
Материал из SS220 /tg/station13 (Space Station 13)
Версия от 11:43, 22 июля 2022; Xaidi (обсуждение | вклад) (Был переведен раздел "Истории")
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Genus: Squamata Callidus
Homeworld: Тизира
Central Authority: Империя Тизира (Империя Ящеров)
Restricted Job Roles: Руководящие роли
Guides: Нет посторонних гайдов
Spoken Languages: Galactic Common, Draconic

Не путать с маленькими ящерками.

Разумные нелюди нанятые NanoTrasen чтобы заполнить пробелы в их людской рабочей силе. Ящерицам запрещено занимать командные роли на станциях NanoTrasen, и они не защищены законами робототехники Азимова.

Функционально ящеры почти полностью идентичны людям, с точки зрения механики, но им не достает защиты в соответствии с Кремниевыми Законами, и на ящеров, как правило, смотрит свысока большая часть экипажа (большая часть из которого - люди).


Отголоски темного далекого прошлого человечества и их отношение к инопланетным видам прочно укоренились в современном человеческом обществе. Ко всем инопланетным видам, включая людоящеров, в человеческом обществе всегда относились как к гражданам второго сорта.

В 2550 году NanoTrasen вошла в историю, создав и подписав Закон о Равенстве Видов, который проложил путь людоящерам для найма на низкоуровневые должности на борту космических станций NanoTrasen, обычно на должности уборщиков, а также стала первой существующей корпорацией которая подписала подобный акт. Тем не менее в 2554 году поправка к Закону о Равенстве Видов, известная как статья 66, разрешила продвижение и наём людоящеров на большинство должностей доступных на станций.

Это оказалось очень спорной поправкой, которая была встречена с большим неодобрением, несмотря на это, поправка была введена усилиями NanoTrasen. Однако угроза со стороны Объединенного Правительства Земли расторгнуть сверхсекретный контракт с NanoTrasen на добычу плазмы вынудила добавить статью 67, которая запрещала людоящерам брать на себя роль командного уровня за исключением экстремальных обстоятельств. NanoTrasen быстро использовала своих новых сотрудников-ящеролюдов, чтобы восполнить пробелы в своей рабочей силе.

Совершенно секретная Космическая Станция 13 не стала исключением.

Even More Lore

The Lizards hail from Tizira, in the Rizkalon system. A harsh, arid planet, Tizira has shallow seas and limited arable land. Much of the planet's landmass is covered with savannahs and deserts, with rainforests near the equator. In this environment, the cold-blooded lizards thrived. Many of the planet's oldest settlements are near the coasts of the seas, with the drier areas being settled only into the modern era.

Their space empire has come to encompass a number of star systems and settled planets, but outwards expansion was limited by a lack of FTL capabilities- these engines were first discovered by lizardkind a mere decade prior to meeting humanity. This relative backwardsness in technology persists to this day, with lizardkind being distinctly behind their human rivals.

The Lizardpeople first came into contact with humanity around 150 years ago, and became embroiled in a number of wars and skirmishes with both TerraGov itself, and private corporations who encroached into their territory. An uneasy peace has existed for around 50 years. In this peace, a wave of emigration has started from the empire (particularly in the colonies) to human space, in search of new opportunities away from imperial control.

Lizard culture is described as overbearing, and almost oppressive. The population is divided into various castes, which limit social mobility. Additionally, their culture places a heavy emphasis on militarism, leading to a reverence of the armed forces and of the "nobility of waging war". This culture softens as distance to Tizira increases, and many lizards on the frontier with human space are entirely more "human" in their mannerisms.

Lizards in the empire serve a mandatory 5 year tour of duty with the military from their 18th birthday. This becomes a lifelong career for many, as they seek to take advantage of the social mobility advancing in the military brings- many say that the only true meritocracy in lizard society is on the battlefield.

For further lore on lizardpeople, and other aspects of the game, please see the Common Core repository: [1]


Lizardmen names are based on Verbs-The-Nouns, an example being Eats-The-Lemons or Stuns-The-Perp. There are no enforced restrictions on a name a Lizardperson can use (sans standard name rules) meaning you do not have to adhere to the Adjective-The-Nouns system but you should.

Generally Lizardpeople tend to form close knit communities with other Lizardpeople, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Lizardpeople on station but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered following first contact with Humans. The animosity between the species flows both ways, with lizards from the core systems of their Empire generally having a strong hatred of humanity. Those from closer to human space are more likely to be friendly towards humans.

While TerraGov enforces harsh policies against Lizardpeople, and Nanotrasen exploits the unwanted status of Lizardpeople for financial gain, some fringe and even criminal organizations are surprisingly welcoming toward Lizardpeople, whether this is due to them being genuinely progressive or them simply needing anyone of the right skill sets to work for them, the attitude is appricated among the Lizardpeople that work with them and usually ensures a near unbreakable loyalty.

Amusingly Lizardpeople who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also near universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how NT Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personal which thus encourages high loyalty, that and a big pay check.


Lizardpeople are a optional playable race. You can make a lizard character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as skin color, spines and antennae. Lizards attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also tend to hiss when talking(because of their tongue) and are more resistant to heat and less to cold, as they are cold blooded and depend on the ambient temperature for heating and cooling.

Random names for lizardpeople are hypenated. They are generated by taking two names from a gender-specific list of lizard names.

Note that as a lizard, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human, however this also means the AI can allow you to put yourself into harm's way in a positive manner, such as opening an airlock exposed to space to save someone. Also, certain crew members will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown. Centcom also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff appointments. But hey, special snowflake colors!

You can speak in Draconic, a language understood by lizardpeople (as well as silicons and the Curator) by preceding your speech with ,o. To speak on the radio in Draconic, use the radio code first, i.e., "; ,o Hello lizardsss!" You can also set your default language to Draconic with the language button on the HUD. WARNING: Speaking in lizard language around humans has a high chance of making the humans hate you. Even more than usual.