speech
Стратегия сражения: Apply it to start recording, apply again to stop


A device that can record to cassette tapes, and play them. It automatically translates the content in playback.
Can be loaded with a new Tape.png tape after the previous one is full. Can make grenades get stuck to your hand.

Station Bounced Radio.png
Station Bounced Radio

Местонахождение: Emergency Toolbox, Autolathe
Используется для: Used for emergency communication, if when telecomms goes down
Стратегия сражения: If the singularity is loose, it may very likely take out the telecommunications room. Other causes of telecommunications failures could be power loss or sabotage. So have one of these handy or find one quick if when shit goes down


The station bounced radio will function similarly to a standard radio headset if you put it in your pocket or in your hand; thus you can use the say ";radio message" function as normal without turning on the microphone to broadcast.

Using multiple radios can be done with say ":l message" for left hand and say ":r' message" for right hand depending on the hand used to hold each radio.

Turning on the microphone will pick up all sounds from the surrounding area and broadcast them.

Can be hacked.

Корпус гранаты
Grenade Casing.png
Grenade Casing

Местонахождение: Chemistry, Made from 1 Metal
Используется для: Grenade construction
Стратегия сражения: Attach a (trigger)-Igniter Assembly and insert payload


Can hold two Bottles or Beakers.
See the Grenade page for more details.


Местонахождение: Dorms, Medbay, Brig, Prison Wing
Используется для: Use it as a cape or in ghetto surgery
Стратегия сражения: For cape, put it on your back, for ghetto surgery, see instruction


A surprisingly soft linen bedsheet. Comes in many different colors for different places and for each head of department!


Местонахождение: Emergency toolboxes
Используется для: Source of light


A red Nanotrasen issued flare. There are instructions on the side - "pull cord, make light".

A DIY-version of this a Torch.png Torch, you can make one by combining a log with a dried wheat or ambrosia.

Sticky tape.png
Sticky Tape

Местонахождение: Autolathe
Используется для: Making stuff sticky.
Стратегия сражения: Stick stuff on people.


Can be used on any item which allows that item to harmlessly "embed" when thrown on people.

Janitorial Supplies

While still accessible by most crew, these items are most easily obtainable by the Janitor.


Местонахождение: Custodial Closet
Используется для: Used to clean the floor, angering the entire crew when the halls are wet
Стратегия сражения: Fits nicely in a backpack. Dip in the Janitorial Cart, Bucket or in a sink to make it wet. Try mixing ammonia with the water to make a nonslip cleaner.


The Janitor starts with one.


Местонахождение: JaniDrobe, Autolathe
Используется для: Used to sweep trash
Стратегия сражения: Sweep trash into a single pile and push it into a disposal unit.


Fits in a janitor's belt and cart. Activate in hand to wield in both hands and start brooming. Then walk over trash to push it. You can also click directly on a tile to sweep it, even when wielded in one hand.

Космический очиститель
Space Cleaner

Местонахождение: Custodial Closet, Medbay
Используется для: A better cleaner than water. Doesn't cause people to slip. Spray to clean up to three tiles or to remove a cobweb. Can also be used to clean clothing
Стратегия сражения: Use it in your hand to switch it to smaller pressure for conserving the Space Cleaner


Not to be confused with the liquid created in Chemistry. This is in the end just a spray bottle, and can be filled with anything. You can make more by combining one part ammonia with one part water.


Местонахождение: Custodial Closet, Hydroponics, can be made in an Autolathe
Используется для: They can be used by several different jobs as part of their actual duties
Стратегия сражения: Fill with water and splash on the floor and make everyone fall


A bucket holds liquid only, most commonly water. It holds up to 70 units.

Заменитель ламп
Light Replacer

Местонахождение: Custodial Closet, can be made in a Protolathe
Используется для: Replacing broken light bulbs or making evil traps for people that can't see in the dark
Стратегия сражения: Fill with light bulbs or glass sheets and just start replacing those broken lights


An item which uses magnets to easily replace lights. Perfect for the lazy janitor!
Lightreplacer1.pngCan be emagged to unlock mischievous features.

Light Tube.png
Light Tube

Местонахождение: Custodial Closet, Emergency Storages, Maintenance, can be made in an Autolathe
Используется для: Replacing broken lights
Стратегия сражения: Apply it to a new light fixture or an old one if its light is broken.


A replacement light tube. Light Bulb.png Bulbs are the lesser used light-source on the station.


Местонахождение: Custodial Closet
Используется для: Used for pest control and Grenade construction
Стратегия сражения: Place them everywhere in Maintenance, fill a backpack containing the nuke disk with them


Click it in your hand to activate it, then drop it on the floor.


Местонахождение: Custodial Closet, Theatre, Captain's Quarters
Используется для: Used to clean floors and objects
Стратегия сражения: Place one on the floor to slip anyone who walks over it.


Hold it in your hand and click on the surface you'd like to clean. Don't let the clown get his hands on this! Soap runs out after 100 uses (300 for NT soap), but more can be created in chemistry.

Проволочная щетка

Местонахождение: Service Protolathe
Используется для: Used to clean rust from walls, floor tiles and objects.
Стратегия сражения: Click on a rusty wall.


Hold it in your hand and click on rusty walls, tiles and objects to remove the rust.

Basic Devices

These items are usually found strewn about Maintenance or from the VendomatVendomat's in Primary Tool Storage and in Toxins. You can use a Screwdriver on all of these to make them attachable to other devices, these are mainly used in the creation of bombs or grenades.


Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Conference Room, Hacked Vendomat
Используется для: Used mostly for making bombs and Grenades


A timer... it counts down... 3... 2... 1... boom?
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Датчик движения
Prox Sensor.png
Proximity Sensor

Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Robotics, Vendomat, Autolathe
Используется для: Used mostly for making bombs/Grenades or robots
Стратегия сражения: Screwdriver it, attach it to whatever you want to react to people's presence


This is used to detect people getting close.
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Устройство удаленного доступа
Remote Signaling Device

Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Research Division, Vendomat, Autolathe
Используется для: Can be attached to Igniters for Grenade construction, bomb construction, and a lot less commonly, wires on doors
Стратегия сражения: Can be attached to wires on anything with a panel and work like a remote Multitool. If used right, two of these can be used in place of an Multitool


Sends a pulse when it receives a signal with the right code and frequency.
Can be attached to a Proximity Sensor to make a simple alarm system.
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between sending and receiving/attaching mode.
Hitting a Remote Signaling Device with another one will copy its frequency to it.


Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Chemistry, Vendomat, Autolathe
Используется для: Used for starting fires making bombs, heating beakers or making stunprods.


Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.


Местонахождение: Vendomat, Autolathe
Используется для: An endothermic igniter, capable of cooling down atmosphere.


Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Анализатор голоса
Voice Analyzer.png
Voice Analyzer

Местонахождение: Hacked Vendomat, Autolathe
Используется для: Password controlled doors, and Grenade construction
Стратегия сражения: Click it to configure trigger word and then attach to nuclear device door bolt wire


A small electronic device able to record a voice sample, and send a signal when that sample is repeated.
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.
Use a Multitool.png Multitool to toggle between the four modes of use.

  • Inclusive
  • Exclusive
  • Recognizer
  • Voice Sensor

Инфракрасный излучатель
Infrared Emitter

Местонахождение: Autolathe
Используется для: Grenade construction
Стратегия сражения: Create trip mines by combining these with grenades. Set up door chimes for public areas like the medbay lobby.


Emits a visible or invisible beam and is triggered when the beam is interrupted.
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.

Сканер здоровья
Health sensor.png
Health Sensor

Местонахождение: Vendomat
Используется для: Sending a signal to assemblies when either you a.) die or b.) enter a critical state.
Стратегия сражения: May be used in conjunction with bomb assemblies to trigger their activation upon your death.


Can be used in most assemblies to trigger something upon your death or critical injury.
Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.
Activate it in hand to toggle it between on and off. Alt-click it to toggle between the two modes of use:

  • Detect death
  • Detect critical state

Контролёр укрепленного шлюза
Blast door controller.png
Blast Door Controller

Местонахождение: Autolathe, Any button that controls shutters or blast doors.
Используется для: Used for opening and closing shutters or blast doors.


Use a Multitool.png Multitool to change the controller ID you want the door to use, a number from 1 to 100. Sadly, since the map doors, by default, use strings as their names, you cannot jack them by entering the text string default doors use. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to toggle it between normal and attachment mode.


Механический ящик для инструментов
Mechanical Toolbox

Местонахождение: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage and many places around the station including tool storage and the locker room
Используется для: Contains that which are needed whenever you want to construct or deconstruct something.
Стратегия сражения: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains the tools all engineers need to have



Screwdriver tool.png Wrench.png Welder.png
Crowbar.png Analyzer.png Wirecutters.png

This toolbox contains many tools needed in the day-to-day lives of engineers and traitors alike. If you want a reliable way to break into an area, then this toolbox has just about all the tools you'll need. If your job is to repair damage, the tools will be needed when you'll have to fix the inevitable mistakes you'll make.

Электрический ящик для инструментов
Electrical Toolbox

Местонахождение: Engineering, Primary Tool Storage, Tech storage
Используется для: Contains tools which you'll need when fixing or breaking electrical equipment
Стратегия сражения: The electrical toolbox is good to have when traitoring. Although you'll likely also need a weldingtool and multitool to be an effective traitor



Screwdriver tool.png Wirecutters.png T-ray.gif Crowbar.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png CableCoils.png

The electrical toolbox's contents are intended to help fix (and break) electrical equipment. Insulated gloves are a must when dealing with electricity though.

Yellow toolboxes have a small chance of containing a pair of insulated gloves.

Аварийный ящик для инструментов
Emergency Toolbox

Местонахождение: emergency lockers and storage areas
Используется для: Contains tools which are useful in emergencies
Стратегия сражения: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a flashlight which is very useful as well as a crowbar



Flashlight.png or a Flare.png Station Bounced Radio.png MiniFE.png Crowbar.png Emergency welding tool.png

The toolbox contains a flashlight (50% chance of a flashlight, or a flare), a crowbar, a station bounced radio, a fire extinguisher, and an emergency welding tool, all of which are useful tools to have when the situation inevitably spirals out of control.

Художественный ящик для инструментов
Artistic toolbox.png
Artistic Toolbox

Местонахождение: Maintenance
Используется для: Contains art supplies.
Стратегия сражения: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a lot of wires, useful for zipties.



Crowbar.png Crayonbox.png CableCoils.pngx8

This toolbox provides you with art supplies similar to those you get in art storage. A crayon box, wires for wire art, and a crowbar to remove the tiles so that you can lay cable. All wires have a fixed color, as opposed to the random colors in art storage and the vending machines. The colors are: red, yellow, darkblue, green, purple, brown, cyan, white.


Местонахождение: Cargo Loading Area, Atmospherics Office, Everyone starts out with a survival box.
Используется для: The box is a container that can hold seven items and be stored inside of a backpack
Стратегия сражения: Improve your inventory space drastically at the expense of accessibility. Store junk in it.


Can be folded flat for cardboard by clicking it in your hand when it's empty. It can only hold tiny and small items. Everyone starts with a Internals box.png survival box that contains a breath mask, an emergency oxygen tank and a medipen. Some departments may have different gas masks, oxygen tanks, or extra tools inside.
Boxes can come in many forms, some can only have specific items in them. Box.pngLightBox.pngChefBox.pngHandcuffsbox.pngFlashbangbox.pngSrybox.pngBeakerBox.pngDiskBox.pngGlassesBox.pngBodybagBox.pngSterileMaskBox.pngMousetrapBox.png
A Crayonbox.png Crayonbox holds Crayons.


Местонахождение: Law Office
Используется для: A briefcase is a bulky item that can hold up to seven tiny, small, or normal items.
Стратегия сражения: Fill it with seven boxes and carry the entire station in one hand.


By default it is filled with one pen and six sheets of paper. They are very sturdy, so make a decent weapon (blurs vision when it hits heads). The lawyer and detective get one.

Clothing Backwear Items with Additional Storage Capabilities

Пояс для инструментов
Clothing Belt Items with Additional Storage Capabilities



Местонахождение: Most areas and departments where things are stored
Используется для: Storage for items. Especially large items -- such as corpses, other lockers, crates, and certain robots or equipment -- cannot fit inside.
Стратегия сражения: Store away your wares within these, or send them out to Cargo so they can sell it and it's contents for money.


Lockers are among the most common and arguably the most useful of containers on the station. Nearly anything can fit inside, barring other lockers, crates, corpses, and certain especially large objects like racks and MULEbots. You can walk into them and close them to hide inside with reduced vision.

Use a Wrech Wrench to bolt them to the floor, or use a Welding Tool Welding Tool to seal them shut. They can be wrapped with packaging paper to be mailed to other departments in Delivery Office.

Supply Crate

Местонахождение: Most areas and departments where things are stored
Используется для: Storage for items. Especially large items -- such as corpses, lockers, other crates, and certain robots or equipment -- cannot fit inside.
Стратегия сражения: Store away your wares within these, or send them out to Cargo so they can sell it and it's contents for money.


Crates are the second most common storage container on the station. They can store an essentially unlimited amount of items and are worth quite a bit for Cargo. Expect the Cargo Technicians to come asking for your unused crates. You can click+drag your character's sprite over an adjacent crate to climb on to them, preventing anybody inside them from escaping if you are on top and the crate is closed. When open and on top, you can Rest and then close the crate to hide inside the crate with reduced vision.

Use a Wrech Wrench to bolt them to the floor. They can be wrapped with packaging paper to be mailed to other departments in Delivery Office.


Местонахождение: One is found in almost every room
Используется для: The same as headsets and Station Bounced Radios, but mostly only if when you don't have access to either of those
Стратегия сражения: When a crewman's headset is lost or comms are down and a Station Bounced Radio is nowhere to be found, wall radios are essential to talking with the station at large


Intercom wall radios are an immobile version of headset radios with the same number of frequencies and functions. The AI can use them to publicly broadcast a clandestine conversation or use it to discreetly spy on the talk around the station themselves. Use say ":i message" to operate these hands-free.

Can be hacked.

Лоток для бумаги
Paper Tray

Местонахождение: Office desks
Используется для: Supplies you with all your paper needs.
Стратегия сражения: Take Paper and set your paper-cutting master plans in motion.


Paper Paper Paper. Click it to take a piece of paper, or drag it to your sprite to pick the whole thing up.

Тележка уборщика
Janitorial Cart.png
Janitorial Cart

Местонахождение: Custodial Closet
Используется для: Wetting the Mop and transporting the Garbage Bag, Mop, Space Cleaner, Light Replacer and Signs around.
Стратегия сражения: If you're the Janitor, fill this with your stuff and drag it around while feeling lightweight.


This is the alpha and omega of sanitation. The container inside can be filled with Space Cleaner instead of plain water.

Бак с водой
Water Tank

Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Custodial Closet, Xenobiology, Hydroponics
Используется для: Used to fill something with water
Стратегия сражения: Use a container (syringe, beaker, bottle, bucket) on it to get water.


Starts with 1000 units of water. High-capacity water tanks (Watertank high.png) start with 10000 units of water. These are found in Hydroponics and Atmospherics. You can refill Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguishers with these. All tanks (not just water tanks) be made stationary and plumbing compatible by using metal Metal.png on them.

Бак с топливом
Fuel Tank

Местонахождение: Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Emergency Storage, Maintenance, Engineering, Atmospherics, Mining Station, Mining Dock
Используется для: Refill welding tools with this
Стратегия сражения: DO NOT use a lit welder on this. Or do, if you want boom. Causes minor toxin damage when ingested.


Starts with 1000 units of welding fuel. Use an unlit Welding Tool Welding Tool on it to refill the Welding Tool.

Шкаф для бумаги
Filing Cabinet

Местонахождение: Most areas with 'Office' in its name, Security Posts, Vault, Robotics, Testing Lab, Telecommunications
Используется для: Store papers, folders and photos in these
Стратегия сражения: Store forms (requisition forms and others) and printed forensics scans in these.


The Law Office contains the crew's employment contracts. Drawers (ChestDrawer.png) are a cosmetic variation of the filing cabinet.

Дозатор приправ
Condiment Dispenser

Местонахождение: Kitchen
Используется для: Dispensing condiments
Стратегия сражения: Make a mix of condiments and dispense a packet or bottle of it.


Condiment packets and bottles are used in cooking. Very useful if you need to seperate ingredients or to extract potent chemicals.

Condiments produced: See here for a list of condiments.

Bathroom Equipment


Местонахождение: Medbay, Dormitory, Locker Room
Используется для: Personal grooming
Стратегия сражения: Click it to change your hairstyle.
Only male characters can change their facial hair but any spaceman can attempt to change the hair on their head.


If broken, you can repair it with a welding tool.


Местонахождение: Restrooms and bathrooms: Locker Room, Dormitory, Captain's Quarters, Prison Wing
Используется для: Sanitation, secret storage
Стратегия сражения: Use a container on a toilet to fill it with water. Use a crowbar on it to loudly pry off the cistern lid and store up to 2 items in the cistern.


The HT-451, a torque rotation-based, waste disposal unit for small matter. Prying off the cistern lid with a Crowbar Crowbar will allow you to store up to two small items inside. This will create a loud noise when doing so, so make sure nobody is around when stashing your contraband.